suggestion for a crafting notice board

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suggestion for a crafting notice board

Post by xdarkness13 »

not sure if this is already available somewhere in game or in process of doing, but...

it would be cool if there is a notice board located in a prominent place in the major towns/cities, that upon reading, will provide a list of the characters in the same faction as the reader, with the crafting type and level of the characters.

with this people wouldn't have to shout around "who can craft an xxx item for me?". and anyone who wants to look for a crafter can find the information easily.

it can also be done such that characters can opt to be included/excluded in the notice board so that only serious crafters will be listed.

just a thought to make crafting more popular.
Last edited by xdarkness13 on Mon May 03, 2004 11:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by JesterOI »

Great idea!

(Btw, it's "faction", not "fraction" ;) )
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Post by xdarkness13 »

doh! i always make that mistake :oops:

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Post by Joran »

Yep, that's a great idea, and I'd really like to implement this type of system for a lot of different uses - finding a party to join, or a guild house, or having a selling/buying board of some kind to facilitate barters. I think it would go a long way to making the factions more close-knit.

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Post by Flailer »

This probably belongs in it's own thread, but what the heck. I think the crafting concept is very cool and allows some further customization of your character that's great. However, I wish we could implement some changes to have it be a bit more useful. I'm only a 3rd level leather crafter, but it seems to me that any of the items that I can craft, except for the whips, have better items available in stores that the same level can use. So, in order to really increase the usefulness and economy of the crafted items, something needs to be given to the crafted items to make them more compelling to use than their store bought counterparts. So, the ways they could offer more advantages could be:

- They have a weight reduction property on them (50-80% weight reduction). That would seem to make sense - great care has gone into the item to make it a quality custom job that's custom made for the purchaser. This would also allow there to be some advantage to using a crafted item without giving some unbalancing combat advantage to them like elemental damage or something.
- Offer an additional point of ability scores in an appropriate area. +1 discipline for shields and weapons, +1 concentration for helms, +1 tumble (?) for boots, +1 hide for cloaks, etc.
- Perhaps just be identical to store bought items but be more visually appealing than their counterparts?
- Or, and this would probably be more difficult to implement, offer some advantage if you're dressed in a full suit of some custom gear. Say, if all your items are crafted that you have equiped, you gain a +1 in some attribute (charisma, dex,...), or you have a greater damage immunity, something. Just thinking out loud here...

Anyway, I really like the crafting system, but I just think it needs something more to the crafted items to make it more fully integrated. It would be a shame to have put that much work into it and not see it frequently used.

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Post by Chimaira »

The idea is that you can craft better items in boss areas later on, I traveled all the way to the gnoll boss only to find a bunch of anvils and scribe tables

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Post by xdarkness13 »

i foresee in future that dyes will be implemented in crafting...

display item list according to crafting level and crafting type
select item to craft
if dye available in inventory
ask if player wants to use dye on item
calculate dye success rate base on crafting level
apply crafting cost
gives player crafted item

oh, and do i get a DM token for an accepted suggestion? :wink:

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Post by RunarSterk »

Chimaira wrote:The idea is that you can craft better items in boss areas later on, I traveled all the way to the gnoll boss only to find a bunch of anvils and scribe tables

That's an interesting way to do it. Now that I know that maybe I'll spend some xp on crafting again. ;) With money relatively easy to come by it really makes more sense to buy gear (and better gear at that) than to craft it, especially at low levels.

(From a purely RP perspective, it seems really odd to me that a dwarven weapon/armorsmith wouldn't have the best forge available for him right in RK's home base, right near the mines, all the best craftsmen of the faction to learn from, etc.)

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Post by Æ »

There are much more powerful things in the D&D settings than dwarves and elves.... For example, I'd imagine a balor's forge would produce a blade far more powerful than a simple dwarf's... Also consider exotic materials that may be available, like planar metals or hides and silks of magical or extraplanar creatures, or the forge itself fueled by the magical energy of the plain of fire or the hellfires of Baator... Just like any machine built by the modrons (who are themselves living machines) of the plane of mechanus would make the most complex gnomish contraptions look like crude stone tools by comparison)
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