What is "becomes ethereal" on NS4?

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What is "becomes ethereal" on NS4?

Post by Core »

I have witnessed a character named Tuldur Xilo use this ability. He's a level 10 rogue/30 assassin

It just says "becomes ethereal" he's done it in front of me, and my friend and we both said "what is that all about". Wondering what's up with this ability.

Is this an item, a spell, or just something a DM gave a person who donated so he can PK effortlessly all day. Or in my case paralise me for 30 turns (20-30 minutes) and when I'm finally free, then show up 30 seconds later and PK me (waste of time). To me this ability seems like 1 step beyond Improved invisability, where as you can attack and then walk away and still be completely invisable. Note *no drinking of potions or casting of spells* when this occured. Also no HIPS. Anyone else have similar experiences with this character or know where this ability comes from? Not sure if self consealment falls into any of this description but to me I'd like to also "become ethereal" :!: :idea: :!:

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Post by Ragefist »

It's possible that it was a dev or a DM testing out an item or a possible new ability. It'll be ok, you most likely didn't lose any XP, and you got to see something interesting first hand. Take a breath and rejoice that you witnessed a possible future, today.

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Post by lordvan52681 »

you sure it wasn't ghostly visage? Assassins get that for free. Its a class deat.

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Post by Core »

NOpe, wishing i had a screenshot of it right now, didnt say "casting ghostly visage". All it said was "Became Ethereal" and he disapeared like an invisable. Also when I fought with him one time He missed his death attack... I clicked to go attack him rolled initiative... then he disapeared and death attacked me again in the same 5 seconds. He didnt cast a spell or drink a potion.. just walked away went invis and got another death attack off, while i was tring to init combat even. Very spooky thing for an assassin and a bit OP for my taste.

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Post by Yonwe »

Aye, you'll likely see some very strange things happening with a few Assassins for the next couple weeks or so... can't say anything more, but we're working on several prestige classes to figure out ways to make them better, like we did with Shifter. In all likelihood as well, you'll notice some weird things with other PrC's as well... keeps you on your toes if nothing else :wink:

Stay tuned! Lots of good stuff is on the horizon!
~DM Yonwe
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Post by Death Dealer1 »

i want some good stuff....

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Post by Oltho »

Anything new on this front? I am quite intrigued by this idea/thread, and would like to know a lot more about what could be happening... :P

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P. Fricebottle
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Post by P. Fricebottle »

I think I know what it was. The guy was probably using Greater Sanctuary or something. Clickey right here--->http://www.nsrealm.com/ns4wiki/index.php/Greater_Sanctuaryto take a look.

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Post by Oltho »

So are they reinstating GS as a viable spell or will it still be nerfed? Or is this something else altogether?

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

As for nerfs with the spell, I'm still unsure. I'll try and test it out later, but I think in your case he was either spamming scrolls he got from a friend (rogue use magic device) or considering his extremely high assassin levels perhaps its something special DMs added in like they did for a level 30 pale master.

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Post by Netrom.dk »

This was none of these things. Yonwe has allready said it. It was a test for improving/balancing issues. Part of the DM team are currently working on testing different things for the devs.
The server is being used for this to make it as realistic as posible, since we can't get more then 2-4 online on our test servers due to performance or DM schedules. This is minor testing that can be done on the server with to much impact on the players, unlike the stuff the Devs usually work with, since that requires multiple reboots and rebuilds per testing period.

Like Yonwe said, you will see lots of strange stuff in the future that seems misplaced or out of the ordinanry.

oh btw, don't ask for details of what was or is tested, you will see when you need to see it.


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