Spells that don't work

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Post by Gumppy »

look, i agree with kgb, i am sick of the nsrealm.com shout in answer to a question or see the wiki. it works sometimes yeah sure. I have been really attacked before for asking a game related question on shout.

Lazy thing is BS the amount of crap on this board is huge why would i wont to wade through garbage with the search engine when i can ask on shout. The lack of information about certain spells durations and things that are completely disabled is pathetic.

Today i asked on shout about greater sanctuary - i got one response eventually and yes i looked before hand on the wiki - u wanna know what it said, ill tell u for all the LAZY ppl .

it gave the normal description of the spell then said something like "this spell has been altered and does not work as described" full stop.

Now who ever put that in the wiki needs to ask em self what a waste of time that was, if u know it dont work like the description that u just typed in how bout you tell us how it does work ???

This is just one example, now yeah there are huge holes in the wiki and boards about spells and yes only 3 ppl are doing it ok. But attacing ppl who cant find info that dosent freaking exist is a joke go and examine yourself your supposed to be a DM.

Do you even know that its this guys 1st ever wizard toon on any server anywhere - or did u not bother to think ??? yeah and send me a tell some time i would be interested in laying yor insta dm toons on the floor like i already have done - not so hard when u get 30+ lvls in 15 minutes hey ??

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Post by kgb »

Well i started the Broken Spell page. Played around with the formatting but not quite right - need to turn them into articles I think so I can get correct number. At the moment it reads 0 articles and is below the table I made for the Broken Spells.

Fricebottle perhaps you can instruct me on how to fix the formatting. I could not see how the page formatting was done on the original spell list page as it is not editable.

Learning slowly :wink:
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Gumppy wrote:Now who ever put that in the wiki needs to ask em self what a waste of time that was, if u know it dont work like the description that u just typed in how bout you tell us how it does work ???

LordVan did most of the spells, our main goal was just to get them all down (theres quite a few you know). Considering it was mainly him and I doing the spells, we couldn't tell all the alterations. I play Halflings, so I couldn't help much. We can't tell you how it does work, because we don't know ourselves. No one does, I swear not even the devs do they've changed so much. They can't remember every little thing. We put notes like that there so if someone does know how it works they can put it in, or people can see that its been nerfed.

kgb wrote:Learning slowly ;)

Slowly but surely :D . So your Broken Spells page is a category from what I read, thats the correct way to go. To put articles in it, go to specific spell pages and put in [[Category: Broken Spells]] at the bottom under the other categories. Whenever an Article is linked to a Category, it is placed under it and that is how you get articles in there. So if you know a spell is broken, just edit in a [[Category: Broken Spells]] to add it into your Broken Spells page.

If you get frustrated I'll be glad to do it for you, just let me know when it gets to be too much a pain in the neck :wink: .

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Post by Kirg »

Gumppy wrote:SNIP

Today i asked on shout about greater sanctuary - i got one response eventually and yes i looked before hand on the wiki - u wanna know what it said, ill tell u for all the LAZY ppl .


This is just one example, now yeah there are huge holes in the wiki and boards about spells and yes only 3 ppl are doing it ok. But attacing ppl who cant find info that dosent freaking exist is a joke go and examine yourself your supposed to be a DM.

Do you even know that its this guys 1st ever wizard toon on any server anywhere - or did u not bother to think ??? yeah and send me a tell some time i would be interested in laying yor insta dm toons on the floor like i already have done - not so hard when u get 30+ lvls in 15 minutes hey ??

Calm down. Rome wasn't built in one day.
Relax, explore and try not to get personal. It's a game after all. Wow, you only got one answer to your question? There were many questions I put onto the air, who didn't get any. Sometimes everybody is just busy, or is chating in party talk, ignoring shouts etc. etc. Just try to take this for what it is. Just a game. Enjoy it and have fun.

Now I understand your frustration about the altered spells and not knowing beforehand if they work, how they work, how long etc. But then I'm glad too, that there are spells who work at all. Sometimes I'm usually surprised casting spells, as I'm used to the original spells. It's a slow learning by doing. Sure, you will die a lot, but eventually you'll have the edge over the mobs and in PVP.

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Post by Celorn »

this is why my first build post-wipe was a TEST cleric build to see what all the changes were to clerics first-hand (and then become a great potion/scroll maker -- war/travel cleric).

I would like to see all spells that are disabled get 'fixed', spells that are currently useless get 'fixed', and some spells that 'should' be scrollable or potionable get enabled, some spell durations that REALLY need to be extended for them to be at all useful, make spell-school focus effect some spells that don't currently and then NO further changes (at least major changes) to any spell beyond that.

I don't want to invest a chunk of my life building something that is gonna be nerfed to a pile of worthless [censored] a week later, and I'm sure everyone would agree.

As for the wiki -- perhaps someone with access could add a few things to the spell template, like a few (binary-style?) fields like:

'''Scrollable''': {{Scrollable}} -- spell can be scrolled? Yes/No/No-But(mob-drops)/Broken (error message)
'''Potionable''': {{Potionable}} -- spell can be bottled? Yes/No/No-But(can be found in drops)
'''Disabled''': {{Disabled}} -- spell is disabled? Yes/No/Broken
'''School focus''': {{SchoolFocus}} -- focusing in the spellschool does: Nothing/Something

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Nice touch with Scrollable, Potionable, etc. but I don't really understand the templates very well myself. I just use em, probably have to get Cluster or someone else to add that stuff in.

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Post by MasterYoda »

I'm wiki illertiate so control undead doesn't work since its considered a mind spell and undead are IMMUNE to mind spells. not sure what the point of this spell is but I'm sure there is a good reason:P
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Amoenotep wrote:yeah....he's a little right :(


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Post by CrazyJ »

Yoda--ALL undead or just FD undead?

Everything FD is immune to mind spells. Really annoying....

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Yes I never understood that, because there is absolutely no logic behind it. Giants are generally dumb creatures, it makes no sense whatsoever that they are immune to mind spells. The only ones I could really see mind-spell immune would be the Efreet.

But lets try and stay on-topic about Spells that don't work.

Continual Flame - Does this work only on slashing or not at all?
Tasha's Hideous Laughter - Self-explanatory, I don't think it has ever worked.
Magic Fang - I believe this was familiars only so its indirectly disabled.
Greater Magic Fang - Exact same reason as Magic Fang.
Mass Blindness/Deafness - This has been disabled for an eternity :? .
Horizikaul's Boom - I'm pretty sure it just doesn't work.

These are the only ones I know :? .

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Post by PeregrineV »

Control undead "works" except all undead are immune to mind-affecting spells. (guess can make that a category too, instead of just an article list)

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Post by CrazyJ »

Awaken --druid spell for companion.

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Post by DeputyDog »

The companion spells will be put to use when we get druid pure class working and they and rangers get a pet once again. Its on the plate and well on tis way to completion. Fighters first though.

As for other spells, yes we need a list, and the only way other then the lvl 20-40s going out and testing and writing them down would be for us to copy past the scripts. There are so many to keep track of it is a daunting task, especially since they get tweaked all the time. Hell about 15 of em are being worked on right now to go in. You probablly saw a couple on the last change log from metis.

I would say, help us out, go test and then post it for a wiki editor to add, or join the wiki team to help out if you have a little spare time.

If you are unsure, then ask one of us and we can look at the code real quick to give exacts.
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Post by Metis »

It is far to time consuming to look up everything and pass it on, I think everyone would rather we dedicate our time to evolving NS4. That being said as new spell changes are made I will list specifics as I did with the couple just done, its not a fix all but should help and as DD said a little time to just test and post is always helpful.
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Post by Codax »

And each Wiki entry for a spell has a discussion page, so maybe documenting any issues found with the spells there would be good.

I will add any I find.

By the way, how are the Druid spells that buff the companions broken if there are no companions? You can't even test them to know one way or the other.

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Post by Nemesis Revised »

yer work on spells has started little by little. do as much as you can to test them fellas
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