Evil Domain

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Pk Bait
Posts: 54
Joined: Tue May 24, 2005 2:20 pm

Evil Domain

Post by MtainEer »

Taking Evil as one of your cleric domains does not give any additional stats to your Balor, thou the wiki says it does.

All Planar Summons
Receive the following bonuses: ## An AB, AC, strength, dexterity, and constitution increase equal to the sum of the following: ## + 3 if the caster is a planar race...
## + 2 if caster is a good-aligned Cleric with the Good Domain, or is an evil-aligned Cleric with the Evil Domain. This does not apply to Dragon Knight summons

Almost Heaven, WV

DM ~Etho~
Drinking and DMing
Posts: 101
Joined: Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:08 pm

Re: Evil Domain

Post by DM ~Etho~ »

You are correct, it does not give a bonus to your balor. Because balor is a form of Dragon Knight.
This does not apply to Dragon Knight summons
Hanseath ~The Bearded One~
Dwarven god of War, Carousing, and Alcohol


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