Missile Spell visuals remaining until reset/log out

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Missile Spell visuals remaining until reset/log out

Post by Rowsdower »

I have two tiefling casters and both have experienced the same issue.

When they cast a missile type spell, magic missile or Isaac's Greater/Lesser Missile, a visual effect remains. The effect is a series of concentric, pulsing, circles facing forward from the toon. The planes of the circles are parallel to the front of the toon. DM - Ethos- (Hanseath) was on and stated he could see nothing. So I am not sure if it is something on my PC or something else.

I have never seen this on my old PC.

Any ideas?

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Re: Missile Spell visuals remaining until reset/log out

Post by Rufio »

Sounds like an issue on your end. Have you tried to replicate the issue in single player? I can't say that I know why this is happening though.
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Re: Missile Spell visuals remaining until reset/log out

Post by Lokey »

Screen cap. SR applicable effect is subtler than that, but it's some kind of effect that isn't timing out right. Do you have a visualeffects.2da or replacement for visual effects file? (NWNCX does have module for this, but we don't use them.)
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.


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