Spells not included

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Spells not included

Post by Go'f »

I don't know how hard it is to script a new spell, but I believe there would be cause for great celbration if some of the PnP spells were to be implemented in this awesome world:
    "Word of Recall" a perfect fit in this PW.

    "Teleport (without error)" this could be limited to your bind point only and "error" being a spell missfire (no result) or simply explain away missfire by limiting to bind point (extreamly familia) to avoid missfire.

If this can be done there are a number of other classes with abilities in PnP that could be used to replicate the same in game effect, so please people resist crying out class imbalance

Reasons I, for one, would like to see these spells:
    It's a great way to head back to a safe place (spawn point) without suicide or running for half hour across the server

    It would allow for much much longer exploration expeditions as you could bail when you run out of time or resource instead of having to plan the return journy too.

    It would provide an escape route from an unwanted attack (such as a Higher level PK bully).

    It would aid in peoples ability to defend there home city.

    It would possibly reduce congestion in Avendale stores.

    It would reduce congestion on the mountain.

    An out of charactor reason is that it may resolve some of the lag issues with less people running across the world causing map/zones to load and unload for no reason other than they have to cross them.

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Post by PeregrineV »

A test could be run first, or just as a limiting factor = dropped scrolls used by everyone. Then, if the recall or teleport is deemed too busy or disruptive, the scrolls stop appearing and/or disappear.

They could be: city based so that the user always appears at their starting city, only used by caster, etc.

They could be made extremely rare and undroppable, so that judicious use would occur.

They could be sold, thus making gold more valuable.

Just a few more ideas on the recall/teleport...

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Re: Spells not included

Post by Celorn »

Red-Mane wrote:I don't know how hard it is to script a new spell, but I believe there would be cause for great celbration if some of the PnP spells were to be implemented in this awesome world:
    "Word of Recall" a perfect fit in this PW.

    "Teleport (without error)" this could be limited to your bind point only and "error" being a spell missfire (no result) or simply explain away missfire by limiting to bind point (extreamly familia) to avoid missfire.

If this can be done there are a number of other classes with abilities in PnP that could be used to replicate the same in game effect, so please people resist crying out class imbalance
I think it's more player not knowing how to build or play effectively imbalance rather than class, it's a paper-rock-scissors world out there, you just have to learn how to survive- and that's half of what makes it fun!

BUT: if theoretically, say, a teleport crystal WAS implimented here, there would have to be 1. some cost to it (say half the xp and gold you would lose for respawning to a monster-kill) 2. you could not use it while in combat.

Reasons I, for one, would like to see these spells:
It's a great way to head back to a safe place (spawn point) without suicide or running for half hour across the server

Yes, on this point I'd have to say - it's a bit 'OOC' to have everyone kill a party member or members, so they can respawn back at 'home'... from a RP perspective, perhaps rival factions (or rival alignments/races) would suddenly turn on eachother...but it then wouldn't nessisarily be at a convenient time, and the killer or victim would have to disband the party.
It would allow for much much longer exploration expeditions as you could bail when you run out of time or resource instead of having to plan the return journy too.
There are lots of places to park your toon safely, sure you may have a walk ahead of you, but it's more realistic that way!
It would provide an escape route from an unwanted attack (such as a Higher level PK bully).

NO, this I think is a bad reason, even on NS3.5 you can't use the LP or EC teleporters during combat...
It would aid in peoples ability to defend there home city.

NO, I disagree on this too... once you've been here a while and have a collection (or even 2) level 25+ toons... you can just keep one parked in your faction town for defending (I have about 6 or 7 parked in NS myself)

It would possibly reduce congestion in Avendale stores.

I think the 6am opening time causes the most congestion problems, and the fact that the store scripts are linked to the job, rift portal and ferrymen scripts...

It would reduce congestion on the mountain.

The what?? I never level there ;P way too crowded for me... and the bully PK'ers go there to shoot fish in a barrel because they know lower level players will be there - not worth my wasting time, plus it's slim pickins when the server is busy normally anyhow.

An out of charactor reason is that it may resolve some of the lag issues with less people running across the world causing map/zones to load and unload for no reason other than they have to cross them.
This may be a reason, but after the hour rolls over, empty areas are despawned...so probably not a big deal (especially if you're invisible)

I think if we just wait for the RIFT PORTALS to become active, this whole idea will be moot because you may be able to run to any rift portal to get across the map fast, or possibly you could get a fragment of a rift portal and teleport to that rift by activating it?

Also, there are currently ferries of course, that you can move great distances in a short time.

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Post by Zing »

I think it is fair to say that with a view to what we have in store for you all large scale teleportation will never become available unless it is severely restricted.

Just so you know.
Talos - God of Rebellion.

...zing broke you didnt he...ITS ZINGS EVIL THAT HAS BROUGHT THIS DAY....


Post by Go'f »

Zing wrote:I think it is fair to say that with a view to what we have in store for you all large scale teleportation will never become available unless it is severely restricted.

Just so you know.

Thanks Talos for your, as always, prompt responce (even if its not what i wanted to hear) :D

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Post by Shieldcracker »

Zing wrote:I think it is fair to say that with a view to what we have in store for you all large scale teleportation will never become available unless it is severely restricted.

Just so you know.

The. Suspense. Is. Killing. Me. :shock:


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