NC job is frustrating

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NC job is frustrating

Post by rapidshot »

i knew there were some bugs on the NC jobs.
DM_Sultan wrote:Heads up, NC players. The NC jobs has a bug. You need to do the Vigilant job first and then the Border Patrol job. If you do it the other way around, you will loose your first job token.

We are looking at fixing this, but not until we get all jobs in for all factions.

after the frist toon having bug on the job,i new a second NC toon,and did the job carefully at order;

followed the job's lvl(Vigilant),from lv1 to lvl 4,and mastered the Job:Vigilant.

At changing to Border Patrol,i found i lost the Holy Symbol of the Coalition,though the Job's bouns still on.

with the hoping to get the symbol back after mastered Border Patrol job ,i found it frustrating that the Holy Symbol of the Coalition wont be given back.



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Re: NC job is frustrating

Post by DM-Mac- »

Cant say I know your pain, every NC toon I have ever leveled had no issues. Though a RK one did have issue.

Talk to a DM in game and its a simple fix.
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