lost Stats

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Pk Bait
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lost Stats

Post by -Chronepsis- »

My char padril was pvping near halflings on silver road evinshire, I accidently cleaved some halflings and lost my faction towards them, in this process i lost my job status, including my stats and the defender of the pure item. I didnt think halflings had anything to do with losing items if u went hostile in tyhe first place?

Lordshelt gave back my faction, but my stats and item are gone, can someone fro the dev team help me wiht this please, i would like to have my job status replaced if possible.

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Post by Celorn »

This happened to my J'ain as well, and I've never got the job stuff back either :( the dm that fixed my factioning (months ago) couldn't fix the job problem.

But i don't care too much since she's not really a pvp build anyhow, does just fine most of the time as-is, but that extra AB and AC from the +1 dex would be NICE to have back...

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Post by Netrom.dk »

Hmm you should loose your job status if you become outcast from the town where you did the jobs. In that case you will need to start over. Not sure if there is a bug that causes you to loose the job status if you become outcast from another faciton, I will look into that.

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Post by Netrom.dk »

I think I got this fixed now so you will only loose your job status if you get outcast from your own town.

In theory you should be able to get your job status back when you choose the same division again, but only if you have mastered the job.

Pk Bait
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Post by Jain »

This is strange, J'ain has now lost her job token! And when I talk to Peppin, I get no status and cannot take any jobs since it doesn't list any...

Not sure if a DM snagged it, or if I lost it while accidentally KD'ing an NPC by accident (while defending) - that seems to happen to me a lot lately ;P - note that she has not become an enemy of LA.


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