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Post by Darkmoon »

Hi, I recently disarmed a person higher level then me, he was rated Very Difficult, and I am almost lvl 20. I disarmed him not once but twice, I took from him a staff and a long sword. When I did this, he said that i could be banned. I did not believe him and i dont think this is true. He said that this action is ''Bannable'' and not on disarm but pick pocketing. I am not sure of this, so if a DM could let me know or anyone who knows this that would be great. Up until now have i been threatened of being banned from another player, other times i disarmed someone and just got a '' oh you *** '' and such, but never a ban threat. Also many times i give the weapons back, but not this time. Anyway, if anyone could get back to me on this top, id appreciate it. Thanks a lot :)

-Slave Tori
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Post by Darkmoon »

Woops, made a typo: **He said that this action is ''Bannable'' and not on disarm but pick pocketing.** meant to put 'only' instead of on. correct: ***He said that this action is ''Bannable'' and not ''only'' disarm but pick pocketing.*** hehe sorry if that confused anyone.

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Post by DrakhanValane »

This issue is currently under review, but it's generally considered legal. However taking it too far can be considered harassment.

From the documentation on pick pocket: http://www.nsrealm.com/boards/viewtopic.php?t=1243

"Stealing items from other players is part of the rogue’s purpose in the game, but some people can take it too far. Players who continually do this can be considered as harassers."
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Post by Darkmoon »

I dont think i took it too far, and in almost most cases i usually give back the weapon. Thanks for the quick reply.

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Post by ATI »

Oh...I thought that disarm only made the weapon fall into your inventory. Disarm is a pretty harsh skill, but is really worth it. More honorable players give the weapons back after a fight or save them until they can give the players items back.

Keeping the items though is cheesy unless the player who got disarmed is mean.
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Post by dond »

there's suppose to be a disarm script preventing weapons from dropping to the ground.........considering that it's broken, i'd say you're exploiting by keeping the items. pretty lame

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Post by Lunas »

disarm doesnt make the item fall into the disarmers inventory but it does make the weapon fall to the ground

i hope that the script will be fixed so it stays in the owners inventory it just drops out of thier hand and it needs to be reequiped and i hope that it along with pp is made so it affects your faction rating i want it to be really easy to loose standign in the faction your in but semi difficult to gain favor

so if you tk you could technicly be a criminal in your own faction or if you PP other members of your faction same thing then you will have to do some sort of quest or some thing to get your standing back
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Post by TastyTreat »

Is there some kind of script in place that: if you pk someone who disarmed and took your weapon, you get it back? From my understanding a similar script was implemented for pickpocketing already.

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Post by -=Mushra=- »

so....if i read this all correct. you lot are so fuzzed up about something you lost in a game you probeble won't play after a few years.

just as a side thingy but thats pretty sad. its a game have fun and let it stay a game.

and yes i know know the whole story about trying hard to get an item and finally getting it and then getting disarmed how sad you will be etc etc. that you can cry over a bunch of pixels is alot more sad tbh.

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Re: Disarm..

Post by IcemanXV »

Darkmoon wrote:Hi, I recently disarmed a person higher level then me, he was rated Very Difficult, and I am almost lvl 20. I disarmed him not once but twice, I took from him a staff and a long sword. When I did this, he said that i could be banned. I did not believe him and i dont think this is true. He said that this action is ''Bannable'' and not on disarm but pick pocketing. I am not sure of this, so if a DM could let me know or anyone who knows this that would be great. Up until now have i been threatened of being banned from another player, other times i disarmed someone and just got a '' oh you *** '' and such, but never a ban threat. Also many times i give the weapons back, but not this time. Anyway, if anyone could get back to me on this top, id appreciate it. Thanks a lot :)

-Slave Tori

No problem ;)

A dual wielding monk with maces isn't going to be able to disarm a high discipline fighter with a halberd. I applaud you for trying though ;)

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Post by Darkmoon »

hehe right iceman. Well thanks for all the replies guys. Heh, the one person i talked about earlier in the post saw me again and started cursin at me, the usual ya know. And hes like '' Ah I already have a DM with your name waiting to talk to you! '' and.. im like riiiiiight. Man kids will say anything and everything to try and scare you or somethin because i have yet to hear from a DM telling me im ''bannable'' because i disarmed him. Hey its the game! if your hostile im goin to try to kill you and maybe disarm you first. but maybe if you dont start being an a** i will give it back, otherwise i may just like my new weapon. I like how i kill someone and disarm them and i did it because they killed me before as a lower lvl and they're like '' hey what the hell!? i was trying to lvl!! '' yet they were waiting outside NS city waiting to pk someone. Ah well, anyways, thanks again everyone.. If i happen to disarm you, dont have a heartattack right away, i probly wont keep it if your not an a** about it. Later.

-Slave Tori
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Post by Qui »

hehe, the truth Tori is that people shoudl realize none of the equipment available thus far in NS4 is of sufficient quality to merit an uprising about its being stolen. lol.
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Post by Darkmoon »

Hah, very true Qui. Before I even made this character, i had doubles of a lot of the stuff that poeple cry about losing, so far its not that hard to get any of the items so i dont understand why people make a big deal over it heh. My first character was a cleric. I got him to 21, and by then i had enough items to start a different character. Plus by that time there were more clerics then anything. There are way too many clerics walking around NS4 right now heh, hopefully they'll do something about that :roll: .

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Post by mumoogaipan »

I think that the action was legitimate. You disarmed the person and they lost their weapon. Plain and simple. NOw, if you would have done this to the same character 3-4 times then i could see how that is a bit abusive and just down right mean.

On another note, disarm is suppposed to be crippling. There is no reason to nerf the ability or get upset with it. It's an awesome ablity and it makes people think twice before getting into combat. Which in my opinion is a very good thing. The more variety people have the less they will be inclined to rush headstrong into a battle engagement. It also teaches characters to be more well rounded. They could have prevented the disarm with discipline. Not a hard check at all. It might mean sacrificing some points from other skills but if you are trying to create a fighting character it should be well rounded in order to compensate for good tactics.

Moreover, I think that disarm should drop your weapon to the ground. First, it is the most logical solution to the problem. I have never seen or heard of a disarm move putting a weapon to an inventory in place of the disarmed weapon being knocked to the ground. Secondly, disarm adds variety and flavor to feats that were almost useless in NS3. Skills like quivering palm, disarm, called shot. All of these were pointless in NS3 and now they have some utility. So in all fairness i think they should be allowed to proceed in the game without being nerfed.

Lastly, if you dont like your weapon being disarmed in battle either A) don't fight, B) Fight and put skills into discipline, C) be an unarmed monk (hahaha just kidding) or D) be a spell casting class who uses spells to fight rather than weapons.

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Post by Shasz »

I don't have a problem with disarm being useful, but your argument that you can choose not to fight doesn't hold water. Someone can hide and sneak up to you, or just walk up to you, and disarm you. Not only did you not choose anything, you were flatfooted on his first swing, the disarm swing, and he's likely going to hit.

But like I said, I don't have a problem with disarm or picking pockets or anything else that puts some teeth into the game. It's a challenge to protect against every possible weakness. :)
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