what is happening to this server

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what is happening to this server

Post by Milkman99 »

Whats going on here? i mean crap is getting way outta hand, several ppl on both sides of the argument are upset / angry (including me)ppl are calling others a- holes in the forums woah.

in appropriate behaviour is all around us lol but why? i know mloki and poet had an issue with a dm, havok had another issue with a DM then zing and havok had harsh words and where is CHASE???

Bah i dont even know what to say how did it all come to this ? did i miss something? how does an issue like drow darkness lvl 4's in frost dale turn into ppl threatening to leave the server and take 6 ppl+ with them?

To Havok i apologies for my behaviour, to you also poet and Mloki but havok if ya wanna know what happened to me ill tell you.

I got sick of seeing new players and others not so new getting hammered by you guys over and over and over - i actually did an experiment too i made a few new characters and they had all been killed by lvl 5 or 6 atleast 3 times by kst members - Not fun for anyone really.

I also dislike the use of exploits and yes i used to use em with kromix before you came here but i owned up to it to a dm months ago via tells and told the devs via pm's about the exploit me and kromix were using which they thought they had fixed but in fact was not. To tell the whole server the truth we used to log to check for dm's none on so we used that exploit for hrs lvling characters all over the shop - and then i got sick of it all - i realised it wasnt fair to the others on the server - i realised i was being a jerk pking even lvl 1's so i stoped owned up took a break came clean and returned to find not only kromix but u havok sirus and others all banded together given a guild house colors and hammering noob cakes as you say all over the server - nothing had changed for you guys but for me it had

add to all this the fact that treminal insanity and okie are banned for similar behaviours to yours yet you are still here its un - fair thats all i can say i mean ive lost count of the number of times ive seen a new kst-kromix 1 day at lvl 3 and the next its lvl 16+ its BS .

So again ill shut up and i apologies but im not gonna post for a while - like i said to Mloki im getting real sick of the way things are going on this server and its a crying shame :-(

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Post by KST_HAVOK »

To all extents i totally respect you for your oppinion....

During your leave of absence me and kromix and others tried to play real cooland stop the noobie bashing.....

Still when we did pk someone even level ) we still got staatic from others about how we were...

We tried to RP.... People came at us calling us names and telling us that we were nothing more than worthless pkers even after we tried to change...

No joke ill make a level 1 char with you and show you that the scenario where we are level 3 and the next day were level 16+ is from hours and hours of leveling and finding the best places to level....

We have only started useing this drow thing like 4 or 5 days ago..

Before that we were allways leveling legit....

Me and kromix have leveled 16 levels in a 8 hour period from the MT trail ..

also we will chill for hours on end leveling and thats it....

Lately we have found a couple of ways to PL but still we only can get so far....

As far as htis server and how its going ..... it used to be fun.

If Level draining, cursing, pk for xp loss, disarming, and constant Pk ing in the DMs eyes is considered "Enhancing Fun" then y is it that when we did the same we were being PK jerks ...

You were a great guy milk and i dont know the direction of the server but for now untill things go back to normal then ....

kSt ... were outta here...

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Post by Eldaric »

Technically, I'm an "Uber Noob" on this server. I only have 1 x lvl4 I'm playing (when I get time - a bit short at the moment). Please feel free to ignore me.

On the other hand - I've been RPing since before most of you were twinkles in your fathers eyes. I don't quite go back to "Chainmail", but I did have the original D&D (The first edition - pre AD&D), and Myth Dranor will always hold a special place in my heart.

I have spent many years as a player, and many as a DM - not just AD&D, but also other RPG's that you've probably never heard of.

PC wise - I go back to "Pool of Radiance".

Why all this preamble - well, in my experience - I've pretty much seen it all and done quite a lot of it. Twink builds, power gaming, PvP (as in looking your 6'3" army buddy in the eyes across the table and telling him that your Assassin has just backstabbed his cherished Paladin character with a blade coated in Deadly Venom and watching his face turn cherry red as he rolls a 1 for his poison save - not this woosy I'm killing you from the other side of the world BS), exploit utilisation - you name it.

Milkman obviously saw that what he was doing was wrong, not in the best interests of the server, etc - and has amended his "style of playing" accordingly. It's great to see that people can look at a situation in a mature manner, and see that some things are not going to enhance and promote the enjoyment of the game for the majority of people, and SELF CORRECT the problematic behaviour. No "Messy" DM intervention required. 1 Round of applause for the Milkman please.

Havok - I hope that you and your KST buddies really enjoy yourselves on this other server. If not, I'm sure that you'll find a server somewhere that promotes PvP and Uber-Builds over a more global idea of "Fun for all" and RP. Not bagging you specifically - but I do feel that your "Egocentric" style of play is not conducive to the long term viability of a server that welcomes all players.

Okie GET
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Post by Okie GET »

but you have to remember.....this is a neversummer server......they are all about powergaming. it isn't listed in RP server. It is supposed to be a server for leveling as fast as possible and beating down the people in the other factions. that is the whole point of the guilds being based in one faction. there are pros and cons to every build. having darkness on a drow is part of the offset of a +3 ecl penalty. i don't think this whole arguement is about the Darkness. it seems to be more about how there are some DM's that have ego trips. first problem i had with a DM, i send a PM to a higher up..... no response. So why not make it public.... i think the whole server needs to know what DM's do that is pointless and stupid, and if the server isn't fun cause of the KGB DM's then i want everybody that plays here to know which server to switch to. i like most of the players here.... even the ones i trash talk to.....check that....especially the ones i trash talk to. that is part of the fun.....or it was. If it is gonna be a decent faction based server ... then lowbie killing is part of the game. why would you let your enemy live and get stronger if you can stomp em out right then and there? so back to the point..... the arguement is about how DM"s are "running" the server. Picking on clans they used to be at war with, not talking to players properly, etc. The easy solution is remove all the DM's..... we never needed em before.... why are they necessary now?

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Post by Eldaric »

Okie GET wrote:so back to the point..... the arguement is about how DM"s are "running" the server.

Hmm - come to my house and play AD&D - you play by the rules of the DM (me). I go to your house where you are the DM - I play by your rules.

I come to this "house" - I have two choices - accept the "House Rules" and the way the DMs want to play; or bugger off to another server where the "House Rules" and the DM's are more to my taste.

If you came to my house and did nothing but moan and [censored] about how I ran the show - I'd show you the door (or at least make it painfully obvious that you were not wanted - and make your life hell until you left).

Unless you are the bunny that's paying for the server/forum/etc - you really can't make "demands" - it's not your "house". Requests - sure. Suggestions - always welcome. Constructive criticism - another point of view is always a good thing. Demands - I think not. Moaning and bitching - ALWAYS a problem.

In short - if you don't like it - you always have the option of leaving. There's no need to moan and [censored] and complain and make demands and try to drag the rest of the community down with you.

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Post by KST_HAVOK »

I half way agree with okie....

I think mabey there need to bs a few less DMs on ( i wont point fingers ) but there need to be some DMs on to keep the peace in out of controll situations....

But yeah this is a Faction vs Faction server....

Y would i want to spend 3 months on a build i can powerlevel to 16 or 17 so i can at least help my fazction....

...... there is no reason....

Now some people say its not fair ....

How many guilds are there ?
How many of them will help out there recruits ?

Oh yeah and i hate you you smelly retarded okie !!!!!

^^ ( You know this means whats up man :D )

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Post by Eldaric »

KST_HAVOK wrote:But yeah this is a Faction vs Faction server....

Y would i want to spend 3 months on a build i can powerlevel to 16 or 17 so i can at least help my fazction....

...... there is no reason....

Using this logic - then you would obviously prefer to be handed a bucketload of XP when you create a character then - enough to get you to 15 or so at least. Then there would be no need to powerlevel would there.

Why stop there though - why not make it 20, or 25, or 40! Heck - let's just give everyone enough to max out - then the whole issue of Powerleveling is moot! After all - this IS a Factionwar Server!

I'd put money on you then moaning that THAT wasn't fair - because you'd then have no advantage over anyone else. We'd all be running around with Uber-Builds carefully crafted to maximise every possible advantage we could squeeze out of NWN.

... Why are we having this arguement anyway? I though you'd gone over to Aardvark or whatever server you were going to....

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Post by KST_HAVOK »

First off the "House Rules" are explained in the Rules to NS thread.....

I must have missed the rule where it said you can do whatever you want if your a DM...

and i want to play this server still....

Its great ....

But there is no way a certain Group of people can compete with the decisions a DM can make regarding adding Fun to someones game play is all

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Post by Jaromaru »

Eldaric wrote:
KST_HAVOK wrote:But yeah this is a Faction vs Faction server....

Y would i want to spend 3 months on a build i can powerlevel to 16 or 17 so i can at least help my fazction....

...... there is no reason....

Using this logic - then you would obviously prefer to be handed a bucketload of XP when you create a character then - enough to get you to 15 or so at least. Then there would be no need to powerlevel would there.

Why stop there though - why not make it 20, or 25, or 40! Heck - let's just give everyone enough to max out - then the whole issue of Powerleveling is moot! After all - this IS a Factionwar Server!

I'd put money on you then moaning that THAT wasn't fair - because you'd then have no advantage over anyone else. We'd all be running around with Uber-Builds carefully crafted to maximise every possible advantage we could squeeze out of NWN.

... Why are we having this arguement anyway? I though you'd gone over to Aardvark or whatever server you were going to....

Thank god someone finally said it!!!!! I totaly agree with you 100% giving away exp would make it dumb.........However. The fact that I can make my Rouge\Shadow Dancer stealthy enough to chance and encounter with the arctic wolves and live as well as take a decent shot at higher lvl chars.Makes me proud. I work hard and take alot of deaths but technically by this powergamming logic, I am doing something wrong?
This is not right. Now I HATE HATE HATE three build chars...I have never had one ...never will. I have played mmorpg since ultima was a virgin in origins vaults. But I like the fact that SD rouges have a shot a higher lvls and with skill we can kill really tough monsters.

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Post by Eldaric »

KST_HAVOK wrote:and i want to play this server still....

Its great ....

My mistake. I thought you and the rest of KST were serious about leaving - not just threatening to "Take my bat and ball and go play somewhere else if I don't get my own way".

One of these days I'll learn that some of the people in these forums/servers are children - and stop automatically assuming people are reasonable and rational adults who are capable of having a logical and constructive discussion....

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Post by KST_HAVOK »

Eldaric wrote:
KST_HAVOK wrote:and i want to play this server still....

Its great ....

My mistake. I thought you and the rest of KST were serious about leaving - not just threatening to "Take my bat and ball and go play somewhere else if I don't get my own way".

One of these days I'll learn that some of the people in these forums/servers are children - and stop automatically assuming people are reasonable and rational adults who are capable of having a logical and constructive discussion....

no this isnt the case......

Our guild in whole has already been offered gear money help leveling and any info we need to help us along in this other server.....

I will probbally end up leaving due to the fact that this server has DMs that try to keep you down...

I told a couple of Dms what was going on over there and they came and looked at the server forums and loughed....

Man we got there and they told us that everything that we were doing over here was ok ......

AND from my understanding a MD here who we wee having problems with almost ruined the server we are headed too ....

Man problems in 2 different servers .....

sounds like something looking into

Okie GET
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Post by Okie GET »

i too have played the PnP versions. there are good DM's and bad DM's. and nobody wants a DM that has the attitude of "It's my football......and i am taking it home...... so game over." Some people arent cut out for being a DM. i think a good solution is to have a variety of DM types......despite the name differences i haven't seen much of a difference. Some DM's that are God's that punish the wicked and reward the good.....and some Dm's that are the opposite.....i would clearly volunteer to be the Evil DM. i ain't holding my breathe.

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Post by Eldaric »

KST_HAVOK wrote:
Eldaric wrote:
KST_HAVOK wrote:and i want to play this server still....

Its great ....

My mistake. I thought you and the rest of KST were serious about leaving - not just threatening to "Take my bat and ball and go play somewhere else if I don't get my own way".

One of these days I'll learn that some of the people in these forums/servers are children - and stop automatically assuming people are reasonable and rational adults who are capable of having a logical and constructive discussion....

no this isnt the case......

OK - I'll assume then that you are a mature and reasonable person who can accept a logical argument as a possible alternative.

At the moment, as a "Noob" to these forums, I see a whole lot of whining from a select few people. Not "Constructive criticism", whining.

Sadly, you are one of these people who appear to be "Whining".

I look at posts - and by the detriment of volume I see "Havok whines about this, Havok moans about that". Ergo, any "Positive input" that you may be attempting is lost in the surrounding garbage.

Let's say for the sake of the argument that you are absolutely, 100% right - and a certain DM is destroying NS by his/her biased actions and "heavy-handedness".

You have two options. You can moan and whine - and be ignored; or you can say "Enough is enough - I am leaving because of this issue" and follow through on the threat!

If you ARE correct, and a certain DM IS destroying NS - then over time we will see a continual reduction in player numbers - and sooner or later the other DM's/Devs/Server owners/etc will wake up and go "Hey - Havok was right - we're becoming a Ghost Server because of this DM - we're going to have to do something." This DM will get the boot, no doubt someone will let you know, and you can return - triumphant. No doubt the DM's etc at that point will compensate you for lost time etc in some way - at least as a token appology for not listening to you (and if not - you can powerlevel yourself back into play fairly quickly anyway).

If you are NOT correct, then you will at least be established on another server where you are happy - and we (as in the NS community) are not hearing constant moans and complaints from certain select individuals - which really are doing nothing but detracting from our enjoyment of the game and the server.

Of course, you do have option 1 - which is stay, and moan constantly about the injustice of it all. This will almost certainly do nothing but attract more "unwanted attention" from the DM's, which will increase your complaining, until someone somewhere goes "ENOUGH" and forceably shows you the door.

The choice of course is yours.

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Post by Aarkon Draco »

i think i strained a eyeball.......... :shock:

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Re: what is happening to this server

Post by Zing »

Milkman99 wrote:ppl are calling others a- holes in the forums woah. :-(

I didn't call anyone an a-hole.

I was merely pointing out that if it gets to the point where nearly everyone you meet is an a-hole or a jerk then maybe, just maybe it's you.
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....


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