Aiea's Tale

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Aiea's Tale

Post by Cahaal »

Aiea was on her way home from a trading station near her halfling community nestled in a serene and fertile valley. The season had been good and the human ran trading station enjoyed the halfling products she had brought. Her family would be happy to see that they would have 2 new goats and new tools. As Aiea strolled along her favorite route home she absently fiddled with her new baubles and trinkets. Her mother would disapprove of them and pass them as kid's toys not meant for a young woman. Aiea didn't care she loved being carefree.

As Aiea approach a large Aspen the goats began to get restless and cryout. She tried to comfort them, but they were spooked by something. Not wanting to lose them, she dropped her packages and quickly tied the goats to the Aspen. It was then that she heard it! Cries and shouting echoing from the valley below pierced her ears. Thick smoke was rising from the community. As fast as her legs could carry her, Aiea ran to the villiage dreading what lay ahead. She passed a large boulder that marked the outer most boundary of the villiage and saw an unbelievable sight. Ogres and Giants from the mountians were smashing everything. Her thoughts went to her family and Aiea knew she had to get home.

Slowly Aiea picked her way throught the brush as she skirted the border making her way to her home. As quietly as a gentle spring breeze she moved toward the backdoor. She crept inside and saw that the mayhem had not yet reached this side of the villiage. Her mother ran in throught he front door, saw Aiea and shouted for her to get her sister and run and hide in the brush. Aiea grabbed Lilly and headed for the back door.


The front door almost came off it's hinges as Aiea's father and brother burst through. Behind them Aiea saw 3 ogres. Instintively she ran with Lilly toward the fields to hide. The last sound she heard was her father's screams.

Aiea and Lilly stayed in the brush for what seemed like days. Several times ogres or giants passed within feet of thier hidding place. They had not been spotted. It was difficult to keep Lilly quiet and Aiea's own sobs had almost given them away. The ogres and giants raided fields and storage barns eating and drinking everything. As the moon rose low in the sky Aiea realized that it was not going to be safe here, but they needed things in order to make it to the trading post. Aiea and Lilly crept back toward the house. Lily stayed hidden within sight of the house as Aiea went in and retrieved some things from the dark house. She crawled in the window to her room so she could avoid the main living area. As just as quietly and quickly as she had entered she was gone.

Now orphans, Aiea and Lilly headed toward the closest populated area. The port city of Cahaal lies in the mouth of a river delta to the ocean. They survived as best they could. Halflings weren't liked there and so they disquised themselves to pass as human children. They realized their "Talents" and "Uniqueness" enabled them to find the things they needed to survive. On a particularly cold night, Lilly had caught a fever. Aiea knew they needed a warm place with food to sleep that night but did not have enough money for a room. Instead her "Talent" led them to a linen closet just off a pantry in a local temple. After feeding Lilly, Aiea and Lilly fell asleep.


Luckily the maid was a pleasant older woman. She took Lilly to the clerics where she was treated. The girls were offered room and board in return for service in the Temple of The Morning Lord. They worked there for several weeks when the old maid told Aiea that her cousin had offered for them to stay out on thier farm. Tired of the city, Aiea and Lilly head back to the country where they were welcomed as members of the family.

It didn't take long before Aiea had fallen in with a bad group. Aiea had a natural, or unnatural, ability to stay hidden. She felt drawn to the misfit group that appreciated her "Talent".
Aiea the Chaos
Blood Orchid
Ange au Demon


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Post by Cahaal »

The misfits were really just a bunch of bandit teens preying on the Fat Merchants that travelled the country roads. Aiea was learning how to perform the ambushes from the a safe location. Then she was given a task to rob a merchant returning from the city. She was hidding in the bushes when she heard the creak of wagon wheels and the plodding of unshod hooves pounding the path. She ran through the plan once more as she readied herself to jump on the wagon. "Just 2 more feet," she though. She sprang! A blinding flash of light burst from the sky. Thunder cracked around her making her deaf. She felt light and faint..................

Aiea found herself on a hard marble floor. Dazed......groggy.......VOICES!
Aiea listened carefully....Had she been captured?....Was she in jail?
Aiea listened carefully and realized it was neither. She stood up and let out a loud bellow to quiet the people who were arguing over her. She listened as they explained to her what had happened and how she was now in a land called Aetheria. As her she listened she made a choice to join the Last Alliance that were friends with the native halflings.

Aiea joined the City Guard and was immediately put on messenger escort duty. Aiea quickly became proficient at dispatching the vermin in the undergound tunnels to the south wall fortification. Unfortunately, many of her messengers did not follower her directions and were overcome by the swarms and died. Aiea new that she would make a much better messenger and would not need the escort. Guards could be freed to protect the city while she carried the messages. With this she asked Lord Pepin to be reassigned.

On her first assignment she met Bloodstone, another messenger and part of The Horsemen of Neversummer. His assigment was to train her and superviser her advancement. They quickly became friends and travelled all over Alliance territory with messages. Aiea's chaotic nature and lack of respect for structure led to her and Bloodstone being assigned a secret mission. They were to determine the cause of the recent increase in orc activity near the south road. While searching the Forgotten Mines for clues, Aiea and Bloodstone were attacked by 3 Death Dealers from the Shadow Legion. Aiea and Bloodstone were nearly overcome by the Death Dealers. Somehow they had survived and 3 DD's lie dead at thier feet. They realized the gravity of the situation and bandaged their wounds and headed for NS city with this news. As they exited the mines, Aiea and Bloodstone were ambushed by DD's. With much difficulty Aiea and Bloodstone bested them and headed back to Alliance territory.

Because of her bravery and courage, Aiea was accepted as the first Horsewoman of Neversummer!
Aiea the Chaos
Blood Orchid
Ange au Demon


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Post by Cahaal »

I love scouting duty. Especially if it is with Bloodstone. On this particular day, we found ourselves wandering near Haddon Mirk looking for areas of interest. It had been a long couple of days while we crossed the Drow patrolled areas south of NS City to reach the Mirk. Working slowly and quietly, we covered our tracks to leave no sign of our passing. Haddon Mirk seemed pleasant enough when we got there. The sun was beaming and a slow breeze fluttered my pink hair. I had convinced Bloodstone to stop by the stream to take a break. That white hair and tanned skin could do with a good washing. I was setting down my pack when a low growl broke through the pleasantness of the moment. The air crackled with magical engery! I turned to find two wolves and a worg just feet from Bloodstone. They attacked and he stood there, frozen! I rushed in and caught one of the wolves off guard sending him to the ground. I had to get them away from Bloodstone! As I slowly worked them away from him, I noticed that he was bleeding from several deep bites and gouges. I abandoned the fight to heal him. Hit from behind by the powerful force of the worg, I fell to the ground. I was paralyzed and helpless. Bloodstone had become free and was taking up the fight. It was too late for me though as the wolf clamped down on my throat.....Darkness.

I awoke with a stiffness in my neck as water dripped to my lips. Bloodstone was holding me semi-upright as he wetted my lips from water in his hand. I was still disoriented and was all a blur. I slipped back to sleep. Over the next several days he nursed me back to health. Taking care of me is a full time job and I didn't make it easy for him. My pack had become lost in the stream during the fight and now we only had one bedroll. I made him sleep on the other side of the small fire we kept at night. That last night was terribly cold and so I invited him to share the bedroll. He was a perfect gentleman! The trip back to NS City was much different.....I knew that he would always be at my side protecting me and that if it meant his life he would give it. I also knew that I could never allow him to do that.....He means too much to me .......
Aiea the Chaos
Blood Orchid
Ange au Demon



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