What is NS4 about?

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Thanos Vind
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What is NS4 about?

Post by Thanos Vind »

I was told that I was wrong and cussed at for attacking people who were in combat at RK last night I'm a dwarf guarding my town is this not one of the things the DM and Dev wanted? I'm just a little confused.

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Post by EvilIguana966 »

Attacking somone engaged in combat with an npc is generally bad because you will likely incur xp and gold loss. Wait until theyre done then attack, or just avoid them. I think most of us invaders won't PK players unless they attack us.

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Post by Thanos Vind »

How will I lose exp and gold for killing them?

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Post by TGPO »

erm where did that rule come from? Defend your faction and its NPCs how you see fit.
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Post by Qui »

Kill them.. its pvp.. protect your town..
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Post by MrShadow »

I look down on players who don't try to defend their faction more than those that do.

It's actually pretty amazing what a skilled group of mid level players can do to a over-confident group of faction raiders ;)

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Post by Alexiagold »

There are a couple of players who routinely cite NS3 rules against us NS4 players. One of those rules is the no fighting a player while they are fighting an NPC. This rule does not exist in ns4, I try and correct players, but so far that just gets me cussed at as well. My theory is try your best to kill them WITH your guards, since then the fight is a lot easier for you. And best of all they risk dying to the NPCs and thus losing exp, which just might make them not come back and invade my faction.

(note: there is a difference between intentionally letting the guards get the killing blow, and unintentionally. A word to the wise, if you see me as an effortless player, helping the guards, you will die to the guards after my hold person/bigby, or other disabler spell hits you. If you log out because of having been disabled, I'll make things a lot worse on you.)

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Post by Mokihana »

i have to say when it comes to deffending your faction, yes its ok.

now when your out in the wilds and you see a hostile engaged with a mob, its only proper respect and manners to let them finish before engageing them. golden rule kinda thing.

just my oppinion
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Post by Qui »

I disagree Moki.. if u do that kind of thing u will have people running from a hostile pc and engaging an npc and whining about hwo they were pked while engaged...blah.. blah.. blah... I think it needs to be prominently displayed that.. as far as i have been ifnormed anyway... ns4 is a pvp server where the factions are pitted aginst and allied with eachother in various degrees.. people seem to have this idea that if a hostile pc doesnt atatck them no hostile pc is supposed to. Or if u didnt attack them earlier you shouldnt attack them later.. In a pvp setting people should always assume the red letters of somones name means hostille = wants to kill me. Though.. there seems to be alot of people tlaking about losing exp as a result of pvp combat.. if this is so it should be fixed... unless the new rule is pvp = experience los.. hmm..
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Post by Æ »

Just because it's not a rule doesn't mean it's not bad manners... don't make people suffer penalties for PvP, that takes the fun out of it. I think it's bad form, bad etiquette, to attack them while they're fighting NPC's.
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Post by Mz_Shadow »

There is no rule against killing hostles to your faction.

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Post by monkey0 »

Manners, schmanners...If you're in my home fighting the guards I'm going to do all I can to get you out of there. My home is not your place to level.

Time to get territorial people! For the umpteenth time, this as it is right now is a pvp server. Fight for cryin out loud!
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Post by TTG »

NS4 is about choices. You can choose to do what you want. You can choose to kill everyone not in your faction, sure. You can choose to not get involved in the factional conflicts.

Just because a country is at war does not mean every person in the country agrees with and fights the war.

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Post by Shasz »

Just because a country is at war does not mean every person in the country agrees with and fights the war.

...and if you choose not to involve yourself in the conflict, at least be aware that there IS conflict going on, and stay in your "safe" areas.

Just being a civilian and claiming not to be involved doesn't work in the eyes of every enemy. Be wary in your travels.

As far as not attacking players who're engaged with npcs... isn't that a bit of the evil "metagaming" creeping into the argument? If you're the enemy, and you're at a disadvantage, and you're in my hometown, I'm not going to wait for you to heal up after fighting, rebuff, then try and kick you out. No, my dwarven sense of honor doesn't include fair fights with the enemy when they're good and ready for me.

If all your spidey-senses, defensive instincts, and wariness of strangers don't kick in when you see another player, hostile or not, well, you're in for a rude awakening one day. Welcome to pvp and the "real" world, where might makes right and there are no rules other than those you can enforce by yourself or through your friends/guilds/connections.
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Post by Mz_Shadow »

Very well said TTG.


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