Log in issue

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Relic Raider
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Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:55 pm

Log in issue

Post by Shadowalker »

When i treid to log in "Twigs -Fury-" I first got the usasal pop up.. and I hit 4 to enter realm. Then I get the following:

"Welcome to Neversummer 4, there was a problem portalling your character to a certain location. The most common reason for this is that there was a problem moving your charachter to the opening area, which is easily fixed by a DM."

I then had two options 1) enter server (when tried the same pop up returned over n over)
2) dissconect (when selected it says you have been booted)

login: _The_Shadowalker_

thank you for any help.
Twig (TSS) - Twig [CLAD] - Twigs -Fury- - SyNfully Rotted Twig - Twig'lee -Down Under- - Twig'zilla

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Re: Log in issue

Post by Amoenotep »

catch a dm in game and see if they can jerk your char around a bit to try and kick it in
Mask, Lord of the Shadows
Gruumsh, One-Eye

Relic Raider
Posts: 820
Joined: Thu Jan 15, 2009 7:55 pm

Re: Log in issue

Post by Shadowalker »

All fixed... thank you all. :D
Twig (TSS) - Twig [CLAD] - Twigs -Fury- - SyNfully Rotted Twig - Twig'lee -Down Under- - Twig'zilla

Fergus Glonshire [FoN] - Sakij Lovac [FoN] - Zatharus Rivermoon (TSS) - Bumble (TSS) - Body built for SyN


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