Problem with PM AC

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Aurin the Masterful
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Problem with PM AC

Post by Aurin the Masterful »

I'm kind of new to the server but i know about the nerf to the PM's from +2 ac down to +1 ac. My problem is my ac went down 2 points when I lvled. I was lvl 26 had 59 ac. When I lvled I took the Armor Skin feat, and add 1 point to tumble bringing it to a total of 15 so my AC should in theory bring my armor up to 62. Instead it went down to 57. :cry: I had all the same gear and buffs.
Oh and another note is I'm an Earth Genasi a waste if you ask me the ac is nautural and doesn't stack with ammy and the dr you can find on items so not worth the ecl of 2. But thats off topic.
So this Toon is pretty much a right off. I just thought i should let you guys know about it, to see if it has anything to do with the nerf.

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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Alkapwn »

Earth Genasi gets +7 natural and -15/+8 dr at 40. not a waste at all
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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Daltian »

Max AC you can get on amulet is 5, so it will still give you 2 ac on level 40 which is not bad at all.

There are no items on this server that give damage reduction, so Earth Genasi DR is more then worth it.

Edit: Forgot to mention +2 to fortitude saves too, which is huge.

Aurin the Masterful
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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Aurin the Masterful »

Alkapwn wrote:Earth Genasi gets +7 natural and -15/+8 dr at 40. not a waste at all
Ah the wiki says "At Level 40, 7 Natural AC, +8/10 DR" and it seems you can find armor and shields at lvl 20 or 25 with dr of 10 vs slashing,piercing or blunt weapons just swap shield for different enemies.
The +2 ac doesnt hold up to the +4 you get from Githzerai and i know its a ELC of 3 instead of 2.
Well this is all really off topic though.

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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Daral0085 »

It's a bit tricky, but items actually have damage resistance. Earth Genasi has damage reduction. These two effects stack with each other.
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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Rufio »

it's all about the stacking. Love me some earth gen dr.
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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Alkapwn »

Daltian wrote: There are no items on this server that give damage reduction, so Earth Genasi DR is more then worth it.
besides armor ,shields and some weapons :oops:
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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by LinuxPup »

Aurin, I'll need to take a look at your character. I logged in but you weren't on, so maybe later
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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Rufio »

Alkapwn wrote:
Daltian wrote: There are no items on this server that give damage reduction, so Earth Genasi DR is more then worth it.
besides armor ,shields and some weapons :oops:
That is damage resistance and immunity, not damage reduction.
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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Ryddwillow »

I have a lvl 33 pm and I suffer cause of bolg and what he did to AO and RK. He made a dex pm and the world didnt think about it.(me Too). Good idea, but when friends of AO or RK (MD) could not defeat you then this build and all the others lost. Hey, I saw, good job. I built my lvl 33 pm to get the npc tank (STR) and saw it sucked cause I cannot hit a barn door nor a human being or anything that walks like it, and see my ac go to my pure fighter lvls. Wow, you guys up in the balconies need to make a real toon and suffer like us. And 1 of you say you have more exp then me, then bring it. I am sure I can gather a few whelps to pk your [censored] into sorry land and it it is tough.

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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Korr »

Im no ex-MD or an AO/RK player, but I still beat the crap outa Bolg consistently even when he had epic dodge. When you pull out the melee basis I went on a pretty good ratio vs him with a nerfed pure wizard. In fact Bolg wasnt far from a 1 trick pony, and Willow you never even made it that far from what I ever saw.
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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Ryddwillow »

A good mage can defeat the best pm ever, A pm is built for melee that is why they sacrificed their talents. Heck my lvl 40 druid could beat the best pm ever. PM was built on AC and now the ac is gone, why build one, seriously. You do not seeing the DD losing con bonus or the RDD losing str. Or the assassin losing an death attack, or a pally losing a smite evil. Just a joke, I could pk all these players and not one of you who complained could not? Make the AA better, wow, Good builds there for monk classes in kingdom. Need to rethink before you think about changes and where the complaint is coming from. :shock:

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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Korr »

Ryddwillow wrote:A good mage can defeat the best pm ever, A pm is built for melee that is why they sacrificed their talents. Heck my lvl 40 druid could beat the best pm ever. PM was built on AC and now the ac is gone, why build one, seriously. You do not seeing the DD losing con bonus or the RDD losing str. Or the assassin losing an death attack, or a pally losing a smite evil. Just a joke, I could pk all these players and not one of you who complained could not? Make the AA better, wow, Good builds there for monk classes in kingdom. Need to rethink before you think about changes and where the complaint is coming from. :shock:
I (somewhat sadly) agree a good mage should beat a PM every time, because the focuses are different. On the other hand, DDs only got con boosts from defensive stance. RDDs only received str bonuses in levels 1-10, if they got 2 str every other level you would have seen a reduction guarunteed. The only reason an assassin didnt lose a death attack is its hard-coded (the comment about the fact it is hard coded leads one to believe that atleast). Why single out the AA? They made lots of things better than the standard... blame those builds too, like the PM which is better than the standard!
Amoenotep wrote:korr is the greatest :(


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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by burrahobbit »

Korr wrote:Im no ex-MD or an AO/RK player, but I still beat the crap outa Bolg consistently even when he had epic dodge. When you pull out the melee basis I went on a pretty good ratio vs him with a nerfed pure wizard. In fact Bolg wasnt far from a 1 trick pony, and Willow you never even made it that far from what I ever saw.
No you didnt. First of all, its an SD fighting a non spotter, i would hope you would win. Bendover would kill Bolg after about 10 minutes but i ate your mage and anything else you threw at him short of ben. I stood still next to the summon hoping for a kd and waiting for my demise during last man standing events.

Bolg isnt even that great of a build, what makes bolg tough was the ability to run around with no shield casting and countering. Counter spell is what made bolg. Counter spell in my opinion is broken anyway.

Your a good player, i am sure you would have figured out the mage vs pm tactics but i didnt give you the chance. B4 the TD event we fought 3 times in the arena and you never scored a single win.
Amoenotep wrote:aaahahahah..burra is dumb! :lol: :lol: :lol:

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Re: Problem with PM AC

Post by Amoenotep »

hellball counters counterspell :)
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