1.68 animation choppy on some PCs

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1.68 animation choppy on some PCs

Post by Myrdyr »

FYI: 1.68 causes very annoying, choppy animation on some PC hardware configurations. Share solutions here. I don't have time to search bioware forums (hoping someone might).

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Post by Myrdyr »

I could use some help troubleshooting this...

How do I get the PC profile report that people use on Bioware's forums that gives hardware and software information?

I've defragged my PC - no help. I've changed my NWN video settings from "Good" to "Fastest" and am still only getting 3-20 fps where before the cloaks I was getting 25-35 fps.

I'm thinking my next step is either reinstalling NWN or looking at what driver options I have. Any other suggestions?

Is there a way to turn sound completely, totally off so that no memory or processing is used towards sound?
Last edited by Myrdyr on Wed Sep 06, 2006 11:26 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Kromix »

my comps get arround 90 fps, sirus's new comp i built him gives out 700+ fps...

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Post by kingfatzo »

yeahp very true
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Post by the_binary_soul »

I haven't noticed the game being choppy, but since I updated the menu freezes sometimes.

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Post by PeregrineV »

I've noticed severe choppiness, but haven't figured if its general PC problems or cloak/update problems.

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Post by blay »

The only thing I've noticed since the patch is that water "flashes" when I'm running or fighting near it. If I'm standing still, it doesn't do it.

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Post by sldsmkd »

Mine drops into single digits if there's a lot on the screen, and it's no slouch:

dual core cpu, x850 PE, 2GB Ram. but NWN hates it anyway, the toolset is unusable.

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Post by VagaStorm »

what do you use to see fsp in nwn?

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Post by Blystos Re »

Personally, I haven't noticed any problems that weren't there before (i.e.: that aren't caused by my jerry-rigged video card cooling system).

I was going to ask, though...has anyone noticed a subtle difference in combat animations? It could just be my imagination, but I could swear that some of my characters seem to crouch a little lower and their movements are a bit more exaggerated now.

Any thoughts on this?
Am I just crazy? :lol:
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Post by VagaStorm »

Blystos Re wrote:Personally, I haven't noticed any problems that weren't there before (i.e.: that aren't caused by my jerry-rigged video card cooling system).

I was going to ask, though...has anyone noticed a subtle difference in combat animations? It could just be my imagination, but I could swear that some of my characters seem to crouch a little lower and their movements are a bit more exaggerated now.

Any thoughts on this?
Am I just crazy? :lol:

When I clashed wepons with an amazonlanzer, I got sparks wich I have never noticed b4.

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Post by Myrdyr »

For those of you that actually have the problem:

A work-around is to disable sound in NWN. Running in Windows, I used nwconfig.exe to do this.

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Post by MasterYoda »

anotherthing I have noticed is the animationbug fix helps soo.

granted it makes the cloaks stiff and they don't flow at all but it helps reduce lag a lot.

my new compy I just built doesn't need the bug fix and I run all graphics on high but I have a laptop that needs the bug fix so I don't crash from hipsers, pcs attacking from shadws, ect.

try http://www.nwvault.com and see what's there. that's where the bug fix is at as well.
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Post by Kirg »

And for all those of you, who have problems at Amazons like me. Disabling sound in the configure makes it much much much smoother. All over all I miss the sound but enjoy the easier fighting.

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Yeah, its mostly because every 5 seconds some Amazon screams "Die Fools!" I could live without that :wink: .


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