buffing someone else's characters without asking ?

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buffing someone else's characters without asking ?

Post by bongoblue »

I can see helping a character thats a member of your character's party.

But I've seen an interesting thing this evening.

'<character name> casting unknown spell' being done to a character without the affected player's permission.

Is this the way things are done here ?

Or is it expected in ns4 to ask first ?

Thanks for clearing up my confusion.

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Post by AndrewCarr »

If someone objected to me buffing them, i'd probably kill them; effortless or not. I mean if they want a more challenging fight, then ok, fine, but if you go out of your way to be kind and help them out, and they tell you to shove it for to me, a stupid reason, then i'd be rather angry.

[Edit:] But no, i've never had anyone have a problem with me buffing them. If it was a hostile player i could understand them being edgy(if they didn't know what spell it was), but at the same time, if they're hostile, why are you buffing them?
Lindon Erithar
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Post by KillingSheep »

I buff people when I see them, christ why would you complain about free assistance?.
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Post by bongoblue »

Why ?

Well, okay I'll explain it.

I was outside a town, my local faction.

I was now encumbered.

I'm walking back to town.

I walk past another character.

Suddenly the lower right screen says 'casting unknown spell'.

I've seen a number of mentiones in the forums of uber characters attacking low level characters.

Other posts mention running in such a situation if I don't want combat.

I have a slow shuffle. Cannot run.

I get into town.

Find my character's strength is up. I've made the journey before without being buffed. If I got attacked by another bandit, thats fine as well.

I get over to the storekeep.

It happens again form another character. Now I'm nervous. I thought town was a no PvP zone.

I sell the gear I have that was burdening that character.

End of my problem with encumberance.

As for 'my problem' with my characters having unknown spellscast at them...

Doing things to someone else's character, in every rpg I've played before this, is considered very rude and inconsiderate.

in my opinion, asking first is better.

I may not actually have a problem. Or if I do, me selling those items means the problem will soon go away.

I'm not trying to step on toes, but maybe someone should have asked if I wanted buffing. I really didn't need it.

I was certainly startled by that 'unknown spell' being cast on one of my characters.

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Post by Gil-Este »

it could definitely make me edgy if someone started casting spells on me. i mean if i had some kind of back injury and it was obvious to everyone around me that i was in pain, that doesn't mean the nearest chiropractor or physical therapist can just walk up and start treating me, even if they are just trying to be nice.
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Aye, but if they're in your faction, i wouldn't really worry. If they're not, then maybe i'd worry. But either way, if you don't want it to happen in the future, i'd suggest nicely sending them a tell saying so. Rebuking them for buffing you without asking first will most likely make yourself a new enemy or at least keep them from helping you as much in the future.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by bongoblue »

AndrewCarr wrote:Aye, but if they're in your faction, i wouldn't really worry. If they're not, then maybe i'd worry. But either way, if you don't want it to happen in the future, i'd suggest nicely sending them a tell saying so. Rebuking them for buffing you without asking first will most likely make yourself a new enemy or at least keep them from helping you as much in the future.

I didn't say anything.

I just kept walking.

I don't know if they were in my faction or not.

It startled me. It looked like to me I was about to be PKed.

Since I was encumbered, my character was almost a sitting duck. And would very likely lose the combat.

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Post by XxDkCobraxX »

i think this was me, and im sorry about that. didnt realize it was such a problem. FYI, it should be well known that no attacking should be done in avendell by now. next time i will give a warning to you if im going to try to help....good samaratin laws anyone?!

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Post by Daltian »

bongoblue, you're weird.

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Post by Goliath »

I also cast bless on new character I see fighting the rats and not doing so well. I use bandages on a wounded friendly if it looks like they need it. I also cast Bulls strenght on the slow moving turtles because I have been there and I don't like to walk slow but the greeed makes me do it. I also rez dead people even if they are not in my faction.

On the other hand trying to be a nice guy has made me pay the price several times already. I never attack anyone until they attack me or if they are attacking someone innocent. Only problem with this is that it seems all those people with knockdown really enjoy knocking me over with that first hit and beating the snot out of me. So I can understand your paranoia but I guess its just part of the game.

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Post by Mz_Shadow »

Daltian wrote:bongoblue, you're weird.

lol and this quote is coming from you Daltian? :)

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Post by Psycho Dordt »

well i'll just stop casting stoneskin, haste or max bull on lvl lvls i see when i run past imvisible. i did not know i was a jerk when i gave random efforless ppl regardless of faction buffs
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Post by Chimaira »

bongoblue wrote:
AndrewCarr wrote:Aye, but if they're in your faction, i wouldn't really worry. If they're not, then maybe i'd worry. But either way, if you don't want it to happen in the future, i'd suggest nicely sending them a tell saying so. Rebuking them for buffing you without asking first will most likely make yourself a new enemy or at least keep them from helping you as much in the future.

I didn't say anything.

I just kept walking.

I don't know if they were in my faction or not.

It startled me. It looked like to me I was about to be PKed.

Since I was encumbered, my character was almost a sitting duck. And would very likely lose the combat.

This is the point, your basicly a sitting duck.
Now if the issue was "Im confused wheter I should have ran or not when that impossible cleric casted some spell on me which could have been harm for all I know"(Btw Im not saying that person was a cleric, coulda been any caster, this is just for example purposes) then I could have somewhat understood that reason but that cleric is impossible and your encumbered, he can run around at a nice range casting spells at you if he wants to kill you and theres nothing you can do about it, you probably wouldnt even get close enough hit him OR far enough with that incredible walking speed, so you should be happy he casts bulls strength on you instead of implosion. Some people are in a hurry and dont feel like acting like "The effy whisperer" each time they want to help someone, usually im on my way to lvl or loot and taking 3 seconds to cast a spell and help someone isnt a big of a time loss, besides Im lazy and dont want to use my fingers to type >_<. When I see an effortless encumbered 3 meters from avendell I dont feel like to start acting like a jerk and PK him(and I hope others think the same), unless of course he did the same to me, OR if hes like rose and asks to be PKed since itll send him straight to NS...I have no trouble with that. My first reaction would be, hostile or not, to just speed your actions up a bit by casting a bulls strength, you might be "fine", but I find it very annoying to say the least to walk from bandits to avendell encumbered(And i have actually been there aswell, even when I knew $$ was so common, looting is like eating peanuts, you just cant stop), and would only be trying to help. Im not a chiropractor that starts twisting your back in all positions, this is a game and you cant possibly compare it to what it *would* be like in the real world...If everyone was a hardcore RPer, then anyone of the oppesite faction would have attacked and you probably wouldnt have made avendell without dying a crapload of times.(Unless your bound there, in which case it would take 1 death)

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Post by Daltian »

Mz_Shadow wrote:
Daltian wrote:bongoblue, you're weird.

lol and this quote is coming from you Daltian? :)

Yea, he must be really something. :)

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Post by Kell Of Neversummer »

Are you sure just you were being buffed? If you wander to close to a party that is being buffed with a party buff (like prayer or bless), and the caster is friendly, you will get the buff. I have had this happen many times on many servers, not just NS.


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