Three toons gone :(

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Pk Bait
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Joined: Fri May 05, 2006 6:54 pm
Location: London

Three toons gone :(

Post by the_binary_soul »

** This problem was fixed, seems I accidently created two toons with the same name :( **

I am having some odd problems tonight. I went to delete one toon ( Kalika Thaarmane of the Brethren ) and when I logged in again my mule was gone (devir - mul) the next time I logged I noticed the toon I was deleting in the first place was still there and when I logged her I went right to the last sacrafice screen. When I was booted I logged my cleric (Devir Thaarmane) and played for a bit, then when I tried to log my newest character both she and Devir were gone :(


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