Server is once more down, ......

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Server is once more down, ......

Post by Kadman »

Server is once more down, i'm believe this a problem most common to all NS4 players than NS3 are.

I wonder if is possible to think a solution that solve our needs without ask to server maintainers to spend time and money in a more stable solution.....

I ask to everyone is reading this topic to suggest anything could be usefull to workaround the server down problem.

Ok....make short......what about to put a new voice in the connection menu

[Bind me on this server]
[Enter Neversummer]

so everyone was playing on a server that is down can bind on a different server and play as well...

That's my idea.....

That's all folks,


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Post by TheKala »

I know that server issues are really annoying at times, but give it time. It may seem as though just jumping your character to the other server would be a quick fix... but it is only just that... something that would initially be used for when something is wrong with a server but would quickly become abused and take away from the rp of the game.

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Post by Flailer »

And while we're on the topic of restarting servers, can we give Server 3 a courtesy restart? There's stuff I dropped on the ground 4 days ago that's still there and A LOT of dead areas...

It's definately starting to get that not-so-fresh feeling...
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Post by TheKala »

we have a server 3?

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Post by Yonwe »

I guess we could all get in the long-ago machine and revisit it :-)
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Post by Wen-Kai »

I think it'd be best to expand Avendell. Right now, Avendell is located on server 2. It'd be nice if we could make Avendell expand into server 1 and offer a universal binding stone there too.

Though some players might actually opt to break spawns on purpose, at least it gives the nice and responsible players an opportunity to bypass the spawn-respawn to different server breaking problem.
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Post by Flailer »

Oops - my bad. Guess in my idyllic mind, there's still 4 servers. I meant what server 1 used to be, server 3.
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