
Talk about Neversummer 4 with your fellow players.
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Post by trent »

I'm here trying to help out a fellow guild member when every step I take is a damn trap. I asked the dm all nice like on the dm channle to stop and yet it doesn't. for the 10 mins I played I must have hit about 200 freaking traps . I had enough and quit. If by setting 500 traps you wich to piss people off enough to log out for the night then you did well.

He was setting epic traps at trasnition points all along av road and right at the safe point at the gates.. if anyone other than someone with a sick reflex save hit them they would die right there. the dc's on these things where in the high 40's ..... whats the point in this ? If you are testing traps and have asked me to run through a bunch I would have be happy to help.

You can just imagion the cheers he got from other pc's when he pissed me off enough log for the night .

Can't wait to see the flames I get from this post.

I can understand maybe setting a few here and there but after someone asks you to stop because you are making their game expereance suck and you go and set 100 more of them just for fun you might be abusing your dm power just a bit.

I wasn't lying when I said atleast 200 traps I alone set off in a 10 min time frame.

How is any of this relevant to my guild?
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Post by Elagneros »

I've seen this before, and I got killed by a bunch when I hit them transitioning, but I believe it's a high level player out there setting them, and not a DM.
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Post by $chase$ »

lol..glad to see your back to normal..
#1 i set 99.9% tangle traps, all that did was slow you down ooo

#2 there are player and im not naming them because i find it great. that have learned how to recover traps and use them.

#3 it was like 4000 traps. its my fish it can be as big as i want.

#4 you never even died from these trraps.

#5 i am the god of trickery true..but others may be sneaky as well :D

#6 a couple players died and they died by traps i didnt even do..and i rezzed them.
........................... edited.....................................

o i do drop big traps on players after i see there hit points and if its going to kill them.. i just like to stunn or wound not kill. :twisted:
#7o and i forgot :roll: :roll: :roll:
Auril - God Of Trickery
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Post by trent »

Its gay ... you made me log out for the night . I had asked you to stop and yet you contuniued .. Hate to break it to ya but you are here to enhance the players play time not disscourage them. Next time a pc asks you to stop it might be a good idea to do so. I'm going to make an offical complaint with DM Fire about this one .

If anyone else is fed up with this I'd recomend you do the same ..... If enough of us complaine about it I bet it stops.

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Post by $chase$ »

can you read as well as you complain? i explained myself. you never asked me anything. if you had i wouldnt have obeyed you by any means..but YOU NEVER asked me 1 thing.

like i said trent its your story tell it how you need. i would send your issues with me to DM netrom he his the head of NS4 ...
Auril - God Of Trickery
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Post by trent »

I did indeed ask .... maybe you where too busy setting 1500 traps to read it .... and I was told DM Fire was the man to goto with DM complaints. If the higher ups think its ok for you to set 1500 traps and annoy people enough to log out even after being asked to stop then you shouldn't have any problems. But feel free to dig your hole a little deeper with coments like

you never asked me anything. if you had i wouldnt have obeyed you by any means


it was like 4000 traps. its my fish it can be as big as i want.

I'll be sure to complain to Netrom as well .....

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Post by $chase$ »

dig myself a deeper hole?

do you have a SS of me doing something. you do realize there were other players and DMs on right? lmao.

i guess i missed your complaint..did you die? loose xp ? loose gold? get sent to another planet were the made you run on your hands?

why exactly are you so mad?

AND most of ALL ,....why with over 50 players on are you the only one complaining? hmmmmm
Auril - God Of Trickery
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Post by trent »

Maybe because you didn't set like 1000's of traps at their feet after they asked you to stop?

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Post by $chase$ »

trent wrote:Maybe because you didn't set like 1000's of traps at their feet after they asked you to stop?

ok you first post was hundreds now were at

can you answer any of the questions i asked? <-------??

show me ss of xp loss gold loss a unicorn riding a moped? i would gladly make up for it. i assure you that the traps were not put "just ware you were".
Auril - God Of Trickery
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Post by Aarkon Draco »

on the actions of auril..

after having killed the hills bandit with some dwarfs i decided to "in the spirit of auril" set up a challange for some lower toons. now it was a tough challange but if anyone died i would of raised them. what i did was i lured all the giants of the first smasher map to the beginning of the map ( comming from ave) and then on shout announced a challange with a reward that if anyone could clear the map they would win. then all the sudden i get 5 traps placed right beneth me one kills one of the giants and another almost killed me. i take all this in stride as i fuiggure chase is having some mild revenge for us killing his bandit. then the smasher suddenly has TS and sees me hisping. now granted hes a god of trickry but the contest was legit ( accoutants blade or gold troll hide belt were the choices of prizes ) and as i said if anyone died i had resses so no one would loose xp but due to the before mentiond actions i had to abandon it. now im all for some supprises and dm attention but it woulda been nice for said dm to help my contest instead of ruining it. just my opinion

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Post by $chase$ »

your not going to like this :( . i crashed thats why you guys killed me. and i stayed off and ate. i had no knowledge of your event i would have helped you . offered more reward. i can tell you that it wasnt me messing with you . actaully when i logged on i came looking to give rewards for the hill bandit kill.
Auril - God Of Trickery
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Post by Gellogh »

I've encountered Auril's traps a couple of times and I even think I got killed once by em, but I tend to just take it in stride. Keeps you on your toes and such :wink:

However, if the above number of traps is true, maybe a little moderation on Auril's part(or whoever else set those traps) wouldn't be so bad either. When it stops being fun, you know you're doing something wrong.

Auril/Chase sure is one of the more active DM's around and that's great. Also the god of trickery seems to balance things out rather well, since I know I've been rezzed by him on several occasions.

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Post by lordvan52681 »

OK, seriously, Auril is the god of trickery.

Ive seen many ppl good and evil shout a thanks to Auil for a timely rez, and now Im hearing complaints because he is also doing the other side of the coin?

Ive seen no favorotism toward anyone; he has raised members of FoN and ppl from SL. He set traps in front of Ave, NS, and Daeron (if not more places).

Basically im saying, that Auril is Chaotic Neutral, be happy when he gives ya a rez, and get upset when he sets traps, but dont complain on shout or in the forums like we werent all expecting something like this from 1 look at his name.

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

At least he was on Auril the God of Trickery. When he did it to me, Fish, and the other folk in my group we were in the giant caves and he was on as Tyr-God of JUSTICE. But still, it doesn't mean that he should be allowed to take it as far as he wants (this would lead to traps on every single area transition). Oh, and also he was spawning ancient dragons on us. It would be different if it were planned out with 50 traps max in a trap area like that one in Hordes of the Underdark (if you don't remember it was in Chapter 1 and the room with the sonic booms all over and a trap maze).

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Post by Aarkon Draco »

my apologys chase just figgured it was you with the traps popping up under me. and as for the part about you crashed and we wouldent of killed ya i did 105 hp in the last attack on you if that didnt kill ya the next set woulda heh

if your still not convinced we can set up a rematch too heh you and i both know you cant see me when im hisping anyway.


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