Amount of PK-ing tolerated?

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Amount of PK-ing tolerated?

Post by Daltian »

Is there, and is there ever going to be any rule regarding PK, or it will always be a griefers world as it is now?

I just wanted to say that I don't like current set of rules, and I see more people concerned with them then people liking it.

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Re: Amount of PK-ing tolerated?

Post by Knightwing4 »

Daltian wrote:Is there, and is there ever going to be any rule regarding PK, or it will always be a griefers world as it is now?

I just wanted to say that I don't like current set of rules, and I see more people concerned with them then people liking it.

i'm just fine with it, IMO it should be more encouraged through bonuses gained through PKing non effy opponents, where are your "supporters"?

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Post by Daltian »

Did I say I am against PKing? No.

I just say rules are vague. You see people that go on newb hunts. You see hostiles hunting together.
Sometimes you kill someone on the first sight. He then says that he never intended to fight you and that he was typing a question for you when you were killing him, and then you feel like an idiot.
Next time you pass by a hostile since you arrent sure he wants to fight and you don't want to be lame for killing someone that actually wanted to party up with you. Zap, he casts a death/mind spell on you and you're dead!

I say, make some kind of rules. Make it seriously cruel PvP world in which every hostile is really a hostile, or quit the PvP idea unles both parties want it.

Oh, one more thing. Make some serious guards guarding lowbie lvl up place. Not the guards we have now.

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Re: Amount of PK-ing tolerated?

Post by Daltian »

Knightwing4 wrote:where are your "supporters"?

You really need to gain some conversation abilities.

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Post by bongoblue »

I dislike PvP.

If its free for all PvP on NS4, I wont be paying NS4.

Its pure idiocy to hunt new players. And thats the politest thing I can say.

And no, for those concerned, I'm not thin skinned.

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Post by Merin »

I think PvP is good in ns4... I have never been hunted but when I got to enemy territory they tryed to get me... Its fun when everyone is not your friend 8)

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Post by Rain Maker »

So far I've been really lucky with regards to pvp.
I was pked once, and the person who did so greeted me first and said "its nothing personal", then killed me. We had a quick conversation afterwards about our factions, and then proceeded on our seperate ways. I lost no xp or gold, so respawning was not a big deal :D Since then I have run into quite a few enemy players, most of whom have either run away or said "hi, just exploring your territory" :)

Of course, I suppose you will always have people that kill for the sake of killing...but you can't pick and choose, an enemy is an enemy :twisted:

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Post by bongoblue »

Merin wrote:I think PvP is good in ns4... I have never been hunted but when I got to enemy territory they tryed to get me... Its fun when everyone is not your friend 8)

I don't expect everyone to be my friend.

I do expect a chance to work on my character. And if I decide to invade another faction area, to be attacked.

Hmm. I may have certain non-game issues that may/will preclude me being accepting of PvP outside a PvP arena. Not exactly close personal problems, but I may/will have issues with PvP. I wont freak out or anything...

I realize its part of the game. I'm just not enthused about it.

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Post by Paddy »

I try to avoid PvP (even if i think i'm going to win) for 2 reasons at the moment.

1) The lose all you inventory bug that occasionaly crops up. I don't want to lose all my stuff so i won't inflict it on some one else. This will be fixed at some point tho...

2) PvP KOS builds up resentment and bad feeling on the sever, especialy when low leves are being killed by high levels. I've only been killed twice, once when I was very low level by a mage some one of a very similar level. I did not want to fight but i'm not that bothered and it was kinda fun because it was at least a challenge and exciting.

The other by a some one at least 10 levels higher when I was low level again. Just stuck his sword out and killed me without slowing down (I was 2 screens from my home city). This sort of behaviour just amazes me. whats the point? Its fun? not for me and i even struggle how its fun for them, unless they have a bullys mind (i.e. griefers). Surely the PvP fun is in the challenge of the fight not in wielding power in a sensless and childish manor. If that was so the DM's would get there kicks out of just wasting everyone, instead they prefer to play fair and fight fair. people who get their kicks from making other people miserable just for the sake of it are girefers and that is the only pleasure that can be taken from wasting newbies in my opinion.

The common arguments used against this are:

Run - not really feasible a lot of the time (already engaged in combat or quite simply we all move the same speed so getting away is not an option against some one even half determined)

Don't go far our of you own faction - ok argument at low level but at some point you have to leave. Also the only PC's you run into near your faction home are the high level ones like the one i met, so if they are intent on been callous then you can't get got anyway.

Get big and PK em back - This is a 10 year olds mentality for crying out loud, i have no desire for revenge or to prove i'm better than them. If ya want to do it though then consider you get PK'd by some one 10 levels higher than you. I'm only ever gonna make up that difference when I catch him/her at level 40! Long time in this game. also consider people who do not have a lot of time for the game (I'm not one of these ;)) there gonna spend there whole game time at lowish levels.

It's a PvP sever get over it - an arguement by the people to lazy to think of real points. Just because it's a PvP sever does not mean that it should not have some controls on who you can kill. I consder it no different to any other rules on the sever, such as no Dev crit or anything else. It balances the sever and makes it more fun for all.

This sort of argument also often uses the word whiners. This is my first post on the subject and unless some one puts forward a reasoned discussion it will be my last. I can live with it, and I can live in a card board box too but given the choice i'd rather not, see? I am now a fairly high level so it's less of a problem for me, and 99% of the players who are hostile just say hello and move on, which is nice. This is not something that effects me much (PK'ed twice a long time ago) but it does effect other people and i feel for them.
Paddy the Dwarf

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Post by Alanthaleous »

His biggest supporter is right here... I have a thread on just this topic!

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Post by DeputyDog »

The rules are simple, dont abuse people. If you are lvl 18 and they show up as effortless then tell them to bugger off, dont kill them.

The only other rule is no fighting and no pets in avendell.
gmcever @


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Post by Thor of Clan Freakery »

I cant go into enough elaborate detail to explain how much i love NS4, granted its in Beta stages, its still a very detailed, expanded, traverse world that gives players a different feel than your average RP server or PVP arenas. Its perfect for those of us who are bored of your average world. The factions give us a world that will never be the same thing each and every time you log in like NS3. This keeps a variety in our Neversummer lives. The feeling of not knowing who might be in the shadows about to assasinate your Lord or King, or know what might be on the other side of that dark gloomy cave entrance. Ambush? Raiding party? Or even a fellow clansman being attacked by 3 filthy drow elves! The one thing i love the most you ask? A world that isnt Uber-Geared towards power gamers, with a taste for other players blood. Amen to the Dev team. Job well done.
~Thor of Clan Freakery

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Post by Paddy »

DeputyDog wrote:The rules are simple, dont abuse people. If you are lvl 18 and they show up as effortless then tell them to bugger off, dont kill them.

The only other rule is no fighting and no pets in avendell.

But it's not that simple DD. I really like your new module but the problem you have is that there are some kids (or people who merely act like kids) running amok on the sever. Enforcing "don't attack effortless people" is almost impossible. Small minded people are empowered by the fact that they can do things online that they would never consider do face to face with someone (obviuosly i'm not accusing your player base of wanting to kill people!). They take pleasure in upsetting other people, they get there fun from someone shouting annoyance at them for killing them for no reason and being abnoxiuos about it.

And any way if your suddenly standing next to some one who's red you don't have time to check if they are easy or hard or wahtever, if they attack you need to respond imdeately or die.

I think part of the problem is no one ever "appears" to get punished. You always deal with these things in PMs and generaly out of sight. People get annoyed because they never see anything be done. Many threads like this simply get locked!

Justice that is visable to all is one of the founding priciples of most enlightened societies. If you are indeed punishing griefers as is claimed people need to see it. It need to be a public debate and a public punishent, to apease those wronged and to deter those who might chose to do so in the future.

These opinions are mine and in no way represent those of CI
I have never beeen the subject of griefing directly because i try hard to avoid those people. But i apreciate it's not possible to do this always and the offhand manner DMs often aproach this subject in worries me. I'm not flaming or even complaining as such, consider my posts merely an intelectual examination of the stae of play right now.
Paddy the Dwarf

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Post by Shhhhhhh »

isnt it kinda fun you never know if a hostile showing guy is really gonna attack you or not. adds some suprise and excitement to the game.
Otherwise it might end up predictable kinda fast.

And once you dont lose your inventory any more, and dont lose exp when you respawn from being pked, its just fun without it hurting.

and if theres some guy killing new players in the new player training ground, work with your faction, gather some guys and go kill him :)
i know there are a few people with such high levels its kinda hard to kill them, but that wont be like this forever.

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Post by Gil-Este »

Shhhhhhh wrote:And once you dont lose your inventory any more, and dont lose exp when you respawn from being pked, its just fun without it hurting.

not so fun if you just trekked across two servers, were almost to your destination bind point, and someone kills you sending you back to home base.
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