Reflections ?

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Reflections ?

Post by mgrjebbo »

So as i logged on the other day and for the last 3 or 4 times i have noticed a trend.

9-18 players on prime and 0-2 players on reflections.

I think its time that we get rid of reflections to bring those people to prime.
There just isnt enough player base left on either server to make ns4 what it was. so lets combine them. just a thought that i have heard from others aswell.

what do we think? and i have high level characters on reflections i would loose aswell, but its worth it to get prime back to full activity.

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Post by LinuxPup »

I like the idea, but then I haven't invested countless hours on builds in reflections
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Post by JimmyB27 »

Surely it wouldn't be beyond the power of the DMs to port the Reflections characters over to prime if this did happen?

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Post by Amoenotep »

fall is is coming back in session. we might see an influx of ppl that stopped playing to enjoy having some summer fun.
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Post by Gornickthy »

Just out of curiosity, if such a thing were to happen could anything be done about the accounts that have spent countless hours building and collecting things on Reflections? I for one would agree to combing both servers again into one, allowing Reflections to be used for other projects such as NS5 or whatever, but I am one of those people that do have a lot to lose over there. I still play there from time to time, but the lack of players have brought me back to Prime. I know others that would have a lot to lose as well, and I know they would be upset indeed to lose all they have worked for. So could anything be done should such an occurrence were to take place or would everything be lost in such an event?
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Post by mgrjebbo »

i highly doubt there would be any moving of characters from one server to another. not that they couldnt do it i just dont think the staff wants to spend time doing that. besides with planes and such and more people to party with you could level a toon from 0-40 in 2 months on prime.

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Post by Aarkon Draco »

i also have a investment in reflections being the only reflections only guild removing the server would kill my guild i dont agree with that. if my toons and thoes of my guild mates can be moved to prime then id more inclined to agree with this suggestion.

im not the only one who has invested and supported reflections with months and months of time and to ignore all these players time is ludacris NS5 as far as i know is still a ways away from even being beta so that point of needing space for it is moot.


Post by Lorkar1 »

Some of us do not have the time anymore due to a variety of reasons to level a toon from 0-40 in 2 months.
Almost all of my high-level toons are on Reflections since myself and others left Prime when there was the extended period of crazy lag. My time on Reflections, at least to me, represents an enormous amount of time invested.
Porting of toons isn't feasible since there are many who have used the same name on both servers.
I vote for the wait and see for the time being and hopefully the player base will come some in the Fall.
Personally, I think it should ultimately be DM Fires decision since he is the one maintaining it.
I would be sorry to see reflections go but I would understand. :(

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Post by Tinsicka »

I have spent all my time on Reflection and have 3 level 40 toons there, as well as my level 34 cleric.

I would be very sad to see Reflection go and I can't wait for Fall to come so I can again spend more time playing there.

If Reflection goes it will be very sad indeed. :cry:

Please wait for Fall, I'm sure there are many others like me who are just too busy to play during Summer but are really looking forward to being able to play again in a month or so. Don't take our home away. :cry:
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Post by Queltor »

I'm a Reflections player. While I only have one lvl 40 toon there, I have several in the mid 20s. Many of you would scoff and say that doesn't represent a huge investment, but for me it is. I don't want to spend several hours a day, every day, playing this game. A couple days a week for a couple hours is my limit.

If everything from Reflections is wiped I'd probably take my other Reflections-only friends and search for other servers. If we have to start over, we might as well examine all the options. I don't mean this as some sort of petty threat. I'm only pointing out that it's not a guarantee that closing Reflections would bring those players to Prime. You might lose them completely.

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Post by Ryddwillow »

It is Summer time and it is like this every year. So go and enjoy it!!!

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Post by mgrjebbo »

no this is good to see. i had no idea that people only played reflections, to me it was one of those "when prime went down servers". so this is good info and obviously i was mistaken to think this a solution to the drop in primes player base.

as for those who say its summer, well this isnt my first year on ns4, been a few infact and i dont think i have ever seen the player base this low for this long of a period of time, NWN is an old game after all. But we shall see. i hope your right.

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Post by Charles I »

A summer reduction in players is common for all the NS servers. I would say this past reduction is more than in previous years. Will things pick up when the school years start and people return from vacations?, probably. Will this increase be enough to support two servers, hard to say. Why has the number of active players dropped? Could be a variety of reasons beyond just summer. People moved to other servers, people switching to NWN2 (there are a few servers out there), people getting bored with NWN in general and moving to other games. Regardless of why, numbers are down. Should NS keep two servers? The choice really depends on Deputy Dog. Is it worth the cost of having two servers with a smaller player base? If this isn't a factor, then let the two servers stay as they are. If it is not worth the cost then I would recommend removing the prime server. Why prime? As NS has evolved is has been the practice of keeping the new version at the server maintained by Deputy Dog. By removing prime it makes that machine available to host NS5, when it comes out. If reflections were to be removed it would be neccessary buy a new server to host NS5. Shipping the reflections server to Texas isn't a practical solution (it's in Kentucky if you didn't know).

I originally argued for a second server when prime was at a near constant 46/46. The need has passed, but I would be sad to see one or the other go. Though I primarily play on reflections, I still have more characters of higher levels on prime. I probably have as good a gear selection muled as most guilds.

Well, $.02

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Post by Sparky »

Well, Yonwe can attest to a time about two years ago where he was the only active DM and he had about one person online to look after....

There's an ebb and flow to this sort of thing, although I wouldn't bet against NWN finally being too long in the tooth to keep attracting a new player base.
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Post by Yonwe »

There's no argument there. I have screenshots where my DM avatar was the only person on all the servers (from the days of the cluster) followed by a winter of '04 shot when I was the only player on the one server at the time. Then we went to having so much traffic that Reflections was needed to just keep up with the quantity of logged players. I have no doubt that the glory days of NWN1 online play have passed, but until NWN2 gets its act together and makes online persistent worlds a practical fact of life, Neversummer will have plenty of players once people are thrust back into their dorms rooms in front of a computer.
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