the cluster

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the cluster

Post by Death Dealer1 »

there has been a surge of new blood on in the past while...i was wondering if the cluster was ever going to be implemented again? it was a very good thing to have, when it was working.

the benefits of the cluster were numerous...reduced lag, obvious factional bounderies, good planning of raids since the enemy couldn't see you doing it.

i think what sticks out to me most was when we had the cluster you could tell where you stood in the world. admired by your allies in one place, hated by your enemies in another. the setup also helped ram home the RP sense of "this is MY home". since you could tell when an enemy was in your territory.

just wondering if it will ever be brought back into swing.

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Post by Kromix »

yeah :D i remember the days where we used to talk not only about a faction raid, but a server raid... 4-7 lowbies doing a server raid through the forest caves where only 3 passed because the server was full and the rest where stuck... lol but the downside was if the server holding a faction went down for prolonged period of time, your chars sitting there are unplayable... and we learned to scatter the toons out...
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Post by MLoki »

I think if they redo the cluster they should have epic areas on one server and everything else on another. The 4 servers made server transitions occur in odd areas and they were much harder to maintain. The only epic area right now that doesn't require a ferry is Epic Amazons but a server transition at the cave leading into it wouldn't be too out of place and if more epic areas are being created it may balance the load fairly well between at least two servers.


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Post by lordvan52681 »

I wasn't around during the times of the cluster, so i don't know the full list of pros/cons. But i will say that just putting FD, Sunken, and the amazons on a seperate server would relieve alot of lag from the Mod. Also, since sunken and Frostdale are ferry only areas, it would be much easier to implement.

Edited for very poor spelling =P
Last edited by lordvan52681 on Thu Jan 19, 2006 3:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Draebor »

Yeah, I have to concur... if the cluster does come back (and with the noob volume lately it might be a good thing), it makes sense to place all the epic areas on another server. It would also serve as a warning of sorts for lowbies unwittingly entering an area way beyond them.

I really don't miss having to port from server to server all over the place, though... it's been nice not having to deal with that lately. Remember when auto-porting was broken and we all had to manually relog to the other server? That was brutal and probably scared away a ton of new players.

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Post by DeputyDog »

Think I would rather entertain the ide of two identical servers sharing one vault, but there are alot of loopholes to fix if we go that route.
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Post by Death Dealer1 »

i think if anyone could get it figured'd be the ns dev team. some good apples in this bunch.

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Post by Flailer »


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Post by Elagneros »

Well I only remember the two broken servers, and that wasn't the greatest implementation. There were some breaks that were bad (duergar), and there was the whole problem with logging off to transition and characters from server 2 breaking server 1 everytime they died. Breaking up the servers to reduce lag would help, but only if it ran more smoothly than it did in the past, and if the areas were seperated better than they were in the past.
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Post by Death Dealer1 »

they ran great for a while...then we had hardware issues. then they were decent again...then we had dev issues. as long as most of the devs don't disappear into the void all at once like what happened should be smoother. the only reason everyone remembers the bad times is because there were fewer ppl to work on them.

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Post by lordvan52681 »

OK, last night we hadd 55+ ppl on. The server crashed 3 times within half an hour. Something has to be done, and this seems like the best idea. We've become too popular for our own good (hats off to the dev team) and the strain is just too much for 1 server.
Last edited by lordvan52681 on Sat Mar 04, 2006 12:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by P. Fricebottle »

Yep, boot those dusty ol' servers up!

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Post by Elagneros »

It is cool seeing so many people on at once, especially when the factions that tend to appeal to newcomers them most have some nice relic XP bonuses going too.
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Post by Shieldcracker »

That brings up a big question, though. How would the relic system work across servers on a cluster?


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