Beta4 server is always down, im really sick

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Beta4 server is always down, im really sick

Post by Kadman »

I don't know how all LA members feel when they see that beta1-2-3 server are up and beta4 is down 9/10 times, but i feel very bad.....main reason is that we are constantly under siege of northern coalition and i cant gain experience to fight for defend LA territory.

Can i suggest to automatically teleport player in a safe place of a random working server when the one ur trying to connect is down?

I wanna spend one word Dev.Crit. and Prestige Class, i really badly accepted the fact that certain prestige class are limited due to background (PM class should not be restricted anyway), but deny the Dev.Crit. skill is offensive.

I don't know what kind of think is passed throught mind of DD while they took that decision, but i wanna remind them the followings:

Devastating Critical does not mean INSTANT DEATH ALWAYS

like for any DEATH SPELL that a wizard can cast.

Save vs Death Spell or high AC drammatically low chance of success for both spell and critical.

Do you wanna suppress any single death spell too?

Immunity to Death Spell and Critical Hits could be given by top lvl items without the need to forbidden these feats.

For example a Sorc with 1 lvl Pally can have up to 50 fortitude bonus, that make him/her vulnerable to Dev.Critical only on failing the saving throw with 1.

Same for fighter that become CoT their bonues raise up twice of other classes (or something near).

Dev.Crit is not for PvP where any PM is immune, but for PvM to have a decent chance to kill 1000hp monster with tons of heal per day.

I hope ppl that agree or disagree on my consideration post on this topic to make a voice for DD, vote for:


Thanks for audience, thats all i said

Omar :twisted: Kadman.

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Post by Daltian »


It is very stupid to say sorc/pally can save vs. dev crit, and use that for some kind of standard!
Palemaster is in, what are you talknig about? Just make MA char and you can play palemaster!

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Post by Joran »

Let's try not to justify ridiculous feats by bringing up the twinked-out powergaming builds that can counter them ;)

Dev Crit has been removed because the DC is far too high, it is unmodifiable by us, and unlike a death spell, has up to 5 or 6 attempts PER ROUND. Because we cannot remove the "auto-fail on 1" for weapon on-hit DCs, this means that within 3-4 rounds you are almost guaranteed to succeed.

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Post by Billiard »

Joran wrote:Let's try not to justify ridiculous feats by bringing up the twinked-out powergaming builds that can counter them ;)

Dev Crit has been removed because the DC is far too high, it is unmodifiable by us, and unlike a death spell, has up to 5 or 6 attempts PER ROUND. Because we cannot remove the "auto-fail on 1" for weapon on-hit DCs, this means that within 3-4 rounds you are almost guaranteed to succeed.

I agree that it is pretty over-powered, but just think how happy the fighter types would be if they had an overpowered build to counter the uber mages!

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Post by Joran »

If anything, we'd like to make instant death a rarity, rather than just giving everyone the ability to kill in one shot. Where's the fun in that, anyway? Instant death just serves to invalidate every skill, feat, and class ability your character has.

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Post by Gil-Este »

WTS potions of death ward :D
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Post by Dyson »

Are Death ward pots craftable now?
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Post by Æ »

I have a theory I'm going to test later when I have more time, but I noticed that in some places in the bioware site they make a distinction (usually using the same words, which makes me think) between death ward death magic immunity and shadow shield they usually say gives "immunity to death effects"... I THINK this may mean that SS protects against ALL forms of instant death (i.e. slay weapons and dev crits too) I'm doing to test this out, and since I was told that we're supposed to get our hands on death ward and shadow shield to protect against death magic, then there's no reason why everyone can't defend against dev crit the same way... as if we could even hit a mage with no +12 str gear, no maxed str because of need for other stats, shadow shield and improved invis, but anyway... If I provide some eveidence that it can be countered, any chance it would be reconsidered? One other thing... no one ever answered me about one suggestion I made... can't you simply make dev crit only work once every 30 seconds like a mages wail? There's got to be something you can do other than taking away one feat in the game, and it's just penalizing the classes who are already at a disadvantage... it really just doesn't make sense
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Post by JesterOI »

I usually play fighters and it doesn't bother me that dev crit is gone, it just means I need to use a couple extra heal kits.

I think the whole dev crit subject needs to be dropped. The devs won't allow it because it is overpowered and can't be "fixed".

No amount of bitching or complaining is going to make the devs change their minds.

Let's leave it at that.
Last edited by JesterOI on Fri May 07, 2004 1:51 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Thanos »

Ya. Its dead and gone. If I was a fighter/barb I would ask for the other critical feat to be upgraded. Have it do some more damage to replace the dev critical.

Maybe I would ask that vorpal weapons be fighter/barb only. I am not talking about 1 level of fighter but make vorpal weapons require 16 level of fighter.

I am assuming vorpal weapon are in the game. I think someone said they got one.

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Post by Thanos »

Joran wrote:If anything, we'd like to make instant death a rarity, rather than just giving everyone the ability to kill in one shot. Where's the fun in that, anyway? Instant death just serves to invalidate every skill, feat, and class ability your character has.

I don't know if this is possible. Can you make spells so they can't be cast on pc or make a distintion between npc/pc?

Simple solution would be make finger of death and wail + other death spells just work on npcs.

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Post by JesterOI »

Thanos wrote:Ya. Its dead and gone. If I was a fighter/barb I would ask for the other critical feat to be upgraded. Have it do some more damage to replace the dev critical.

Maybe I would ask that vorpal weapons be fighter/barb only. I am not talking about 1 level of fighter but make vorpal weapons require 16 level of fighter.

I am assuming vorpal weapon are in the game. I think someone said they got one.

It's probably possible to update the overpowering critical by giving the character who has this feat an upgrade like the subraces get that adds extra damage whenever they crit.
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Post by Æ »

I don't see the problem, mages can get 45 DC against whole parties at once, not much of a difference with 48 (max) DC on dev crit... I'm sure if you could make an item to control overwhelming crit you could do the same with dev crit... I really just let this go, because it's really unfair, unless you give vorpal weapons to fighters and lower death magic DC's to 26 max... I'm sorry but I don't see much of a difference between death magic spamming and dev crit...

And if you look at the bioware website there's dozens of strategies for mages to beat a dev crit fighter that make it sound so easy that the fighter is worthless whether he has that feat or not... why nerf it? because people don't want to bother to keep their distance from warriors? because maybe then people would run from US sometimes like they do with the mages? There's plenty of ways to counter it, just like HiPS and other things like that.... every basically says deal with the death magic, get some potions... I say cast shadow shield and improved invis when you see me coming, hit me with a bigby's forceful hand, and then blast the hell out of me, I don't have a chance... if your a rogue sneak attack, if you're a cleric, ooh I may slay your summon, but you'll still implode me before i get too close, or harm me if I do, if you're an archer, no danger, run around shooting and I'll never catch you... monk, run, simple... what class can't easily counter this ability?

I just think you see a high DC number and it scares you, but don't forget, a mage doesn't have to make an attack roll with comparably low AB, getting past high ac and epic mage armor ac, epic warding, improved invis and such to make a death attempt against you with just as high an AB... effecting a WHOLE party at once... If someone in a party got hit witha dev crit and there was a cleric in the party, he could raise the dead one... if that same party got hit by wail, the cleric would be dead too and no one to raise

etc, etc, etc... I'm yet to hear a truly valid argument against taking away the only feat that would keep warriors in the running... and the ONLY feat AT ALL that was removed

Well if I can't have dev crit here, I WILL have it somewhere else, because I've never used it once and should have that pleasure at least once before I get bored with NWN altogether
Last edited by Æ on Fri May 07, 2004 1:42 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by dond »

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Post by JesterOI »

I believe that an upgrade to OP crit would easily make up for no dev crit. Especially since it would save you a feat.
A quick script that checks to see if a player has OP crit then adds XdX more damage shouldn't be that hard... would it be?
Hopefully the damage will be high enough to make the yaps stop yapping about dev crit...
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