Prestige Classes

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Rain Maker
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Sep 22, 2003 6:19 pm

Prestige Classes

Post by Rain Maker »

Hey all :D

I have been talking to a few players and I am a little confused about the use of prestige classes and NS4. :? Is it true that you can only play with your factions prestige class?? ie the Ancient Ones prestige class is Red Dragon Disciple. Does this mean that I can only use this prestige class while in this faction, and I can't make a char with WM/Cot/etc?? If so, does it apply to both SoU and HotU prestige classes?? I have a couple of builds that focus on multiple prestige classes, so an answer to this question would be great :D

If this has already been discussed, please post the link so I can go and read it :)

Thanks :D

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Jun 19, 2003 5:25 am

Post by xdarkness13 »

for prestige classes indicated in Fraction as special classes, only those fractions can take them.

other prestige classes are free for all.

however, there's another rule that says no more than 1 prestige class in a build ie no WM/COT.


Rain Maker
Posts: 3
Joined: Mon Sep 22, 2003 6:19 pm

Post by Rain Maker »

Thanks for the prompt reply Salty :)

That answers my questions, so I guess I can make a WM as part of the AO faction. :D

Posts: 11
Joined: Thu Jun 19, 2003 5:25 am

Post by xdarkness13 »

my pleasure :D

will keep a lookout for your WM build in future :P


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Post by Morpheus »

I may be a bit stupid but I am not sure if I understand.
You want to say that some prestige classes /like RDD, DD etc./ are blocked only for members of AO, RK /in this case/.
So if I am e.g. in LA I cant be RDD?
Do we speak about prestige classes or epic prestige classes?
Thanks for answer.

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Joined: Sat Dec 21, 2002 6:20 pm

Post by Smurf »

There are unique prestige classes, like RDD, DD and PM. The only factions theese are allowed to are RDD-AO, DD-RK and PM-MA.

There are some prestigeclasses that are not unique, anyone can use them.

There is also a rule that says that you can only use 1 prestige class.
Smurf of the Brethren

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Post by Morpheus »

It may help to many others to put this rule to official NS web.

Newbie Helper
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Location: Andorra

Post by Kirg »

It is, read the information about the factions.
Adding this:
Northern Coalition - Champion of Torm
Shadow Legion - Assassin
The Circle - Shifter


Pk Bait
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Post by Dyson »

Where is the 1 prestige class only rule listed? I missed it in the documentation section.
=CI= Dyson of AO
=CI= Hack of AO, still looking for =CI= Slash...
=CI= Kyran of NC


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