The good old days

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The good old days

Post by trent »

I remember back like 6 or 7 months ago when we had such a huge player base. Any of my old characters couldn't walk from point A to point B (especially if point B was anywhere on Giant Mountain) without getting into a fight with an Okie , Slave , or enemy faction group. I remember my char Frum protecting the poor city of neversummer from constant attack (most times getting pk'ed by 40th lvl mages) ......... I do indeed miss the old days . I miss all my old freinds , characters , my old ememies , and the loyalty and devotion of the few L.A faction members left standing after all the smoke from the battle cleared .

As my new builds roam the realm of Neversummer4 i'm just so shocked to see how peacfull every is. So peacfull in fact i can't even bring myself to break the calm by attacking an enemy faction member as they pass me by saying "Hello to you good sir" . Maybe its because we don't have that huge player base anymore so ememy faction members have to ban together or not have anyone to group with at all or maybe its because the mind set of all the new players and some of the old are more into lvling there char than destruction .

Sorry for such a long and pointless post but i was just sitting here rereading super old posts and reminiscing about the good old days .

Trent (AkA Artemis , Frum , Maras)

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Post by Ryddwillow »

Oh PLz, Are u getting sappy on us or what. If u want me to pk u let me know but since server 1 is not working properly it is a shame to pk someone because u have just ruined that zone is all. Patience is all there lil one. HEHE

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Post by trent »

not sappy .... i just miss all the action ..... there used to never be a dull moment ...... always someone to kill or someone to run from :?

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Post by jwiwchar »

I'm sure the action will be back soon enough. One thing I've noticed is that people are a lot more likely to fight 25 vs. 25 than they are to fight 10 vs. 10. So, once there's more 25's around (well, hopefully 40 will be reinstated soon) I'm sure all the random craziness will be back, and lowbies will once again be afraid to venture outside of the sewers.

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Post by Rhapsody_ »

trent wrote:not sappy .... i just miss all the action ..... there used to never be a dull moment ...... always someone to kill or someone to run from :?

You miss it....but when we was killing you were shining :P

Terminal Insanity
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Post by Terminal Insanity »

Its because of the lack of big guilds...
there used to be okies, slaves, gon.... and everyone basicly found a spot in one of those groups, even if they dident 'join'....

But nobody has any realy big guilds...

Anyways, shameless plug: join [wh] =) ;D
We dont actualy tag our chars... but we put the tag and info in our char descriptions (i hate seeing guild tags on my screen...)

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Post by Nertanef »

No no, the good old days were on NS south :P years those were fun, good old hunting days...*sigh*
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Post by TheKala »

*tear* ... I miss the slaves and okies.... is that a bad thing?

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Post by -BannyD- »

heh, didnt know we were loved :twisted:

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Post by Rand »

why dont people strart some Guilds again then maybe it will get things goin again



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