PoV on Pk (to anyone I pked and all those i have yet to pk)

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Llew Silverhand
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PoV on Pk (to anyone I pked and all those i have yet to pk)

Post by Llew Silverhand »

First off, why must I make a separate topic instead of simply adding this to alexiagold's? Well the answer is that her post was asking wether ns4 was PvP or not, now the answer to that has been fully established, just go to that thread, yes Ns4 is PvP Now, recently I have started pking more, and let me explain why. The fact is I am now powerful enough to solo towns, which means i run into more n00bs, and I am level22, which means that more than half the server population appears as "effortless". Here is a typical example of a pk on my part, i will be soloing a NS guard right next to the area transition into the judicial district (or whatever it's called) Yes you heard me, i invaded NS haha, i mock you, you weak and pathetic members of the LA, The Shadow Legion shall overrun your forsaken little town and then you will be granted no quarter!! ok, :D that was my dose of rp for this post. Now, i'm soloing this guard and all of a sudden a low level char, probably level 3 at most, runs through the gate, right next to me, and my circle kick goes into effect. Two hits at most, and then the low level's soul wafts up into the air, now this has happened on at least 4 different occasions, now some of the time the players are quite understanding, such as snerd, or filthy mcsnerd, anyways you know who you are lol. On other occasions I am treated to "What's your problem" and "blabla F*** you blabla" Now in these cases I had no intent of pking, the player happened to get to close and got themselves killed, not my fault. Stay away from high level monks if you're a low level!! lol Now, for when i DO intend to pk, it is for 1 or more of four reasons:

Reason n°1 They have been smartmouthing me or my faction, or someone I know, essentially talking trash. Now if I kill you for doing this it's your own fault, why on earth would you smart mouth someone obviously able to snuff you out in a blink of an eye? (hehe, no i'm not really that fast, well maybe on occasion, i bet Mouse is though, all hail Mouse!!)

Reason n°2 They try to killsteal. Again you brought this on yourself, don't try to steal my kills. (hey, at higher levels that extra 13xp from a rat goes a long way :twisted: I shall soon become known as the Pied Piper of Daeron, uhm... minus the child stealing....)

Reason n°3 They are invading either Garagoth or Menzobarran. No! I will not let you come farm xp from MY guards, deal with it! (eh, I can't think of anything particularly witty to go here, so that's first on my edit list)

Reason n°4
They attack me, yes, as crazy as it sounds, if you attack me, I will try to kill you! (Or if you try to heal one of your guards that i'm fighting, I will attack you)
Now please, please don't get me wrong on this... If I am attacking your city, by all means attack me, hey I'm invading your home don't just stand there, do something! I don't take pking personally. ( well, sometimes, okie potter jr. I'm coming for you grrr ... :wink: Fear the Mighty..uh... The Mighty Wrath of the halfling rogue !!! Oh yes, fear it!! You may have death magic, but I have ... well I have "†-Gimp-†" in my handle, and that's got to count for something...)

Reason n°4+e^(PI*i)+1
See reason n°4.... (Oh well, I'm sure Qui gets it lol)

Now as to what will happen if I am pked:
-You shall quickly suffer my congratulations.
-You shall be forced through constant interrogation to answer various questions about your char build and to provide insight into my various musings on what I could have done better.
-You can be pretty sure I shall try to return the favor hehe. One good turn deserves another after all.

Well, this post is getting long as it is, so I'd better conclude. This is a game,we're supposed to have fun, some of my funnest battles have been with pc's. (hehe Kukri master of the Shade, whatever your extremely long name was, gj, it was really fun).
We don't lose xp or gold from being pked, except with summons, so try to keep the summons out of it. But otherwise, there really is no penalty so I really don't see what the big deal is.
If you show up as effortless, I willl try to not be the one to initiate combat, I will sincerely try, this doesn't mean all effortless characters will be spared, (see reasons 1 through 4+e^(PI*i)+1, hey, it can be funny twice, right? no? aww... come on... anyone?......ok... shucks... :( hehe) Secondly, *deep breath* feel free to pk me *hides from hordes of okies who start swimming to ns from their imaginary island*. (Yes, imaginary, aha!! No matter how many times you may kill me, I have a city! Hows about that!) You know I won't take it personally, and I really don't think anyone should, this is a game, it's supposed to be fun, nothing is as fun or as challenging as Pvp, at least in my opinion.
So why make this post? So I don't have to lose leveling time by trying to cut this into "tell" sized chunks everytimes someone gets mad. :wink:

Also, if a DM or Dev feels something I have said here is out of order, please tell me so I can try to alter my playing style to fit that which you have envisioned for NS. (Hey, you gotta do what the Dm's and Dev's tell ya, they can ban you. *shudders*) If anyone else has any issues with this, please fell free to post but please try to make it either witty or logically compelling enough for me to change my mind and come around to your point of view, (none of this: "I think that ... because i got pked once and had to walk all the way back through 2 areas therefore Pvp will chase away players, and I'm quitting, and so there..")

Well I guess it's bedtime for me. Good night, and sweet dreams to all those I've pked hehe :twisted:

oh, P.S. here comes the shameless plug, if anyone is interested in joining a shadowdancer troupe, read my posts in either ma or Sl sections. lol, we now return you to your regularly scheduled programming *click*
Don't whine if you get pked, make sure they're gone, level like crazy, then go kick their butt.
*ahem* In other words, not my fault you're not level 23...

(i'm just asking for it aren't I?) Ah well....

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Post by DrakhanValane »

I know I've kept healing the NC guards to the unhappiness of one XP farmer heheh

Reason n°4+e^(PI*i)+1
See reason n°4.... (Oh well, I'm sure Qui gets it lol)

Yeah, 4=4. :)
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Yeah, i think i killed the last guy to do that. He was buffing the guards and healing them up, and even though it didn't help too much, still didn't want that to catch on. Then again, another LA guy healed me and that was nice :)
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Post by DrakhanValane »

Well, I was in party with the guy at the time. I had rezzed him in town a few minutes prior. I was actually healing both of them. :) heheh
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Post by ATI »

hahahaa, Llew, told you that reputation was gonna kill ya :D I'll say what I said for Alexiagold.

GET OFF Llews Back!

He's pking, and Rping the faction war. If you don't like that, stay away from Llew. Oh, and Llew, has been pked before (last night) and he didn't complain at all, which means, that Llew isn't just a griefer. The playing population of NS4 needs to do some rethinking. For starters, don't pick fights with high lvl chars. Learn to say "sorry i attacked you", and more importantly, don't expect impossible lvl chars to immediately help you.

I know that isn't very comforting to most players, but thats the way it works. There are only a couple people who RP the faction war like Llew and Alexiagold.

Please leave these people alone.
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Llew Silverhand
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Post by Llew Silverhand »

Hehe thanks ATI, I also was rereading my post and thought I should just clarify something, of the people I've pked, about half have been quite accepting of the fact, and I appreciate that, so you guys know who you are and hey, come look me up whenever you want a good spar, this post was mainly to be able to have something to refer people i've pked and who whine too, so i don't have to waste my time explaining in tells.
Also, if one dm or dev could simply let me know whether those guidelines are acceptable I'd be able to rest a bit easier, thanks lol.
Don't whine if you get pked, make sure they're gone, level like crazy, then go kick their butt.
*ahem* In other words, not my fault you're not level 23...

(i'm just asking for it aren't I?) Ah well....

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Post by BaconStrip »


Every one of the reasons you listed are fair game for PKs. I whole-heartedly agree with all of them. But none of those are "griefing" as far as I understand the term. Griefing is pushing around newbie players or killing them for no other reason that the fact that you can. I've been killed by members of my own faction because they wanted the best spawns all to themselves and I was treading in their "territory". I wasn't kill stealing, in fact, I invited the player in question to join my party. He declined and followed me around until his high level clanmate showed up and killed me (and no, it wasn't an okie). This is the kind of nonsense I wish the DMs would put a stop to.

I still remember the clantag they had and as long as griefing is allowed to exist, I will probably grief every player with that tag, whether they had anything to do with my situation or not. So I guess in a way, we are all suseptible to griefing mentality, hence the need for rules against it.

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Post by Goodall »

Keep up the good work Llew NS4 is for this kinda RP and faction ownership of the players. We have bumped into each other as player vs player it was fun. To bad Arath got me before you did. Just take it easy on the new folks that don't know no better. :)

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Post by DeputyDog »

Finally someone gets whats its all about:)

now just think.. 4-5 lvl 22s in each faction at a given time.. you invade solo and they come home to kick you out of the city.

Lower levels can get in the way.. or run for help, either way its all in a good days work.
gmcever @ gmail.com



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Post by Llew Silverhand »

Thanks for letting me know whether I was within regulations or not, now I have some piece of mind back (not that there was that much available to go missing in the first place) Baconstrip, I'm sorry if you got "greifed" though I'm still debating on what the definition of greifing is, and I get the impression from your post that it might have been the †-Gimps-†, in which case, sorry it happened, but hey it's in the past, so if I ever get yelled at by you in game i'll know not to take it personally hehe :wink: .
Goodall, I take it you were in Melencia where all the action was, it was most certainly fun, I have yet to eliminate all The Circle, before next week is up i intend to have killed all the bosses, even The Wolf! (that is, If I can get to em, gah, your dang guards see me when I'm sneaking!! no fair lol)So all TC's guard your city well!! i shall be coming, (*thought* hmm, that being said, maybe I shouldn't have bound in the council hall.....) Also good job to the angel gabriel (or ati rage) couldn't really hit you when you were buffed i did get you on a cheap spawn though lol, hey don't begrudge the rogue his tools... And of course Arath cleaned up, one of these days...... hehe I'll get you yet.
Well, before too long there should have a lot of high levels running around to make things even more interesting, so here's to that! 8) Thanks for the feedback guys, appreciate it.

P.s. I shall try to take down The Boar sometime this evening..... be prepared! :twisted:
Don't whine if you get pked, make sure they're gone, level like crazy, then go kick their butt.
*ahem* In other words, not my fault you're not level 23...

(i'm just asking for it aren't I?) Ah well....

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Post by Okie Potter »

"Dont whine when you get PK'd"

Thats pretty funny coming from someone who whined louder than any other of the 5 gimps that got their [censored] handed to them on a okie platter last week. I thought it was pretty funny how you swore revenge upon me, committing to play day and night throughout the entire summer in a feeble attempt to assauge your badly damaged ego. Sure you've gained a few levels since then as you've spent all your free time trying to get ready for another Okie raping. Now that you're more comfortable I guess you've decided that it's safe to talk a little smack...Well, let me tell you something...IT ISNT :twisted:

You and all your sorry [censored] smack talkin gimp friends will be hunted by Okies until the end of days. You should be thankful the xp penalty was lifted becuase you will soon be spending a lot of time pondering wether or not to respawn as you see okies circling your lifeless body.

Oh yeah...and congratulations..I'm saving the screen shot of your lifeless body for the Okie site's "Hall of Shame" COMING SOON to an InTERNET NEAR YOU!

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Post by dond »

okie potter actually killed people?

ooo, i thought you'd be logging off like you did when i had you at near death...

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Llew Silverhand
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Post by Llew Silverhand »

Ok..... I WHINED?????????? as in got upset for being pked, proceeded to insult you on shout, or on tell, got dm's or developpers involved, swore never to come back because I got pked once, and logged off for extended periods of time while cursing your name upon relogging?... Did any of these things happen? No, I think not, if we want to go into details here, me and some others got ambushed by you and died to the almighty instant death magic. I said nothing, I laughed about it, I proceded to keep coming back to the area, you continued to kill me total about 4 to 5 times within as many minutes. (I was level 13 or so at the time) Now THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT YOU DID in my book, sorry if you thought I was really mad and had started to envision some devilish plot to continue killing me, but I fail to see how you could have gotten this impression.
I was told by other players to post screenshots of my logs from your multiple pk's, which i didn't do because THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH WHAT YOU DID, so why would I be angry? I never took it to shout, though we did have an extended tell conversation until you logged off. And correct me if I'm wrong but I'm pretty sure what I said was if not exactly, then along the lines of "lol,nice spell" and then "so what level are you?". Now when you refused to tell me which level you were I continued to ask, and then you started ranting and raving about how you were the great †-Gimp-† killer ad how all †-Gimp-†'s were easy pickings and blabla blablabla blabla. I distinctly remember you telling me "hah, well I've just set you back about 1500xp" Apparently you mistakenly thought we lost xp from pk and so were trying to be malicious....I jokingly said "hah I'll be coming for you now" because hey, I gotta save face right? hehe (again this was all on the tell channel)
And yes, if I see you, I will try to kill you, this doesn't mean I'm at all mad, as far as I'm concerned this is friendly rivalry, you're against me I'm against you, best two out of three lol. Now if you don't want to take it that way, well that's fine but hey that's how I see it. Be reassured okie Potter Jr. I don't hate you, i'm not mad at you, but if I see you I will try to kill you lol.
Now, back on topic, i'm still planning on killing the boar tonight so be prepared TC members! :wink:
Don't whine if you get pked, make sure they're gone, level like crazy, then go kick their butt.
*ahem* In other words, not my fault you're not level 23...

(i'm just asking for it aren't I?) Ah well....

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Post by Goodall »

It simply amazes me that there can hardly be a positive comment made on the forums without someone adding a negative twist to it or demeaning it with profanity.

Have fun kids relax a little it's just a game.
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Post by Qui »

eh, Im not to smart.. in my little head if you name is in red letters it means your hostile.. which means kill you befor eyou kill me or attack Garagoth... eh.. oh well.. no whining
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