Wizard strategy guide

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Psycho Dordt
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Wizard strategy guide

Post by Psycho Dordt »

well as some of you might remember, i'm a mage freak, and i like to share some of my thoughts with you ;p

this will be about the first 20 lvls since i have nu clue about the epic content.

Race Human, (imo the best wizard race, some say gnome, but i dislike the -4 dicipline penalty, and i prefer +1 feat over +2 con, its only 20 HP at lvl 20, if you need those your doing something wrong imnso. (colly will disagree))


stats. i prefer str 12, dex8 con 16 int 18 wiz8 cha 8, but feel free to change, with respect to how you plan to multy class, remember NEVER mutyclass a wizard befor lvl 15 you do need your spells to hard.
school focus conjuration, greater school focus conjuration.
(at low lvl you are weak as a wet news paper, so get strong pets to fight for you, at later levels it helps with grease.)

make shure to take Shalarns persistant blade, IMO its much better than summon monster 1 since the custom monsters at that lever have a messed up AI, they use special abilities that wont help you at all.
shield is really nice, but i prefer mage armor since you cn cast it on your pet.
sleep is ideal against rats etc collour spray is just as neat, and will remain usefull longer, but as a cone will be alot herder to target well.
ray of frost is a nice dmg spell at low lvl
make shure to take grease now so you wont forget.

use a dagger for coup de grace
and a cross bow for ranged suport.
i always wear a torch cuzz i hate it when its dark at night.

the rest will come later as i have to logg for the weekend now.
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.

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Wow :o

Post by izzle2 »

As a wizard player myself, I feel it necessary to correct you on some things. I'm not sure where to begin; you are off-base on a few things here. There is another wizard player sitting next to me as I type this, so rest assured that this information will be good and may prove usefull.

Stats -

Why take all the strength? You are a caster, not a fighter. Even if you are trying to melee, this is not enough strength to do the job, not to mention the fact that you won't ever have the base attack to hit anything your own level. Second, keep in mind that your AC is based on your dexterity. If you start with 8 that puts you at a -1 AC modifier to start. Ouch! You can't wear armor or a shield, so take your AC points where you can get them. Next, the 16 constition is certainly nice but I feel some of these points are better used in dexterity. As you say, if you need those HP you are doing something wrong. Without a shield in this mod you are lacking in some important damage reduction. If you are getting hit, you are in trouble. Take the AC! Intelligence of course is vital 18 here is good. Wisdom is your will save, so any extra points can be put here but remember that you will eventually have immunity buffs to cover this area. Charisma is worthless in this mod unless your class depends on it, and wizard doesn't.

With all of this in mind, here are some suggested starting stats:
STR: 8
DEX: 16
CON: 12
INT: 18
WIS: 8
CHA: 8

I am at work at the moment so these numbers could be off a point or two.

Races -

There is good arguement for taking human with almost any class. The bonus feat (quick to master) is handy for any non-fighter. And the open favored class allows you to get the bonus xp. The gnome on the other hand hand is rather pointless. The extra consitution is nice, but you will simply have to take those points back out of CON and put them back into STR because 6 points isn't enough to carry your robes, and a naked wizard won't last long. The elf is an excellent choice and the only one other than human you should consider. Again I would go with the AC (+2 DEX) over HP (-2 CON). I won't go into great detail about subraces, but Moon Elf (default), Drow, or Sun Elf all have traits worth considering.

Feats -

Here are a few, and I mean few, suggestions - I will not cover them all, there are simply too many combinations.

Defensive Casting - this is recommended by NWN, Don't, I say do NOT take this. It only works if you actually enter defensive casting mode each time you start casting. If you are going to actually use this feat, by all means take it, but don't say I didn't tell you.

Weapon Focus - why bother? You are a caster, not a fighter. Try to be both at your peril.

Metamagic - take Extend, Empower, Maximize, and Quicken. In that order. You can take either Still or Silent if you want to open up your 7th level slots for addition Isaac's, but there is no need to take both.

Spell Penetration - take all 3 - period.

Dodge, Mobility, Spring Attack - yup

Toughness - here is where you get back some of those HP you lost from your starting CON.

Spell Focus - this depends entirely on your style of play. There are plenty of options here. My only recommendation is that you take one all the way if you're going to take it at all. Focus, Greater, Epic.

Spells -

I won't list which spells you should have here. Why, you ask? Have them all! The whole point of taking wizard over sorcerer is having versatility. This means that you will have to collect scrolls, find out which scrolls cannot be scribed and learn those when leveling, and beg, borrow, or steal the rest. I guess trading might be ok too. You are a wizard, get used to spending time studying your craft as this will take a lot of time. Remember that you are going for the end result and the work will pay off.

Equipment -

Weapons - Leave the melee weapons to the melee types. Use a staff that gives you extra spell slots or one that has some usefull spell charges. A few good ones are the Staff of the Dead, Firebeard's Staff, Drow Staff of Power, and things like the Twisted Maple Staff for earlier levels.

Helms - Try switching between ones with spells slots and intelligence bonus. You will get different benefits at different levels, so be sure you are getting the most out of your helm.

Robes - Just as any character should in this mod, you should have the appropriate resistances for whatever you happen to be fighting. As robes only weight 1 lb each, carry a set for each type of damage.


There are of course many, many different paths you can take with multiclassing options and other tweaks. I will agree that you should not multiclass too early. Part of the reason for multiclassing being to dump skill points into usefull things like tumble, discipline, or spot to name a few. If you multiclass early, you won't have the points to put into these yet, so will end up taking another level to max the points. Since most of these options are fighting classes, you won't be able to use the additional levels to any real benefit. Experimentation and specialization in one or more areas can often build uber characters but can also create gimpy ones, so plan before you build and level your character. *delete* *delete* Oops! Almost started giving away some trade secrets.

Go and have fun. I hope this helps.

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Post by JesterOI »

My starting stats for a human wizard are usually:
str: 14 (need atleast some carry weight, especially with taking autostill in epic levels)
dex: 8 (you're ac will be so low anyway that this won't matter. Besides if you go autostill in epic levels your boots should bump this ump enough to give the 1 dex ac taht full plate would allow you.)
con: 14 (more hp the better, need to raise fort saves too)
wis:10 (don't want -1 will saves)

for dwarf wizard (they make those?!!!) it would be:
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Post by JesterOI »

Did a quick character:

Started with:
STR: 14
DEX: 8
CON: 14
WIS: 10
INT: 18
CHA: 8

All points into INT while levelling.

At creation:
Luck of Heroes
Strong soul

First 20 Levels (Any order):
Combat Casting
Spell Penetration
Greater Spell Penetration
Spell Focus: Necromancy (lots of fort save spells)
Spell Focus: Enchantment (lots of will save spells)
Greater Spell Focus: Necromancy
Greater Spell Focus: Enchantment
Extend Spell
Still Spell
Quicken Spell

Epic Level Feats (In this order):
Epic Spell Penetration
Improved Combat Casting
Auto Still Spell 1
Auto Still Spell 2
Auto Still Spell 3
Fighter Level - Armor Skin (Also top up Disc. at this point)
Auto Quicken Spell 1
Auto Quicken Spell 2
Auto Quicken Spell 3
Epic Spell Focus: Necromancy
Epic Spell Focus: Enchantment
Spell Focus: Illusion*
Greater Spell Focus: Illusion*
Epic Spell Focus: Illusion*

*: These are optional to the build I did, could throw an epic spell and two increased INT in here.

On last level take Rogue since there is no feat to be picked at 40, but many MANY skill points to be used. (Tumble, Open Locks, Spot, etc...)

I can't see any reason for taking focus in any other spell schools except these:

Evocation: The 2 important Evocation spells (IGMS and Bigbies) don't require saving throws. Only spell penetration.
Transmute: has Stone to Flesh and that's about it.
Abjuration: doesn't need focus.
Conjuration: if you want pets, but who uses pets at epic levels anyway?
Divination: Power Words don't use saves.

One problem with this build is the lack of high spell DC's... I see the focused level 9 spells hitting 39 or 40 in best case scenario's. Dropping Auto Quicken and the last 3 Focus feats would yield DC43 in the remaining focused spell schools via Intelligence feats.

Also the lack of empowered & maximimized IGMS may bother some ppl. (An easy fix is by taking Empower and Maximize instead of Focusing in one of the spell schools in the first 20 levels, which also frees up a feat in epic levels so you can take an epic spell (Epic Warding anyone?))

While naked this character ended up with saves of:
Fort 20
Reflex 20
Will 24

naked vs spells:
Fort 28 (29 vs death spells)
Reflex 28
Will 32

naked with "prot. from spells" vs spells:
Fort 36 (37 vs death spells)
Reflex 36
Will 40

Level 16 gear with "prot. from spells" vs spells:
Fort 43 (Would save EVERY time vs his own level 9 Wail or Weird, unless they throw in fail on a 1)
Reflex 43
Will 44

Tossing on Endurance, Cat's Grace, and Owl's Wisdom will increase these also.
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Post by Elagneros »

In my case, I usually make sure all the stats are at least at 10 to avoid taking penalties. In NS you can probably leave Cha at 8 since it's useless for a wizard. I keep Dex and Con about equal because both the AC bonus and extra hps are equally important to a wizard. After all, you can't wear heavy armor, but you also have the worst hit points per level in the game as well, and when you get hit an extra hp or two might very well be the difference between life and death. And of course take plenty of Int.

As for race, I usually go with humans. That extra feat at first level is very helpful. Elves and gnomes favor wizard, but elves have that bad Con penalty, so that'll give you less hps over the long run. Gnomes are viable if you don't mind the Str penalty (not really a big deal as a wizard). Don't take a half-orc. With a +Str and -Int they're pointless as wizards.

With feats, Extend, Empower, Maximize and Quicken are all good. Spell Penetration and Greater Spell Penetration are important as well. As for spell focus, I'd really recommend only Necromancy for wailing. Conjuration boosts summons, but they're really not that good in the first place, and while Evocation is good, there's enough defenses against fire, cold and lightning from equipment in this game that's it not worth boosting spells like fireball, lightning bolt, cone of cold, etc. Use Isaac instead, and Isaac has no save. Don't take recommended feats, they're always lame.

You don't have to worry too much about which spells you have to take. A wizard can learn all the spells in the game anyway unlike a sorcerer, so spell choice isn't terribly important. If you're playing with HotU you should take those spells as you level, since they can't be scribed in NS and you probably won't find them in treasure. Where possible, get scrolls from players wizards and sorcerers. Other casters can help you learn spells as well. For example clerics have most of the buffs and all of the summons, so you can have them scribe those scrolls for you. Take advantage of scribing scrolls for useful spells you don't need all the time. This is another advantage wizard have over sorcerers; with you huge repetoire of spells you can make scrolls ahead of time and use them when needed. Some good examples are knock and find traps. Don't scribe stuff like buffs. Their duration is based on your level, so they'll last longer as you get more powerful (and Extend helps here too).

Don't mess with melee weapons. Take a staff, particularly ones with charged spells in case you do need a melee weapon, but don't go wading into melee. Wizards suck at melee combat. Pack a crossbow. I'd go with a light crossbow, though it does slightly less damage, but you also don't want to lug too much weight around with you either. Learn arcane crafting too. You'll find it very helpful as a wizard.

Be careful what you fight too. Fighting undead is a good choice because they have crappy hit rolls like a wizard so they'll hit you less often than other monsters. Ogres and giants are often popular, but you should probably avoid them since they have high Strength scores and can dish out a lot of damage which you really won't be able to afford. Try too adventure with groups where possible since soloing as a wizard is going to be pretty tough no matter what you do anyway.
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Post by Binkyuk »

I've been 2 wizards, though not to such high level, and i agree with izzle. why the high strength? it'll help you to club things with your staff but by the time it comes to that it's probably a bit desperate, without discipline melee is almost suicidal above level 10. I always go high dex, low strength for the ac bonus, and i usually multiclass as barbarian or rogue to pick up uncanny dodge (keep your dex based ac on casting, with that a dex boost is way better than +1 concentration from a con boost for casting in melee imo, and you'll take less hits when you turn and run from the big bad man with a sword).

Saying 'you're a low ac character anyway' seems a bit strange to me, surely that means every little bit helps! If i have only 20ac and i have a way to boost it to 22, that's a 10% increase.

More controversially I usually also take weapon finesse so that at early levels i can finish them off with my short sword (gnome) or rapier (elf) when i run out of spells (which i aaalways do, at least before level 10).
High dex also means you can shoot stuff with your [cross]bow (good with sneak attack for extra punch). The disadvantage of both of these is that you have to put your staff away, and if it gives you bonus spell slots that's a bad thing. But anyone who's been in a party and found themselves kicking their heels once they've unloaded everything at the boss while the fighter(s) finish it off will know how frustrating it can be.

I must say i've never built a character based on still spells so i don't know how viable it is, but here's my 2 pence anyway:
1. until you get auto-still it'll slash your offensive casting ability by (i estimate) about a third.
2. even if you're basing your build on auto-still you'll have to wait until level 24 or so to cast level 9 spells. that's near the max you can realistically get in this world at the moment, and is a long way from the 17 you'd otherwise get them.
3. you'll miss out on some of the cool wizard robes around that give bonus slots.

Play to the strengths of your class, if you want to be armour plated you're *probably* better off as a druid.

I know many will call me dumb for it but i pretty much always take a bit of multiclass, though it does hit hard when i have to wait N levels longer for new spell levels, and it hurts your dispelling and dispel resisting:

a) 3 rogue levels - lots of places to put those skill points rather than lore (tumble! and spot!, combine good spot with clairvoyance and true sight, i suspect you can easily equal or better a cleric even without the wisdom bonus they get). uncanny dodge at level 3 (see above why i think this is a must for casters with dex based ac). 2d6 sneak attack gives your [cross]bow extra punch. evasion. good for entry to SD class. main problem is when to take the levels, later allows better skills, but then you have to wait longer for UD.

b) 2 barb levels: discipline! +10% movement (for when you're caught without extended haste/expeditious retreat by the aforementioned big bad man with a sword)! uncanny dodge! extra hp is always good. rage will probably go to waste, +1ac is more valuable than +1.5 on concentration checks. if only you could have a pale master with this it'd be great.

( c) 4 fighter levels: still debating between this, 3 rogue levels or nothing for my pale master, no UD or sneak attack, but still get discipline. bonus feats - weapon finesse, weapon focus (don't laugh, with your low ab the increase will be more noticable), weapon spesh (extra damage useful with low strength, but not a patch on sneak attack) will free up normal feat slots for toughness and metamagic. good bab increase)

Believe it or not i've never tried a monk multiclass, but i don't think it'd be as good as in single player. Your wisdom won't be sky high anyway and arcane crafted amulets give natural ac, which is probably better on balance than the dodge ac the wisdom boosting amulets will give you. remember without picking up uncanny dodge from somewhere that wis based ac will disappear while combat casting or running. however you could pick up UD from SD, and monk also gives discipline and tumble. please post if you've tried a monk multiclass. could also go assassin from monk for UD but rogue is probably better for the extra skill as assassin special ability grows with class level.

All of these classes also give +1 bab, which will give you a final bab at level 20 of 11, rather than 10, which is an extra attack at epic level, this may not be so handy with your low bab anyway, but can't hurt.

Couple of last points:
If in a party or just using a meat shield, keep an eye on the opposition. when they *start* running at you is the time to start casting exp. retreat, haste, invis, darkness, switching on combat casting or just turning and running, not when they get to you.

Use combat casting mode! I rarely see people use this, but it's great (for clerics and druids too). You need to pass a concentration check to cast at all (and by level 7 or so you won't be failing unmodified concentration checks) but you get no attacks of opportunity against you for casting. when facing mobs you can take the hits of it makes life much easier. The major pain is switching it on though, if you're standing still and doing nothing it seems to switch on ok, but if you click it when doing something else it doesn't seem to switch on until you attack or have finished all queued actions (because it's technically a combat mode) - taking a swing with your sword or firing off a round will always do it. It'll switch off when you move, which is a major pain. It's hard to use but do try it, i've found it majorly increases my ability to trash mobs with aoe spells. I always keep it on my primary quickbar now, so i can see if it's still on by the green outline.


Hmm, this wasn't supposed to turn into a treatise. oh well. Please feel free to disagree.

Btw, has anyone tried counterspelling as a tactic? I suspect in a party it *could* work quite nicely. preventing the isaacs before it arrives means the entire party doesn't have to spend an action on healing, and preventing the wail or bigbys before it arrives would be incalculably more valuable than cleaning up the mess afterward. Mind you it means not chucking one out yourself...

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Post by imom411 »

Binkyuk, AFAIK monk wisdom AC bonus does NOT go "poof" when caught flat-footed, even if it is counted as part of dodge bonus. Can anyone confirm?

Also, by "combat casting mode" I assume you mean defensive casting mode. Never tried it, but I will now. Too bad I wasted a feat on expertise :evil: That kind of exhausted my patience with this kind of mode-switching in combat.

I do play a sun elf in NS4 (that's the wizardy one, right?) but I really think people aren't giving gnomes their fair shakes. You get a lot of stuff for that one little feat at creation, and wizards have so many skill points anyway that they hardly notice the loss. As a gnome you get:

-Small stature! Everyone seems to be leaving this out. Not only do you get +1 AB, you also get a very important +1 AC, and if you're going SD, that extra hide will come in handy. Unless you're specifically going with a high discipline build, the -4 to KD is no worse than you'd be already.

-A nice +2 to CON. This gives you +1 hp/lvl (remember, this is an extra 25% of your max base hp!), +1 concentration, and +1 to fort saves (not to be tossed aside!)

-A nice +2 to concentration (this is +3 so far! If Binkyuk is right about defensive casting mode, this allows you to use it effectively 3 lvls lower)

-Spell focus illusion (this would of course be better if there were really decent offensive spells in the illusion school, but I guess PhantKillah would be a little more useful at lower levels).

-Defensive training vs giants: a nice +4 dodge AC against the big guys running around lots of places in NS4. I guess if you're flat-footed this isn't any good, unfortunately.

Anyway, gnomes may not be your thing, but they certainly should not be ignored. They might be small, but they have a big heart :roll:

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Post by JesterOI »

Binkyuk wrote:why the high strength?

JesterOI wrote:str: 14 (need atleast some carry weight, especially with taking autostill in epic levels)

Binkyuk wrote:Saying 'you're a low ac character anyway'

The mage is a low ac character, why else would they get spells like improved invis, ethereal visage, stoneskin, greater stonskin, and premonition?
They are initially low ac because they can't wear heavy armor and can't raise their dex to anything useful for ac because they need to concentrate on int.
Binkyuk wrote:More controversially I usually also take weapon finesse

Bad idea, waste of a feat, you're a spell caster not a bolt slinger.
Binkyuk wrote:I must say i've never built a character based on still spells so i don't know how viable it is, but here's my 2 pence anyway:
1. until you get auto-still it'll slash your offensive casting ability by (i estimate) about a third.
2. even if you're basing your build on auto-still you'll have to wait until level 24 or so to cast level 9 spells. that's near the max you can realistically get in this world at the moment, and is a long way from the 17 you'd otherwise get them.
3. you'll miss out on some of the cool wizard robes around that give bonus slots.

1. Won't slash it at all, in fact it can increase your offensive ability by allowing extra slots for certain useful spells.
2. True, however once the epic areas open up and you can level decently once again, you will be up the creak without a paddle and your character will be handicapped.
3. Extra spell slots do you nothing if your dead. Wearing heavy armor and using a shield will grant you that extra ac and the damage resist mixed with spells like premonition and improved invis will make you VERY hard to damage thus keeping you alive to actually get to cast all your spells.
Binkyuk wrote:Play to the strengths of your class, if you want to be armour plated you're *probably* better off as a druid.

Why take weapon finesse then?
Binkyuk wrote:I know many will call me dumb for it but i pretty much always take a bit of multiclass

Hell no! Multiclassing is the best thing you can do (unless they introduce some of tha supposedly kickass pure class gear)
Only thing to consider about multiclassing is when to do it and howmany levels to put into the secondary classes (if are actually secondary, I've made characters that are 3 classes but none of the classes are secondary)
Binkyuk wrote:Use combat casting mode!

Actually don't. Running in between casts will keep you alive longer than standing still and using this.
Best part though is being able to use this ability while running and casting.
Cast spell
Click to run
Once you are running good and not being stopped from behind click some sufficient distance ahead of you then turn on the combat casting mode then start casting once again.
imom411 wrote:Too bad I wasted a feat on expertise

As far as I know it would still be useful if you click to run to a spot and then turn it on mid run, should stay on until you start casting again or click to move somewhere else.
imom411 wrote:-Spell focus illusion (this would of course be better if there were really decent offensive spells in the illusion school, but I guess PhantKillah would be a little more useful at lower levels).

Lots of useful spells actually and since I would personally take this feat for a human mage, this cancels out the loss of a starting feat that humans get (unless you wanted to take 2 first level only feats)

And yes. Gnomes do rock. I'm making a barbarian gnome right now!
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Post by imom411 »

From JesterOI:
imom411 wrote:
-Spell focus illusion (this would of course be better if there were really decent offensive spells in the illusion school, but I guess PhantKillah would be a little more useful at lower levels).

Lots of useful spells actually and since I would personally take this feat for a human mage, this cancels out the loss of a starting feat that humans get (unless you wanted to take 2 first level only feats)

I don't know what you're talking about (I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt that it's not you who has this problem :lol: ).

What "lots of useful spells" that are a)offensive and b)in the illusion school? Are you actually talking about shadow conjuration and shades??? Or perhaps weird and PK, which both still require 2 saves, and are (shortly will be rather, I guess) stopped by immunity to fear rather than death effects? Honestly, there are hardly any offensive illusion spells worth using IMHO. This, of course, is a shame, but it is somewhat made up for the fact that some of the best protections are illusions--imp invis, and when it doesn't have its duration slashed to nothing, shadow shield (one of the best protection spells in the game).

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Post by JesterOI »

Weird is good and skips past shadow shield, etc...
The Primatic Spray spell is a good one.
Mass Blind/Deaf is a great croud control spell against mobs.
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Post by Binkyuk »

Binkyuk wrote:Saying 'you're a low ac character anyway'

The mage is a low ac character, why else would they get spells like improved invis, ethereal visage, stoneskin, greater stonskin, and premonition?
They are initially low ac because they can't wear heavy armor and can't raise their dex to anything useful for ac because they need to concentrate on int.

I don't dispute that they are low ac, i'm just confused as to why you don't want to rectify that? if my fighter has low will i wear a wis boosting ammy and a will boosting helm...

Binkyuk wrote:More controversially I usually also take weapon finesse

Bad idea, waste of a feat, you're a spell caster not a bolt slinger.

Binkyuk wrote:Play to the strengths of your class, if you want to be armour plated you're *probably* better off as a druid.

Why take weapon finesse then?

Beginning to agree with you here, i said myself melee was suicidal above level 10, i'm kind of regretting taking it now i'm in the later levels. still stand by the bolt slinging though, you only have so many spells to sling before you have to turn to something more tangible or run away, and that only requires decent dex, not weapon finesse.

Binkyuk wrote:I must say i've never built a character based on still spells so i don't know how viable it is, but here's my 2 pence anyway:
1. until you get auto-still it'll slash your offensive casting ability by (i estimate) about a third.

1. Won't slash it at all, in fact it can increase your offensive ability by allowing extra slots for certain useful spells.

hmm, about the only advantage i can see immediately is that darkness doesn't conflict with stat buffs, but you lose magic missile, which is fairly useful even later on, and you can extend darkness to up it a level for more benefit. i can't see any other advantages you can get with spells up to level 6 at least, and like i say you lose your highest level attack spells and you get less of your others across the board because your slots tail off. Can you give other examples?

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Post by JesterOI »

You rectify the AC problem by being able to use heavy armor in epic levels, to be useful like that you need the str to wear it. Also you can carry more loot with more str.
You take an 8 on dex at creation because by the time you can use heavy armor you will also be getting atleast +5 dex from boots which puts you up to the 1 dex ac allowed by fullplate.
The only reason to put into dex at creation is to increase reflex save.

IGMS is a level 6 spell. Great damage dealer against single targets.
What level 7 spell gets even close the overall effectiveness of IGMS?
That's why you metamagic the IGMS into level 7 slots with Still Spell.
Same with putting Horrid Wilting into level 9 slots, though you usually put IGMS into level 9 slots with maximize.
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Post by Psycho Dordt »

ok i'm back.

why the high strength.

with an arcane you can take 2 apraches in the epic game. 1 never get into mèlée. you will not be abled to reach level 40 in anygame with Epic area's in. if you try to keep out of melee,

about a pale master build, i'm planning this, wizard, bard palemaster.
bard for armor proficiences, shield, and all the usefull classkils. almost as good as rogue, but with taunt and dicipline. 2 good pvp, skills.

on Combat Casting. TAKE IT! but not until just befor epic. you need it for the best epic feat availible, Epic combat casting. it utterly negates attacks of oportunities whil casting in combat, combined with a high tumble, it alows you to get your spells of where and when you want while conserving your buffs.

on the conjuration feats, they are an insane help while leveling. and as anyone knows you learn what spell to use where, by playing, this helps you to get there faster. they also increace the DC's on grease, meaning you will fight manny giants all srawled out on the floor befor you.
the ghostly vision spells will keep you on foot during this, and your pets dont seem to bother with you makeing the floor into somthing resembling a soap pool catfight.

last and best tip on mages, as soon as you feel compotent, and have things you want to change about your mage..... *drums*...... build a new one. with all the scrolls you now can craft for him lvling will go way faster.

this is also why your first mages selects the usefull spells while lvling.

ps. i like the discussion lets continue it.
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.

Pk Bait
Posts: 92
Joined: Wed Jan 12, 2005 6:09 pm

Post by imom411 »

I also thought that epic combat casting was a must-have, until I learned that auto-quicken makes it almost irrelevant. The auto-quicken feats are a DEFINITE must-have. In general, your opponents don't get AoO's when you have auto-quicken. The spell could still be disrupted if you get hit at the right time, but that's the same with epic combat casting.

Posts: 33
Joined: Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:08 am

Post by r.dressel »

Bah... I should not even respond to this .. hate giving away secrets!

Low AC? What are you people talking about? I guess if you consider 54 a low AC then yes my 24wiz/1Monk is gimped :D
there are many different builds to consider when making a wizzy .. I personally have 3 epic wizards .. one was gimped due to me not understanding completely the changes NS has made. and he is now my arcane crafter! The other 2 however, are built with different end results in mind. Both will have AC 60 at 40th (+/- a point or 2 depending on the new items that become availabe) throw some "Epic Warding" on that and meat shields beware...

High dex is a must ...IMHO

You can all wear your armor and take still spell but better AC can be achieved with robes! and then you have enough feats to take all 3 auto quicken ...(one of the best things to happen to a mage btw) \

Anen Shadowbringer


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