Hello everyone, I'm Blake. It's been several years since I last played NWN, and I'm going to start playing NWN again very soon. A few servers stood out to me, but this one is at the top of my list, I like the freedom of the server, I don't like to be restricted to just RP and doing quests all day. I have a few questions on how to get started, do I require any expansions or hak packs? Also, where's the best place to purchase NWN(with expansions if need be, or if they just simply improve the gameplay)? Any drastic changes?
I'm either going for a Wizard or Monk build, some tips would be nice since it's been so long since I last played
The expansions are pretty much required everywhere mp or for the better sp modules. http://www.gog.com/gamecard/neverwinter ... nd_edition for $10 (should be ok within WINE, you'll need to pester them for mp cdkey and patch through bioware). In game server browser is kaput without work (nwncx).
Either NS is massive changes from stock game, others can link the probably best to start with one of these threads.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.
Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.
Do not expect to be happy with your first character (toon). Having a thousand options in builds, comes with a a bit of a learning curve. But will provide you with new frontiers in character building for years to come.
If a mage is the way you want to start, then research the NS4 wiki a lil bout them and check out the crafting section. Make sure the build your going to start with can become a Master Artisan in Arcane crafting. This way once you get to the low 30's (levels), and you realize the mistakes made, your toon can become a crafter. Having your own arcane crafter will serve all the toons you will build in the days to come. And your feel better about the time you put into your first, yet flawed toon.
A cleric build can also be a great first toon, the cleric spells help fill all the gaps in gear a new player has. In addition, the cleric can later be used to scibe scrolls (raise dead[which can be used by nearly any toon level 9 or more], etc). Or brew potions of cures, heals, bulls strenth, etc.
With either option, your first toon will not end up deleted or forgoten about. Enjoy the trip, its half the fun.
I have a couple decent builds, I just don't know if they will work here or not, or if there has been any changes on this server to the classes. I was going to start off with a level 40 wizard(basics) or a Monk with dual kamas, 22 monk, 12 cleric, and 6 champ of torm. These are old though, some input and telling me some of the server changes on classes would be appreciated
Sage wrote:What is the PvP like on this server? I'm a PvP nut, and enjoy a nice killing spree. Obviously you want to be respectful, but what are the guidelines?
Thanks for the tips shadow, I have a lot to pick up on and the wiki will make it a lot easier