Loyalty Lost

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Joined: Tue Sep 09, 2003 7:30 am
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Loyalty Lost

Post by Aldanius »

Arlinandre Draveal, kneeling over the corpse of a recently fallen human, cleaned the blood off her morningstar. She soon stood, brushing her locks of white hair from her dark face, as the human uttered his finals words...
"Flithy cunt," the human proclaimed.
"The rivvel insults me even in the face of death, when I am the only one who can help him. Such foolishness, he should beg for his life," she thought to herself.
Menzoduran had seen it's fair share of invaders lately, and then some. However, this was not the most distrurbing thing to have happened as of late. More and more of those who had sworn loyalty to the glorious Shadow Legion were betraying it from within, slaying those who protect Menzoduran and the Matron Mothers, to leading the enemy to the very gates of the underground city. Indeed, many had even slain other recruits to the Legion.
Being disheartened by these betrayals, Arlinandre set it upon herself, as a Priestess of Lloth, to end the lives of those who broke their sworn vows. Alas, she slew six traitors in the past two days, most of them surfacer mercs, but some her fellow Drow.
Her self-proclaimed task began to weigh heavily upon her shoulders. With more invaders and more betrayals, there was simply no time for rest or training, and she found herself winning battles more and more by the skin of her teeth.
"Is this it?" she questioned. "Is it the fate of the Drow to be trampled and forgotten...? Of my people... of myself?"
"Perhaps a long journey north is nessecary for me..." she decided. She finished cleaning her morningstar and returned to the Temple of Lloth.
Sarnith Draveal - Risen from the darkness, relieved from the shackles of the Demon, heart no longer encased in stone...
aka Kaninus, Veldath, Carnius, any Draveal, and most importantly, Santa's Helper1!


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