Divine Power prob

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Divine Power prob

Post by Ragefist »

Decided to try divine power out, and it seems to not function correctly. First, I have to take off my gloves to do it, so my str seems to be below 18 so i don't confuse the poor engine, then I don't seem to get the bab increase . . . . anyone else notice this?

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Joined: Tue Feb 24, 2004 10:57 pm

Post by Zhorn »

I'd keep the gloves on. It only raises your STR to 18 if it's below that. It wont get confued if you leave them on. Though having said that you can temporarily hit a really high str if you cast Divine Power, then Bulls, then put on your gloves. But that's possibly a minor exploit.

Divine Power has a short-ish duration (1 rnd/level) so I normally use it extended. Your base attack figure on your character sheet probably doesn;t change but you ADJUSTED attack values sure do, though it won't show the extra attack(s) you gain. You also normally score an extra attack at full AB. Cast it then bash something and scroll back and check out your combat log.

What levels/mix of classes are you?

If you really want to splat stuff (as a Cleric), cast Divine Power then cast Divine Favour (+1 hit/+1 magic damage per 5 levels = +5 to hit/dam at level 15). Divine favour only lasts 10 rounds so memorize a bunch of them. Luckily its a level 1 spell.....

But why stop there???? Extended bless + extended aid + extended Prayer + extended Battletide + Divine power + Divine favour + Darkfire = Dead Stuff everywhere :) $$$$$$


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