Metamagic + spells.

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Metamagic + spells.

Post by X-I-L »

Upon creating my cleric I realised just how many of the spells that NS4 alters, which Im sure they did for good reasons it does make a little confusing about the duration and some effects of certain spells. For example summons according to the spell description should last 24 hrs, however that it is definately not the case. Instead it seems that their duration is more random, as sometimes they last for several hrs and others only a few. This can be very disconcerting as I never know when the spell when end.
Also many of my spells are extended such as darkfire, summons, death ward etc. however I was wondering if NS4 altered the way this feat works with spells as well. As I noticed that upon casting certain extended spells such as bulls str it will say "Metamagic - spell extended" whereas for other spells like death ward it doesnt. Does this mean that extend spell feat does not work with some spells or is it just a bug or somethin? :o

Can anyone shed some light on this issue pls?

Maybe the design team could create a section of the site that explains the changes to things like spells...
I sense a soul in search of answers...

Terminal Insanity
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Post by Terminal Insanity »

Personaly i think the whole site needs to be redone heh...

Silent Bob
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Post by Silent Bob »

I've noticed the same thing, Death Ward and True seeing always seem to run out before other similar length spells. Summons also seem a little sketchy, random things like casting spells will unsummon them, even if they've only been summoned for a few rounds. Did a quick search on the bug tracker with no results so maybe it's intentional. Perhaps we should make a note of exactly what happens next time so more info can be given.

Psycho Dordt
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Post by Psycho Dordt »

wait till you play a mage.... about only Fingerof death does as it is suposed to
(ok and grease)
I don’t really see much point in intelligence anyway, even at very high levels of intelligence, wizards still don’t realize it would have been smarter to be a sorcerer.

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Post by DrakhanValane »

There's a nice explanation if you look on the documentation board. Under Spell Modifications: "Modifcations to spells will be listed here, once the changes are compiled and ready to be posted."
If you tilt your head far enough and squint hard enough, anything becomes as simple or complex as you'd like--regardless of whether it is or not. -- A lesson learned from Stephen Wolfram's A New Kind of Science

Agent Shiny
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Post by Agent Shiny »

so keep guessing folks


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