Bagdush Guhla: The Story Part One

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Neo Dvorak
Posts: 5
Joined: Sat Mar 19, 2005 12:58 am

Bagdush Guhla: The Story Part One

Post by Neo Dvorak »

OOC PREFACE: Bagdush Guhla (Bag-doosh Gull-ah) is a NS 4 character I have recently created for the purpose of adding a story to the world. I will be playing her as well as writing her story. These will both go hand in hand and reflect any events Bagdush encounters in-game. That means, anyone who meets Bagdush in NS 4 will be encountered in a Roleplay Fashion, and may very well become part of this story.

Information on Our Lead Character: Bagdush Guhla is a female Half-Ogre who, tragically, was sucked into the NS 4 world while scrounging up food for her tribe. The poor unsuspecting Half-Ogre, naive as she is, now must deal with this Intense World. Though it probably never crossed her mind, she will be on a journey to make it home.

Bagdush is quite a young Half-Ogre, who unfortunately was the byproduct of strange wild magic - not the normal Human/Ogre romance. The Grand Wizard Shelgarnin, was conducting research on conjuring multiple beasts of different kinds in one ceremony. To his surprise, instead of summoning a human and an Ogre seperately, he ended up bringing this mixed breed into the world. Half-Ogre's were non-existant in Shelgarnin's realm, therefore it gone to the brilliant wizard's head. He congradulated himself in creating the ultimate slave for hard work. The Half-Ogre had the strength and endurance of an Ogre, worthy of tough menial work, but also lacked the brute rebel "un-obediant" attitude all Ogres possess.

Shelgarnin first considered this new creature his slave, but soon fatherly love would overcome him. This Half-Ogre was more innocent and delightful than Shelgarnin would have estimated. She would constantly play, take interest in learning from Shelgarnin, as well as call Shelgarnin "dad" instead of master. So instead of enslaving her, Shelgarnin took her as a daughter, but knew that he would not be able to commit to her, being a wizard and all.

Shelgarnin was able to convince a clan of Barbarian Humans to Take in the young Half-Ogre. They agreed and gave her a name "Bagdush Guhla" which translates into "The invited Daughter". Bagdush easily became a part of this clan, and is raised by the head shaman Runa Duhla (Roo-nah Duh-lah) which means "A Daughter of Wisdom".

OOC - Part Two will be written after I have played a bit of Bagdush. Until I want to know peoples' opinions on whether or not this is good idea (roleplaying a character in game - then writing out the story here). I figure its better than just creating a backstory.


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