Valadrin L'Oalth Velve Biography

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Valadrin L'Oalth Velve Biography

Post by Nertanef »

Valadrin was just like any other Drow, he hated the Elves and the surface and was quite comfortable raiding the nearby gnomes. He Trusted no one not even his matron, the threat of death was ever present. As a result Valadrin always wore a façade around others trying not to show any of his weaknesses.

Valadrin was pupil under the tutorage of his father Tathlyn of the house L'Oalth Velve , a known sword fighter. Valadrin had learnt much from his father but before he could complete his basic training his father was slain when a stray arrow killed him in a raid against the Elves. Valadrin had waited for his father’s return for 2 months hoping that it was some other fool and not the man he trained under. As each day passed Valadrins hope diminished and his heart became colder, all he could think about was the death of all surface elves.

Valadrin began to train himself and recite what his father had taught him. To practice some simple moves he joined the fighting pit, where he dueled to gain favour of Knights of Lolth.
after a month Valadrin was taken by the Knights and was taught to calm himself, however the constant nagging to complete certain tasks irritating he had to find a way out and break free. Quietly walking into the sleeping chambers, Valadrin smirked as he looked down at the sleeping Drow Knight. pulling out his dagger he quietly slit the knights throat, the warm blood gushed onto Valadrins hands, the stunned knight could only stare into the void as the last drop of life flowed away. As Valadrin dried his hands and washed away the blood on his hands the sounds of alarmed cries filled the temple, realizing who it was the Drow knights cast Valadrin off to the surface world.

Alone and no where to go Valadrin walked for what seemed forever. Alas after many nights Valadrin saw lights in the distance, it was the fair town of Brooks Crossing, there in the middle of the night Valadrin would walk around town gathering food and tightening his cowl, walking past a small house with a candle light dimly showing the interior within. Peering through the glass, Valadrin saw a Father and son laughing together. Valadrin felt a rage grow from within, as well as a pain he hadn't felt for a long time, slipping inside, making not a sound Valadrin quickly drove his dagger into the mans back. The boy collapsed by his dying father and began to sob, Valadrin pulled back his cowl revealing his face to the boy, motioning the boy to be quiet with his hand, "you'll join your father soon." Valadrin mumbled. Darkness descended over the boy just like his father moments before. Valadrin glanced back at the dead child looking back at him, one question seemed to be written over its face, why?

Valadrin left the small town, not wanting to attract any attention. Having some small satisfaction, he joined the roads once more. All he could think about was the wretched elf's name he had heard murdered his father.
" Torturing, is less efficient at retrieving information from diciplined minds, However the screams of agony are intoxicating." -Talice


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