Problems with dual account

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Problems with dual account

Post by Heeza »

I have two accounts. I bought NWN Diamond many years ago. Since Bioware (and/or whoever else monitors the game) is no longer supporting it I decided to get some random generated key codes so my son and I could play together. We've played on Lan games with no problems, but when we try to log into the Neversummer 4 site we get booted. Is this something that can be fixed on your end? The accounts are JerryS26 and Slappy03

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Re: Problems with dual account

Post by Rufio »

I think you'll need a legitimate CD key.

You can still purchase nwn diamond here: ... nd_edition

Note that you need to request a multiplayer CD key to play online. You can do that by following these directions: ... ts_diamond

Fortunately, being an online download, you don't have to wait for it to come in the mail, unfortunately, you have to wait for them to respond to your CD key request, but that probably shouldn't take more than 24 hours depending on what time of day they respond to that stuff.

(side note: nwn2 complete is on sale for $15 this week from
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Re: Problems with dual account

Post by Korr »

The "Booted" comes from not doing a "/disablesecurity" on those characters.
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Re: Problems with dual account

Post by Amoenotep »

we can not condone circumventing copyright laws using keygens and what not....not one these boards please.
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