More pk whining

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More pk whining

Post by JustDrow »

Call this crying.. Call it whining.. I don’t care...

I’m getting sick and tired of Nominus “Terminal Insanity” and his self proclaimed style of play and pvp. I have had higher level characters pk’d by him.. I don’t mind. I just ignore him and carry on my way or I’ll turn and attack. If I lose to him I lose. But lately he logs onto a server with lowbie characters and goes hunting. When people complain in shout that he just killed their lvl 3 or level 6 pc, his standard reply is. “I’m, trying to bring out the level 20's”, when all he need do is use the shout channel and announce that he’s hunting instead of pk'ing every lowbie he comes across. I’m more than sure that anyone interested in going after him, would.

He plays at other peoples expense. He has stood in Forst Dale one night near a trans entry point and stopped anyone from passing the spot he was in unless they pay him 100k. If this is part of the pvp rp aspect, then fine. But to pk the same player(s) over and over while they try to get by and move on.. Well that just sucks. His announcement that night after a barrage in shout was that he was forcing people to discover other routes in Frost Dale.

Funny thing is I haven’t seen any announcements on these forums declaring him as the official “I’m going to force you into/to......” person. Thought that was the domain of the game gods.

Today with 2 people being on server 2, one character a lvl 14 sorc and mine a lvl 5 fighter he showed up and pk’s me, with his level 26 caster while I was fighting a zombie lord that was not a natural spawn of that zone. I was on the winning end of the zombie lord fight. That pk cost me
250 xp and as a Drow that is costlty at low levels. Plus the fact that he stole my kill. If this was just a one time thing I would not have said anything, but this is what Nominus calls “his” fun, attacking any low level character he can find.

If this is the type of play style that the game gods condone then let me know. Because I for one am getting sick of having low level characters (below level 10) getting pk’d by someone who, with a level 26 caster, proclaims that this is “his” fun and there’s nothing we can do about it
while proclaiming that he is trying to make things interesting.

I can most certainly go to another "Full PVP" PW where this type of “fun” is not condoned. I also know that I am not alone, there are a few who feel as I do.

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Post by JesterOI »

There are atleast 4 entrances into the Ice Giant caves, why would you keep going back to the same place where someone has taken up an extortion racket?

I think the problem here is that no one other than Term makes very much use of the pk aspect of the server(s), so when he does kill someone it becomes a big deal.

There is usually no loss of xp or gold (though I think there should be a 1-5% gold transfer to the winner of a player fight) when you get pk'd, so no reason to make a big fuss.

And just for future reference, Drow, making posts like this about someone who pk's a lot is just encouragement for them. It's also a good way to paint a big "PK ME PLEASE!!!" sign on yourself. PKr's thrive on this sort of attention, it means they're doing a good job when they see this kind of stuff. :wink:
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Post by JustDrow »

I did lose xp on that one. I didn't check but I'll assume that I lost gold too.

And if what your saying is that a lvl 26 is pefectly within their rights to run around and take out levels fives and a pots like this encourages them to do more of it, then I'm gone.

And just to let you know I do pvp and pk but never anyone reading "effortless or easy" .

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Post by JesterOI »

I'm just saying that posting about how much it bugs you only gives them fuel for their fire.
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Re: More pk whining

Post by JustDrow »

JustDrow wrote:If this is the type of play style that the game gods condone then let me know. Because I for one am getting sick of having low level characters (below level 10) getting pk’d by someone who, with a level 26 caster, proclaims that this is “his” fun and there’s nothing we can do about it while proclaiming that he is trying to make things interesting.

In that statement lays the burning question. Is this behavior condoned by the game gods? The behavior of repeatedly hunting down low level characters and fragging them, stealing their kill and/or any loot that maybe left behind.

If it is yes then I'm gone. If it's no then someone with the authority should say so on the forums here, then have a talk with Terminally Insanity.

If making statements on these forums of this nature paints a target on me then fine. Come after me in game all you want but don't be getting a level 26 caster to attack my level 5 fighter.

The Rizz
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Post by The Rizz »

You just have to realize that Nominus is a complete and total [censored].

Hell, I've seen him sit right outside Avandell before and kill anyone trying to leave town, over and over again - i.e. griefing.

Also, Nominus is a total whiner. One time I fought him (pre-wipe), after he had already killed me three times for daring to try leave Avandell, I ran up to him, used Disarm, and took his staff. You should have heard him whine! "Give the staff back or I'll kill any character you ever log in with!" (Like he doesn't try do that anyway...)

Oh, and no, the devs don't care at all. At least, not that I've ever seen.

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Post by BlkMamba »

Well, just checked the boards after working all week and, i was one of the ones that was in frostdale...he pk'd 4x's over, 12lvl's under him, none the less i had some friends come in, he just sat there, knew he would get wasted if he crossed threw, if he wanted to bring out the higher lvl's why didnt he go thru and fight them, they were there waiting for him

And as far as 1-5% i would agree with that on a scale, if the character is within a challenging rateing or higher, but to put it on all pk's, no, cuz you would have some moron that cant play for crap going around doing it to lowbies, wait we already have one dont we

Terminal Insanity
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Re: More pk whining

Post by Terminal Insanity »

JustDrow wrote:Call this crying.. Call it whining.. I don’t care...

JustDrow wrote:I’m getting sick and tired of Nominus “Terminal Insanity” and his self proclaimed style of play and pvp.
huh? I don't realy get what you're saying there... i like PvP. Tossing a grenade into a preschool is a good way to get cops... Tossing a wail into the bandits is a good way to get paladins.

JustDrow wrote:I have had higher level characters pk’d by him.. I don’t mind. I just ignore him and carry on my way or I’ll turn and attack. If I lose to him I lose.
yeah soooo... why are you posting?

JustDrow wrote:But lately he logs onto a server with lowbie characters and goes hunting.
Or, to be a little more clear, lately i've been logging into a server with any characters (i dont look at lvls or even who's on when i come online), and then i go hunting.

JustDrow wrote:When people complain in shout that he just killed their lvl 3 or level 6 pc, his standard reply is. “I’m, trying to bring out the level 20's”,
If by "standard" you mean "one time only", you're 100% correct here.

JustDrow wrote:when all he need do is use the shout channel and announce that he’s hunting instead of pk'ing every lowbie he comes across. I’m more than sure that anyone interested in going after him, would.
Wait a sec... i thought you said there was only low level people on... what good would a shout do?

JustDrow wrote:He plays at other peoples expense. He has stood in Forst Dale one night near a trans entry point and stopped anyone from passing the spot he was in unless they pay him 100k.
Yeah, i used to take over Giant Mountain and demand 10 raise scrolls or 1 million, but i took into consideration the average level and # of clerics in the game lately, and and thought 100k would be more appropriate for now...

JustDrow wrote:If this is part of the pvp rp aspect, then fine. But to pk the same player(s) over and over while they try to get by and move on.. Well that just sucks.
RP or not, it's great fun. And when someone else takes over an area (wich is sadly, very rare) its fun to take them out.

JustDrow wrote:His announcement that night after a barrage in shout was that he was forcing people to discover other routes in Frost Dale.
Barrage of answers to people's shouts, yes. Don't try to make it look like i'm abusing the shout channel, i usualy only use it for legit reasons, harmless non-game related, or to reply to people.

And yes, it does help. I take one area over, and now all you noobs have to go find one of several other ways around me, almost all just as quick. Or they can try to take me out (and if they win, kudos to them) or just pay up...
The idea of demanding gold or an item for passage makes lower level players shout for bigger badder help, look for another way around, AND, dun dun dunnnnnnnn, it gives higher level players something to do.

Honestly, i don't realy see how it's different from a DM event, other then it doesnt realy have any rewards other then something exciting to do.

When you see me take over an area, think of it as a plot twist? i don't know. You shouldn't be playing a DnD game if you can't take combat or unexpected twists or events. Thats what DnD was made for. Thats what NWN was made for. Thats why thousands of people play NWN. Not to slap around some bloody giants, slaying them over and over mindlessly... oh hey, i hit lvl 40, new char lets do it again!

What is the point in playing online if all you're going to do is solo XP? To gain levels? for what? to kill me? hah. Thought you didn't like PvP. You just don't like it when it happens to YOU.

JustDrow wrote:Funny thing is I haven’t seen any announcements on these forums declaring him as the official “I’m going to force you into/to......” person. Thought that was the domain of the game gods.
It's the domain of each individual. Why does it have to be announced? Does a criminal give the bank notice before he robs them? i think not. And i'm not a "I'm going to force you into/to..." person.. i'm a "I want your gp, smelly little man" person.

JustDrow wrote:Today with 2 people being on server 2, one character a lvl 14 sorc and mine a lvl 5 fighter he showed up and pk’s me, with his level 26 caster
25. and i'm sorry, i don't have the most up-to-date map of where the lvl 14 sorc was, avendell was sold out... so i bought yours...

JustDrow wrote:while I was fighting a zombie lord that was not a natural spawn of that zone. I was on the winning end of the zombie lord fight. That pk cost me
250 xp and as a Drow that is costlty at low levels. Plus the fact that he stole my kill. If this was just a one time thing I would not have said anything, but this is what Nominus calls “his” fun, attacking any low level character he can find.
Ugh... Attacking ANY character i can find. I don't care if you are higher then me, or lower, i'll try. if i can't kill you, i'll stalk you till you rest. Or just get the hell outa there! Wich is what you shoulda done when you saw me comin! You make it quite clear you know i like to PK. You knew what was coming, so why did you just stand there? Hope fate falls blind? The only thing falling blind is you, worm meat.

JustDrow wrote:If this is the type of play style that the game gods condone then let me know. Because I for one am getting sick of having low level characters (below level 10) getting pk’d by someone who, with a level 26 caster, proclaims that this is “his” fun and there’s nothing we can do about it0
Hrmm, First, it's EXACTLY the kind of game style that the module supports. Why do you think there are factions to begin with? durrrrrrrrrrrrr
And there is something you can do. Find somewhere else to level, pay me 100k, or shout for help.

JustDrow wrote:while proclaiming that he is trying to make things interesting.
The only one that made this partiuclar PK interesting was you posting in this forum. To be honest, your PK was rather unfulfilling...

JustDrow wrote:I can most certainly go to another "Full PVP" PW where this type of “fun” is not condoned. I also know that I am not alone, there are a few who feel as I do.
I can stick a loaf of bread in a Pepsi bottle, it doesnt mean you can drink it. It's not much fun to eat ether.

Terminal Insanity
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Re: More pk whining

Post by Terminal Insanity »

JustDrow wrote:The behavior of repeatedly hunting down low level characters and fragging them, stealing their kill and/or any loot that maybe left behind.

I killed you once. And 'hunting' people down, i only do that to higher level players, or people that deserve it. I never hunted you.
Also, that kill was no longer yours considering you were DEAD. lol

And those mobs drop nothing worth while.. do you REALY want compensation? You know what, i will. Not that i feel obligated in any way at all, but just to rub it in a bit more, go tell me what you think that mob dropped (feel free to guess around the high end i don't care) and i'll give it to you

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Post by Terminal Insanity »

The Rizz wrote:You just have to realize that Nominus is a complete and total [censored].

The Rizz wrote:Hell, I've seen him sit right outside Avandell before and kill anyone trying to leave town, over and over again - i.e. griefing.
well i havent done that in a long time... i wish i could, but after the Brotherhood showed up and started crying (and then doing it themselves) i just went and found other things to do

The Rizz wrote:Also, Nominus is a total whiner. One time I fought him (pre-wipe), after he had already killed me three times for daring to try leave Avandell, I ran up to him, used Disarm, and took his staff. You should have heard him whine! "Give the staff back or I'll kill any character you ever log in with!"
uhhh.... no? Pre-Wipe i probably had at LEAST 10 staffs of dead, and a horde of drow staffs as well, both of wich is easy to get, why would i complain that you took it? lol... if i don't want someone to steal my equip, i unequip it first. the reason i carry a staff around is FOR THIS REASON EXACTLY. It's not hard to guess why i do this, but i think i'll keep the reason for why i let people disarm me to myself

The Rizz wrote:Oh, and no, the devs don't care at all. At least, not that I've ever seen.

Thats probably because its not the Dev's problem. it's the DM's.
Also, the DMs do care, TBD has a stiffy for my banning, you can smell it a mile away. A couple other DMs have mentioned that i DO bring fun to the module... Its all prespective i guess... to me, PvP is why i play online. I honestly don't see why someone would play online if they cant fight with other players... it's beyond me... Go play a co-op story module if you are just there for party/nopvp. Or... stay here, deal with me just like i had to deal with others, and then DEAL with me when you are strong enough. It's worth it, belive me. Killing Emperor Okie was quite satisfying ^_^

Terminal Insanity
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Post by Terminal Insanity »

BlkMamba wrote:Well, just checked the boards after working all week and, i was one of the ones that was in frostdale...he pk'd 4x's over, 12lvl's under him, none the less i had some friends come in, he just sat there, knew he would get wasted if he crossed threw, if he wanted to bring out the higher lvl's why didnt he go thru and fight them, they were there waiting for him

Well, i'm not an idiot. I'm not going to walk out into a field of high level casters clerics and fighters. This is the EXACT same reason i find it funny people keep coming back to the spot they know i'm PKing... Natural selection needs to be a little more selective =/

I was waiting for the mob to disparse a little so i would have a bit of a chance, and then my girlfriend got home and i had to go

Worry not, i'm no stranger to hunting parties... You call what YOU had a hunting party... try 3 lvl40 mages, and a larger number of lvl40 melees sitting just outside avendell waiting... Good times

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Post by isaac.anthony »

see, the thing is...

a lot of us don't want to PK, unless it's arena style.

any monkey can ambush someone, it's pretty easy. most of the time, they'll hit you with bigbys (just give up at this point) it's pretty much over for you.

we're just saying, the more wannabe psychotic type behavior that neversummer condones, the more people will want to leave. i know most people like to play with themselves a bit. but all the devs probably wouldn't be too happy if it was just them, and 2 pking jerks on the game...

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Post by JustDrow »

***doesn't bother to read terminal's posts. Couldn't be bothered with anything he has to say, total waist of time, good bad or indifferent, his has always the same rant***

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Post by Lokey »

It's the DM's call, but if what Terminal Insanity describes as fun for him is griefing then it's an open and shut case--see the rules here, opening conversation in game, journal entries and so on. The only purpose it could serve is to point out things that need to be nerfed. If there's one griefy tactic that always works, then it needs to be looked at (I don't know how many times I've rewritten the Bigby's spells...I think I made them a lil more powerful last time so it wasn't pointless to use any of them on anything larger than a Gully Dwarf).

Griefing has always been discouraged. If the gods are ok with it they'll have to find someone else to build.

Keep it civil and maybe even useful.
Tep wrote:I login and there's a dwarf to kill. You can't ask for much more than that.

Alkapwn wrote:NC has the most amazing melee build there is. Its a friggin unstopable juggernaut of pain.

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Post by JustDrow »

Thank you Loky. the words I've been waiting to hear. Screen shots away then.


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