Technical question about connecting

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Technical question about connecting

Post by Batteal »

My husband and I made characters on your world the other night and have been having connection issues. Actually we've had the same trouble with every online world we've tried, but we liked yours enough to try to stick around.

We are able to connect okay in the first place, but then after 5-10 minutes the connection to the server craps out and we're booted. Since this is happening everywhere, but only when we're both on at once, I suspect it's an issue related to the fact that we're on the same network and coming from the same IP address (I assume). Is there something we can tweak as far as port settings or whatever, to get around this so that we can both play?

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Post by Zing »

Please take a look at this page:
Talos - God of Rebellion.

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Post by blay »

What type of setup? Are you behind a router? It's helpfull to have as much info as possible.

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Post by JesterOI »

I can't quite remember, but I think one of them has to change the port their game is using so that when the server sends data to their router the router knows which NWN on their end to send it to.
If they both using same port the router sends info for both of them to both of them thus both of their ends "crap out".
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Post by JesterOI »

Just took a look and from how I understand it the server is sending data for both pc's to the same router ip address with the same port #.
You router then sends this data out over your lan to both pc's with no way of your two pc's of differentiating between which data is for which computer.
So try changing the "Client Port=5121" in the "nwnplayer.ini" on one of the computers to "Client Port=5122"
This way when the server sends the data to your router, the data is tagged into 2 seperate port choices. Then when your router sends this out over your lan to both pc's, your pc's will only pick up on the data ending with the proper port number.
Give it a try and let me know how it works.
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Post by Kromix »

odd ivev never done that and hasent happened to me yet :/ i got 4 computers running nwn in my network... and no crashes

this is my setup and we have any combination of for comp/laps/serv runing NWN at any given time

Code: Select all

                                      |---> Computer
                                      |---> Server
Modem---->Router---->Switch-----------|---> Computer
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