Trouble with characters being locked out?

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Lost character

Post by klummis »

Account: klummis
Character: Grimshaw Skullchucker

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Lost character

Post by klummis »

Didn't get the rest of this in:

Lost on Server 1, in Ragnar's Kin the Smithy.

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Post by Kromix »

account: KST_KROMIX
CHAR: (**kSt**) Kromix (**kSt**)

location: outside NS aroound silver road, server 4... i think ^_^

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Post by Tritium »

Hey there,

login: Tritium3.016
char: Yoshida McDougal

last seen, one map north of Old North Town (?) headed for the yuanti. I believe I portalled at some point, then I killed some lizards and tried to transition to the next screen. Nothing happened, I decided the server had crashed, logged out, tried to come back and got the two option cycle of oblivion.

I've been slowly building up Yoshida McDougal the Sino-Scottish monk, its been a long hard slog. He is now an accomplished fister (and a proponent of the open hand method) looking forward to mastering the quivering palm technique. He was starting to get quite *ahem* handy. Please rescue him.
Thank you,

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Post by Ezer »

Account: Retraseal
Affected Character: Verthandi
Last Location: Black Hills, somewhere near the exit to avendell.

Attempting to log in puts you in the infinite enter/disconnect menu loop.

Andy Goodleaf
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Post by Andy Goodleaf »

I too am lost in the Black Hills, please help Deity's of NS4
save me from this endless transition.

Harto Halendon of the Mystral Ascendcy

P.S: Deity's could you also remove these characters:
Merum Underless of The Circle
Nellia Fryar of the Ancient Ones

player name Andy Goodleaf

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Post by Greendragon »

Account: Badgeraxe Greendragon
Character: Greendragon, Level 12 Fighter/Dwarven Defender
Location: Lower Dwarven Stronghold...I think
Activity: I had just sold some loot and quit for the day (June 9) and
could not get on the following morning (June 10)
I tried all 4 servers and none of them will work
Last edited by Greendragon on Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:13 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Character can't login to any server

Post by Kadman »

Hi guys,

i'm locked somewhere in Black Hills, can't login on any server and all server are up and running.

Char name is: "SILAUS KADMAN"
Account is: "KADMAN"

pls unlock my char in any way.


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Post by starrchild »

account name: starrchild
character name: Etsumi Manaka - lvl 11 monk, NC faction.
location: Sleeth Foothills. I had fought some hobgoblins, and was picking up the loot. My comp froze at that moment.

I've tried all the up servers, but my char' is lost in limbo :cry:
Can you help find her? I *really* don't want to lose her.


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Post by MirrorMamels »

Same bug as everyone i cant enter in game with my char

account name is MirrorMamels

Character: Genar Lagmalvard in black hill cave
Grand Brown in avendell smilthy
Nelie Dian in ogre pass

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Post by Uber_Hoser »

Account: Jackal_Lynn
Characters affected:
Grace StoneMender
Gotrek TrollSlayer
Mule #1

All are in the RK Smith Shop.
I was in the middle of transferring gear from Grace to the Mule when it happened last night. I signed off as Grace, and could not sign on as Mule. I then tried as Grace, no joy. Then tried as Gotrek.. no joy.
Gotrek TrollSlayer - RK Barbarian/Fighter/Weapon Master
Grace StoneMender - RK Cleric - OUTCAST
Bun Bun - NS Fighter/Wizard


Max Power
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Post by Max Power »

Account: Lord Striker
Charcters: Max Power of Clan Freakery at RK stronghold
Barney Gumble at Neversummer city
I got my name from a hair dryer.

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Post by Bob »

[edit: still having problems with the "killed then respawned" solution]

[yet another edit: all taken care of, much thanks to the DM who fixed me up! Remember to REST or save with the book after you get out of black screen hell!]
Last edited by Bob on Thu Jun 10, 2004 8:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Character Lockout

Post by Levan75 »

Account: Levan75

Characters: Mero Merrannin
Cond Sennes

Mero was in the RK: Headquaters - logged out normally
Cond - no idea where he was..

It was noted at the time that every area transition I went through appeared to be a Server Portal, but would just portal u back to the same server and into the new area, it sometimes also refreshed my spells and always caused me to need to rejoin my party. Mero had also logged into Server 3 when it was up briefly, and quickly discovered it was an isolated server, in that the Windale and Beryn portals to Server 1 didnt work. Server 3 has gone back down now, hope this helps rectify the probs.

Good luck fixing this Devs.. Meanwhile I have a nasty new char in the MA

Axiom Funkcronomicon
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Post by Axiom Funkcronomicon »

Yes I noticed that. The entrance to the Slave Pits was never a portal (server change) entrance before as far as I can remember, but when my character got there from the place where he spawns when first created in AO, the entrance was definitely a server change attempt. I can't remember if the few entrances required to get to that point were server changes aswell though.


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