alliance pking

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alliance pking

Post by pris »

could someone explain the pk system for competing alliances

if you encounter an opposing alliance member can you just pk them or do you challenge them and if they accept then do you pk?
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Re: alliance pking

Post by TC-GTRF »

pris wrote:could someone explain the pk system for competing alliances

if you encounter an opposing alliance member can you just pk them or do you challenge them and if they accept then do you pk?

Currently, you can just kill them to your heart's content. However, *I* personally, would never think of attacking an enemy character that shows up as Easy when I examine them. What's the sport in that?

Now if an Easy enemy attacks me, they're toast.

You cannot track down a specific enemy with the idea of killing them over and over, and you cannot put a high-level character next to an enemy factions' entry spawn point with the idea of killing new players coming in.

I also think that attacking an enemy, then logging out if they're defeating you and you're down to about 30 HP is actively discouraged.

The DMs, of course, set the rules, but to the best of my recollection, these are the guidelines I was told.
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Post by Kirg »

As you like, I tend mostly to talk first, as in RP reality you actually dont know what the other is when you see him or her (exceptions like dwarfs or drow exist of course, but they too arent always in "their" faction). But mostly a high lvl just pops up (yes Axon) and kills you. Without even an explanation sometimes.

As a general rule you can just kill away, as long as you see some fun in it. You can even kill your own faction. I know one person who got expelled from the own faction hehe. Poor soul must make a new home in Avendell now...


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Re: alliance pking

Post by Goatrider »

TC-GTRF wrote:
I also think that attacking an enemy, then logging out if they're defeating you and you're down to about 30 HP is actively discouraged.

The DMs, of course, set the rules, but to the best of my recollection, these are the guidelines I was told.

Theres also the dwarven tactic of fighting someone until almost beaten then running away to the gnolls area and getting yourself and the victor killed.

Pretty devious Harry, for a dwarf :twisted:
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Post by dond »

bleh for LA it's KOS.

same as what Axon does. 'oh look a bunch of lvl 4s killing formians', cast max firebrand. yay for pk.

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Post by Alanthaleous »

And axon is on my [censored] list for it... Think its fun now... wait till those noobs you pissed off form a hangin party... All I can say is Axon better hope he can learn some decent manners regarding PKing...

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Post by ATI »

It would seem that all of Melencia is trying to rally to take out Axon, however he's lvl 20+ now, and we are still in single digits for the most part.

I've KOS some people, but I also heal them if i can and tell them to run back to their territory. Its no fun just blasting easy lvl chars or anything like that. It's much better to have a challenge like =CI= gave to me and the crazy monk two days ago. All out invasion but with levels that were about the same, making it fair and fun :D
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Post by powerferret »

Basically, My philosophy is I wont attack unless they attack me, or if they are invading my town, or if I am invading their town. Most times I'll even unsummon my animal companion if he is percieved as a threat.
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Post by Dyson »

Yah ATI that was a sweet hour or guys really brought everything you had against us...a lot of fun.

I have spent the last couple of days touring some servers and the KOS thing has definitely dropped off...I encountered a lot of folks that showed hostile but we just nodded and went our own ways. Even when I went into LA today trying to get to some decent XP (cuz there ain't any in AO anymore) I didn't raise my hand against them. Of course, that didn't stop them from whining to Axon for help against "invaders". He/she/it whatever parked in the ice areas invis and Wailed anyone trying to pass thru regardless of level. Feelings I have towards griefing like that really can't be said here.

Suffice to say that some people are abusers and bullies and I'm sure that they are tickled pink by posts like mine on the forums, but so be it. Try some fair fights sometime.
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Post by Mokihana »

i was actually on as a player and happened to enter a map and a hostiles summon killed me. and guese what he apologized and rezed me lol (shhh i was only level 1)

good form ash ang :D
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Currently for me pk'ing is fun. Never ran into grinum or axon or any of them yet. lvl9 atm. Also, travelling into enemy areas and attacking xp groups is fun, as you catch them off guard and can make a 2-3v1 fight a fair one. The invasions that i've been a part of are generally nice as well as long as i can get to the area to help out. And i don't feel too threatened by pvp, i can usually invis as i'm TC, and if an enemy is invis'd i can use see invis and take them out.

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Post by tyrant »

It's funny today I was attacked by a member of my own faction for no reason at all. When asked why he was attacking me he just laughed. I told him that it was known fact that attacking your own faction could get you expelled or build up negative faction. He didn't kill me but almost did. I'm all for PKing but attacking your own alliance is pure silliness.

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Post by KillingSheep »

tyrant wrote:It's funny today I was attacked by a member of my own faction for no reason at all. When asked why he was attacking me he just laughed. I told him that it was known fact that attacking your own faction could get you expelled or build up negative faction. He didn't kill me but almost did. I'm all for PKing but attacking your own alliance is pure silliness.

It's kind of funny though - I like people that do loony things like that.

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Post by JesterOI »

tyrant wrote:It's funny today I was attacked by a member of my own faction for no reason at all. When asked why he was attacking me he just laughed. I told him that it was known fact that attacking your own faction could get you expelled or build up negative faction. He didn't kill me but almost did. I'm all for PKing but attacking your own alliance is pure silliness.

Why does that never happen to me? I'm feeling left out :(
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Post by KillingSheep »

JesterOI wrote:
tyrant wrote:It's funny today I was attacked by a member of my own faction for no reason at all. When asked why he was attacking me he just laughed. I told him that it was known fact that attacking your own faction could get you expelled or build up negative faction. He didn't kill me but almost did. I'm all for PKing but attacking your own alliance is pure silliness.

Why does that never happen to me? I'm feeling left out :(

Nothing ever happens to me, I never get killed by uber mages, I never get pick pocketed, Okies never anal probe my well formed bottom. I think some people were born cursed.


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