I need help with my monk

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I need help with my monk

Post by mumoogaipan »

I just got my monk to level 16. I have the hands of the master and i am looking for the robes from the shadow legion or the accountants robes. However, i am more dismayed about the lack of options of increasing the AB of a monk. I am a dex monk and my dex bonus is +7. My attack bonus with all the gear i have on is 23/20/17/14. My question is wether or not there is a build that can help to increase this sad score for attack bonuses? Or should i just wait my character out until it is able to become epic? If i wait to become epic what should i do in order to make the character good in the epic level phase of the game.

p.s. i am planning on going pure monk but any class combination would help me out thanks in advance

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Post by Qui »

u need to take 5-6 lvls of fighter in there, thatl get u weapon spec, take weapon focus and itll help a ton.
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Post by BaconStrip »

Well, you got a decent Dex, so I would use a kama and take the weapon finesse feat. It would give you an immediate +7 to attack, combine with the fact that you can duel wield kamas and still use fury of blows power, you get the idea....

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Post by Thanos »

Qui wrote:u need to take 5-6 lvls of fighter in there, thatl get u weapon spec, take weapon focus and itll help a ton.

Why does almost every class have to multiclass to be good?

Thats one of the problems with this PW. Everyone has to multiclass except mages/druids/clerics.

I have a monk at level 14 and my biggest problem is the lack of + to hit on monk gloves. Ya the level 16 master gloves have +3 but thats the only pair in the game I have seen. You actually have a decent attack compared to my monk. My attack is around 15 or something. I made a well balanced stats monk and he sorta sucks :) I took circle kick and it ended up being more of a pain then worth it. Weapon master prc would probably add a lot to attacks.

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Post by bobplaz »

Wait until you hit a level where you are guarenteed a feat no matter what class you take (I think it's every 3), and take a wizard level and pick extend spell, then i think at lvl 2 wizard you get extended true strike, quite nice.
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Post by AlienOverlord »

Weapon finese works for unarmed, so don't give up your d20 for a d6. Four levels of fighter right now would give you 1 extra bab by level 20 and that would also mean 1 extra attack per round. You'd have 6 base attacks per round instead of 5. I'm making a monk/fighter/wm (kama) that will have 10 attacks per round by level 20 :shock: (7 base + 2 from improv dual wield kamas + 1 fury of blows) To make the most of hose attacks I have high str and his ac really sucks :lol: Currently at level 8 he has 5 attacks per round but his ac is 17. The same char could be made as a dex finese fighter and would probably be more playable but I went for the crazy go for the kill in 1 round or die trying :lol:

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Post by Knightwing4 »

or you could get some cleric lvls, divine power does wonders

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Post by Bob »

Thanos wrote: Weapon master prc would probably add a lot to attacks.

Unfortunately, unarmed strike isn't considered a "melee weapon" that qualifies for you for WM.

Why, I don't know. Anyone more familiar with PnP know if there is a similar PRC for monks?

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Post by IcemanXV »

Bob wrote:
Thanos wrote: Weapon master prc would probably add a lot to attacks.

Unfortunately, unarmed strike isn't considered a "melee weapon" that qualifies for you for WM.

Why, I don't know. Anyone more familiar with PnP know if there is a similar PRC for monks?

Weapon Master does not exist in PnP. He is a mix of exotic weapon master and Kensai. Kensai make weapon bonds and imbue their weapons with bonuses for XP cost equal to the cost of the mod they put on it (as well as a kensai lvl prereq). Exotic weapon master is only 3 levels long and allows you to pick 3 weapon "stunts". All this does is allow you to pick specific attack skills such as great sunder, etc.

The kensai Could not imbue their fists. It had to be a focus in a specific handheld melee weapon. (fists do not count) Exotic Weaponmasters needed to focus into a specific exotic weapon. Technically fists are not either a martial, simple, or exotic weapon. This is why they cannot be a weapon of choice.

The closest PrC for monks would be drunken master. As far as I know they get the BAB of a fighter, and are allowed some amazing AC feats.

There is also the brawler, who gets good BAB and damage enhancements (and some to attack bonus), although this PrC was generally for pure fighters who focus in fist fighting. It also says this PrC was made for campaigns that did not involve too much Damage reduction/soak, for enhancement lack.

Unfortunately, NWN left monks out of the loop.

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drunken master!!!!

Post by Celorn »

Damn.. I bet you could script that in somehow -- use the 'i'm poisoned' emote when idle, and have the monk facing away from the current opponent etc..lol i would -love- to play that kind of monk! (Great fun in X-box's Dead or Alive 3)

Come to think of it, you could probably script it locally (visual only) like that battle moves animation pack.



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