Circle Clerics : Animal, Plant, Sun?

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Circle Clerics : Animal, Plant, Sun?

Post by Denort »

The Circle looks like a very interesting faction to me and challenging being that bards are their only arcane casters. I would have thought that a faction dedicated to nature would allow clerics with the sun domain, along with either animal or plant.
The sun is the ultimate source of energy for all life on the surface of the world. The sun domain brings a cleric additional powers against the undead which are not looked upon kindly by tree huggers of any description.
Having access to 3 domains instead of 2 would also allow for a little variety in the domains bestowed upon Circle clerics. Thoughts?

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Sir Sean
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Post by Sir Sean »

We might also consider Air, Earth, Fire and Water, since druids have a tie to the elements.

But to be fair, we'd then need to widen the domains available to the Mystral Ascendancy - I would think Evil, Destruction, Knowledge and Travel would fit in quite well there.

Sir Sean, DM Starknight
Oghma, God of Knowledge


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