Sentinel Duty

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Absentee Ballot Dev
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Joined: Wed Oct 14, 2009 5:09 am

Sentinel Duty

Post by mining »

Rozsudek slowly trudged along the walls of Daeron. He had seen no invading forces, no horde of dwarves, no drow assassins attempting to sneak past his watchful eye. He and his comrades Ezekiel, Raijin and Pepe were consigned to guarding the high walls of Daeron, and Ricky Bobby, the glorious raider, consigned to messenger duty. Aye, drawing straws was 'fair', but none of them would've put it past that tricksy Dr. Mcninja to pull the longest straw 'accidentally' for the past few relic defenses and raids.

Ah, but unlike his comrades, Rozsudek was permitted to take a days leave, and fight on the front lines. Torm's wrath rained down on the forces of darkness, his benevolence providing aid and healing to the noble forces of the Coalition, and the light hearted folk of The Circle.

Hearing from Dr. Mcninja (tricksy bugger he is) that Tsavong of Bane had been sighted with the Ancient One's relic in the Ancient Road, Rozsudek muttered a quick invocation and sprinted off in that direction, accompanied by fellow force of law, Evangelus. Upon arriving, a dark fighter of the Ancient One's was pursuing the foul servant of Bane, hasted by his master's cruel wishes. A quick prayer to Torm, and the situation was rectified, and he slowed enough to be slain by Evangelus. Disaster! The dark warrior picked up the relic, and Rozsudek frantically prayed to Torm to stop this fighter in his tracks. Success. Grabbing the relic, another quick invocation later, and Rozsudek was well on his way to the Northern Coalition.

After rejuvenating the power of the Northern Coalition's binding with the Rift, Rozsudek and the other defenders of Daeron permitted Tzitzi of The Circle to whisk the precious cargo to The Circle.

It was certain that The Circle had the strongest ties to the rift, now. The Coalition rejoiced, strengthened in its allies strength.

While those warriors of the north and the circle who saw little or no action in the warfare may not be recorded in the annals of Aetheria's history of warfare, they will be remembered for their valiant assistance in arming the troops and defending the walls against potential war.
Bargeld wrote:Overall, I think most would agree that a pure rogue is probably the worst build on the server.


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