PvP and Factions?

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PvP and Factions?

Post by iceburn »

I know this has been discussed many many many time before but, I am still a bit confused.

As I wander threw NS4 I always have enemy faction members saying "hello, good day to ya" and I think to myself why are they doing this, I am in a enemy faction they should try to kill me or at least threaten me. That is what I am thinking about doing to them anyway or running because they are too powerful for me to fight.

The thing I am most confused on is this... Once a enemy faction member says "hello, good day to ya". I feel wrong about fighting them, they where just being nice, and playing their own game. But then I think what is the point of factions if everyone is just going to be nice all the time. So I attack, then all I hear is "why are you doing this!, Stop, I don’t want to fight" and then it ends and I stop fighting.

Is it wrong to PK because they are in a enemy faction?

Do I have to wait and have them attack me first?

Can I tell them to fight or turn around or is that harassment?

Just wondering because I really like this server and want to make the best of it.

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Post by Talos »

If they are an enemy faction, you can attack them on site there are no doubt about that.
I run around NS and say hello to everybody I meet encluding the enemy, the reason for that are that I dont get much joy in killing or be killed and I think that are one of the points here.
Another reason might be that they are a long way from there bindingpoint and dont want to take the long walk again.
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Post by Bob »

It's really up to you.

Being "on" all the time is certainly within the spirit of the server, but given that it's still a beta and that people are still testing out character builds, bug hunting, and generally getting used to the NS4 enviroment, I'm personally trying to be a little discriminating when it comes to killing effortless characters (although accidents do happen :wink: ).

Exceptions include hostiles in faction strongholds and newbie areas, people who attack first, killstealers/looters, and a rather short KoS list.

Doesn't mean you have to do the same thing, though.

If you do decide to go after hostile factions on sight, don't be too surprised if people start reciprocating. I'm not trying to persuade you not to, but there will be people who take exception...

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Post by ATI »

I've given my standpoint on killing other faction members. Either both of us are of relative power lvls, meaning we are just having a fun bout of fighting, or I am hunting someone. In both scenarios, honor permeates what I do in a fight. THere has been a couple times when an effortless person dies when I fight, I feel bad about those casualties, so I rez everone I fight, unless im in city defense mode.

I don't go out of my way to hurt others, mianly because I like to RP a benefactor, meaning I like to be nice to people until they do something to incur my wrath. Even with Okies I don't go out of my way to PvP unless there is a good reason.

Also, I like being nice because, simply, regardless of the faction war, I like to assume that I'm working for a higher ideal than war.

Remember folks, the people you are mean to on teh way up, will meet you on your fall down.

Also, just because we are enemies, doesn't mean we can't have respect for one another, no other player is worthless, regardless of factional differences.

Furthermore, if you are going to PvP, be ready to accept the consequences of dying in the future. I boast about my fighting abilities, but I have been schooled many times in PvP. I no longer complain about my loses, the key is to learn and grow. If you can't do that, then PvP isn't for you :D
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Post by Acce »

I avoid to kill people in general as I currently see it as quite pointless(nothing to gain by it and there's nothing to loose), so I'm running around saying hi to ppl.

Actually, I gain alot more by grouping with ppl then fighting them (and making enemies all over the place). It pretty easy to find fellow travelers in areas with a lot of congestion like giant mountain and team up no matter what faction they belong to.

If there was more(any) incentive in killing enemies, I'd run up and slay ppl when they're fighting mobs (Evil/intelligent character that takes the advantage to kill ppl busy fighting others). But currently, atleast if you're trying to level up your character, there's too little to be gained when killing others (you'd get killed yourself pretty soon and need to get back to a new spot to XP hunt and so forth...)

I guess that once the mod is alot bigger and out of beta, this might change.

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Post by Qui »

Im pretty indiscriminate with my pking, and attempted pking, if you are hostile and not effortless one of us is gonna die. There are a few extinuatiin circumstances, people who have rezzed me whom i no longer kill, and the few people on my KoS/hunt list. But its a personal thing the way you decide to play it, just remember however you decide to play it will become known and your reputation may precede you (find yourself on some others KoS list) its all about how u want to play the game.
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Post by ATI »

Am I on a KoS list? :D
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Post by Heron »

I try to look at it from my characters perspective.

1) Is there any advantage to taking their life? (example – are they near my city, are they attacking my guards, or are they simply in an area I’d like to be).

2) Are they more powerful than me?

3) Have they killed me or one of my allies before? Or if they have a guild tag, has anyone from their guild killed me before?

4) Are they a Dwarf? (My character despises Dwarves)

I may even slay someone from my own faction if I see an advantage to it.

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Post by MorriganSmith »

Well, my husband and I are playing an insanely power hungry drow couple.......so............as long as your not effortless, coming across our paths would be most unfortunate. I have played other chars though, and have partied with enemies and such. For me it is a RP and alignment choice. If I am good, then I'll play nice, if I'm neutral I'm neutral, and if I'm evil I'll play evil .

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Post by Billiard »

Given that this is a new world that we are all testing and exploring I tend to not attack hostiles and rather try to party with them if we have the same goal or task at hand (ie leveling in the same area). Once things get settled and all our characters are about equal in power then I would be more inclined to do some faction-fighting. Til then I really don't care about faction hostilities - lack of epic areas force city attacks for xp, not malicious faction behavior. This will change in the future.

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Post by JesterOI »

Most times I kill people or get killed by people is when someone asks to be killed so they don't have to walk all the way back to town while being encumbered with an extra 200lbs.
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Post by IcemanXV »

MorriganSmith wrote:Well, my husband and I are playing an insanely power hungry drow couple.......so............as long as your not effortless, coming across our paths would be most unfortunate. I have played other chars though, and have partied with enemies and such. For me it is a RP and alignment choice. If I am good, then I'll play nice, if I'm neutral I'm neutral, and if I'm evil I'll play evil .

Good to know...next time I'll slay you both in the formian hive ;)

I held off because I'm not a griefer and you were effortless to me.

My general PVP rule is to leave people alone. I generally only PVP if I'm city raiding or the other person is consenting/attacks me first.

I just find that rule fair, because when I'm leveling my lowbie char, the last thing I want is someone to kill me and send me all the way back to my bind point....and half the time incurring a respawn penalty.

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Post by Heron »

IcemanXV wrote:
Good to know...next time I'll slay you both in the formian hive ;)

I held off because I'm not a griefer and you were effortless to me.

My general PVP rule is to leave people alone. I generally only PVP if I'm city raiding or the other person is consenting/attacks me first.

I wouldn’t consider it grief unless you were SL or MA. It may have been worth a shot, most likely would have been a help with a free ride home (save those bull strength potions) :P.

However, we remember every player character that kills us and we will be sure to return the favor when we have enough power. We also remember every player character that helps us or simply leaves us alone…


Another thought on PvP…

Would it be possible to keep track of the number of factional enemies slain by a particular character?

If so, than how about when a player character slays a member of an enemy faction they would be worth a bounty to a member of that enemy faction. The bounty would increase as they slay more of that particular faction until they themselves are slain (than it resets).

For example…

Dweazlehopper the Slimy (a member of the Shadow Legion) slays a member of the Last Alliance. Dweazlehopper than acquires a bounty from the Last Alliance. This bounty would increase until Dweazlehopper is himself slain by a LA member who would receive the bounty (gps and xp). The bounty would only apply to a particular faction, so if Dweazle is slain by anyone/anything other than an LA player character the bounty would not reset.

Could even have a message board or something of the like in the sheriff station that would list the top 10 wanted…

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Post by turtlehermit »

Well, new here but I usually always play socail good characters who never want to kill anyone that isnt a monster. I say hello and attempt to talk to everyone. I never have any intelligence and i never really care what factions are and mean. Everywhere you go the sky is the sky and people are people. The land under the sky and beneath the feet matter not.

I am on of those people who always say hello. If I really wanted i could go beat people up in real life so i dont see the point in doing it in games just cause i can do it there too. I understand evil people say "well i am evil i kill everyone. To be truly that evil is inconsiderable and actually takes absolfukinlutely no rp to do that. Not a single historical evil character killed everything they saw. I understand that this is fantasy but name a single character in a book you ever read that had to kill everyone no matter what? To me that is just assinine to play that way and pretty much you are just a fat [censored], do nothing, piece. Maybe i am wrong? I have my doubts though.

More or less look at it as a roleplay opprotunity...some do gooder says hello when he passes bye...do you kill him? If the pope said hello to you would you kill him just because? Maybe use some intelligent verbal abuses...make fun of his faction...poke fun at his gear or his pets. Cakll him a sissy tree hugger...ect. Maybe you get a rise out of him...maybe he turns and attacks you? Otherwise know you just insulted a cleric and called his god a wuss to his face and all he could do was say "hello" .
My evil dude i used to play was full of taunts and insults...Purely evil but not to the point where he was undenyably unbelieveable.

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Post by ATI »

So far, im not on a KoS list, although I'm sure the okies don't like me, something to do with me being a whinning dork :D

Hehehe just keep it real people, remember, if you are mean to others, there is always a bigger fish in the pond.
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