The Battle Against Blade

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Shamed Monkey
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Posts: 144
Joined: Fri Jan 18, 2008 9:04 pm

The Battle Against Blade

Post by Shamed Monkey »

*insert Screenshot here of myself, Galahad, Feszick, and a TSS which I cannot remember the name of fighting Blade and his lackies (I cannot get one as, Screenshots do not work on NWN for whatever reason)*

It all began with myself and Galahad in Frostdale, when suddenly Blade started slaughtering the good people of Frostdale, for no good reason. We saw him, and Galahad and myself engaged Blade, anyone who slaughters innocents like that deserves to die!

What followed was a great chase that took us to the Ice Giant Lair, where Feszick joined us, where Blade fled back out of, and into Frozen Reach again. Then the world collapsed (AKA, Reset), and Blade healed and we started fighting again. As soon as Blade was weakened, he ran and called for some of his minions, we fought and killed many of his minions, until finally we got back to Blade. Then the TSS joined, and shifted into Dragon form. It was an epic battle, it lasted for over an hour, but in the end the evilness that was Blade succumbed to to death.

Thanks, Metis, for the great event.


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