Spell Resistance check

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Spell Resistance check

Post by Kadman »

Can pls someone explain me which forumla is applied to SPELL RESISTANCE?

i checked with Mental (17/Cleric,6/WeaponM,10/Rogue) a 32 lvl character his spellresistance when fully buffed is 29, i casted over him 4x Mordenkainen Disjunction.

1st cast lowered his spellres to 19 and removed 5 spells
2nd cast lowered to 9 removed 0 spells
3rd cast he had 0 spell res and i removed 0 SPELLS! (how possible?)
4th cast always 0 spell res and 0 spells removed

Can someone pls explain me well?

Thats all folks,


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Post by Cluster »

Seems to be working as its supposed to. Drops the SR by 10, and strips his magic defenses, which it did the first time you cast it, all 5 of them. If you look at the description it gives you the list of spells it strips off.

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Post by Kadman »

It doesn't, if u look on description of MORD DISJ u'll see that it should work like a greater dispelling+greater spellbreach but it act only like a greater spellbreach with higher cap for DC.

in fact once ive dispelled stoneskin and some other breachable spells the nexts MD do not strip anymore spell.

Should MD works in that way?

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Post by Cluster »

Affected spells include:
Spell Mantles, Globes of Invulnerability, Stoneskins, Premonition, Protection from Elements, Ghostly and Ethereal Visage, Mage Armor, Shadow Shield, and Elemental Shield.

My guess, he had 5 of these, which you removed. If he had others not on that list, then that would be why no more were removed. It removes 6 spells, and the first time you cast it, it only removed 5, so he didnt have anything more to be removed...


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