
Talk about Neversummer 4 with your fellow players.
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Post by Gil-Este »

So there has been a lot of talk about newb-griefing/killing...and here is my idea. Formation of a guildlike group that is dedicated to killing the newb-griefers, regardless of faction. It wouldn't actually be a formal guild and people could still be in another guild at the same time, but it would be people who are on enough to have at least moderate level characters, and who are nice enough to hunt down the griefers.

if someone is griefing a bunch of newbs, then we could put out a KoS on that person for everyone in the group across multiple factions for the next X number of hours (or days). it is a player solution to a problem that a lot of people have voiced concern about, it provides excitement for people who want to know who to kill, and hopefully it will improve the enjoyability of the mod for all.

i don't think this should go in the guild forum because as i said i don't want it to be a formal guild and my guess is more people will read it if its in general discussion. if you are interested post your comments/criticisms here.

i was thinking of a name like Custodians of Summer or something like that.
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Post by Sakad the II »

I would join and help if I ever got chars at good enough levels
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Post by MrShadow »

this is a cool idea! and well actually sorta what was intended in the first place with NS4 ;)

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Post by junksta »

yah i would join, i love hunting down and killin griefers
its what my guild was dedicated to doing in NS3 on pacific anyway
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Post by bongoblue »

thank ya, thank ya very much.

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Post by BaconStrip »

I think a better solution would be for the DEVs to fix it. I guarantee more than the nerfs or lack of higher level hunting zones, the abusive PK system currently in place is the single biggest discourager of new players to this mod.

This mod, in its current form, is almost EXACTLY like Howard's LOTR servers, except you can 1-hour-level-40-power-level on Howard's (which given the nature of anarchy PvP servers, it is actually better to keep power-leveling in place than to get rid of it as NS has done).

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Post by Sakad the II »

Right pkers can be the most discuargig thing about this NS4 but remember it is OPEN BETA so it is not perfect. the devs are busy implementing jobs and other scripts for the rest of the factions and thier are dealing with so many bugs and stuff of the sort to have them deal with the pker and greifer problems would be putting just little to much on thier plates to deal with. I think by have people like us forming small groups to trying to deal with greifers our way by hunting them is an intersting thing to do, to me it sounds like alot of fun just to hunt them, just imagine severs coming toghether to unite as one Dwafs and drows, Elfs and Half orcs, to kill the greifer meneaces ( Well this may never happen) But I am up for trying hunt and help stop greifers with my lvl 7 sorc as soon as I can leave the AO territory.
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Post by BaconStrip »

Sakad the II wrote:Right pkers can be the most discuargig thing about this NS4 but remember it is OPEN BETA so it is not perfect. the devs are busy implementing jobs and other scripts for the rest of the factions and thier are dealing with so many bugs and stuff of the sort to have them deal with the pker and greifer problems would be putting just little to much on thier plates to deal with. I think by have people like us forming small groups to trying to deal with greifers our way by hunting them is an intersting thing to do, to me it sounds like alot of fun just to hunt them, just imagine severs coming toghether to unite as one Dwafs and drows, Elfs and Half orcs, to kill the greifer meneaces ( Well this may never happen) But I am up for trying hunt and help stop greifers with my lvl 7 sorc as soon as I can leave the AO territory.

My question is why write in more jobs and scripts when it's open season on the NPCs who give them out and the newbie PCs who try to accomplish them. It's like installing a turbo charger on a car with flat tires. Fix whats broke before you start tweaking it.

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Post by Agent Shiny »

and defining griefers is the next touchy subject.
surely you have to define this and makes it the same as how others view it.
u have to know the technicalities sadly wakekekke

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Post by MrShadow »

PvP/PK/etc is a major part of NS4..

it seems like the majority of players are still stuck NS3's no PvP play style..

you guys have to learn the NS4 is a completely different game than NS3..

everything you liked about NS3.. just toss it out the window when you log into any NS4 server..

these are two different games..

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Post by Danhalen »

Gil, brilliant idea. while i have not encountered any of these griefers, i do think it is definately happening. count me in. log in, danhalen. only decent character able to participate is Eudora Dinglehopper.

we need to verify the alleged griefing before we crucify people. for example; i hear alot of people claiming that the okies are doing some serious griefing, however, i have played side by side with some okies and never once saw them do anything remotely close to what you could call griefing. i could have easily been taken down by them, i was not.

seriously, we need some verification of griefing before we kill. i don't want a salem witch hunt going on in NS.

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Post by MrShadow »

as a DM observing most situations.. I think the Salem Witch Hunt factor is pretty huge as far as exaggerating the extent of the griefing..

as of late more than having to have "discussions" with players regarding griefing.. I have to deal with players abusing exploits..

and for the record.. finding an exploit and confirming it is much different than abusing it ;)

anyway.. the griefing situations I usually encounter.. usually involve one player looking to be "griefed"

I play quite a bit as just a regular player.. and seeing as how I really only work with one character.. he is getting pretty strong..

on several occasions I have gone on Neversummer city raids only to be attacked by a barrage of low level players who do not stand a chance against me.. i do not make the first move as that's how I choose to play..

however if a hostile action is performed against me I will kill the player.. afterall.. they asked for it ;)

but typically what happens is.. the weaker player attacks me.. dies.. then tries to come back and take me on again... after repeating this action a few times i start being accused of "griefing"

I see this same thing happen with a few groups of other people as well.. they have a reputation as being troublemakers.. not necessarily rule breakers.. but they make themselves known..

so players challenge them.. maybe not by trying to kill them.. but by taunting them verbally.. then when the guild retaliates.. the player immediately tries to get revenge via getting the player in trouble..

I'm not saying there are no players out there who just want to kill everyone they see..

and yes I agree that it's not cool to play like this.. I certainly dont play like this..

but you know what.. you can always kill them! there is always a way out of any situation.. you just have to be patient and consider all options..

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Post by BaconStrip »

MrShadow wrote:as a DM observing most situations.. I think the Salem Witch Hunt factor is pretty huge as far as exaggerating the extent of the griefing..

as of late more than having to have "discussions" with players regarding griefing.. I have to deal with players abusing exploits..

and for the record.. finding an exploit and confirming it is much different than abusing it ;)

anyway.. the griefing situations I usually encounter.. usually involve one player looking to be "griefed"

I play quite a bit as just a regular player.. and seeing as how I really only work with one character.. he is getting pretty strong..

on several occasions I have gone on Neversummer city raids only to be attacked by a barrage of low level players who do not stand a chance against me.. i do not make the first move as that's how I choose to play..

however if a hostile action is performed against me I will kill the player.. afterall.. they asked for it ;)

but typically what happens is.. the weaker player attacks me.. dies.. then tries to come back and take me on again... after repeating this action a few times i start being accused of "griefing"

I see this same thing happen with a few groups of other people as well.. they have a reputation as being troublemakers.. not necessarily rule breakers.. but they make themselves known..

so players challenge them.. maybe not by trying to kill them.. but by taunting them verbally.. then when the guild retaliates.. the player immediately tries to get revenge via getting the player in trouble..

I'm not saying there are no players out there who just want to kill everyone they see..

and yes I agree that it's not cool to play like this.. I certainly dont play like this..

but you know what.. you can always kill them! there is always a way out of any situation.. you just have to be patient and consider all options..

LOL, okay, I was pickpocketed by an "Impossible" character over and over until I had basically nothing left. How exactly do I get around that? Call the DM? You guys are NEVER on. I didn't ask for it, he just walked up to me and started following me around, and as he did, items just kept dissapearing. You should never put one of your server's players in a situation where the only solution to a problem is to log off, because, honestly, eventually they will just decide not to log back in. And I accept the fact that this is not NS3, as I already stated it is Howard's LOTR without the powerleveling. If that is your goal in this mod, fantastic, you got it.

Beyond that, if NS3 is no PvP as you say it is, it should be the mod with no power-leveling and NS4 should be the mod with powerleveling in place. You guys seem to have gotten it backwards.

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Post by TGPO »

Actually there is almost always a DM (or 3) on, either as DM or as a player. However calling for one and geting a response from one are entirely different. Most of the time when on as a dm we can get what is happening by what is in party chat, other times just by dropping by and observing. Also as a note "Is anyone here will never get a response" try using /dm HELP:(insert 10 word or less description of the problem).
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Post by AndrewCarr »

Hey! I'm not the only one who's had similar problems in neversummer. Just this morning our druid cast call lightning while two low levels walked up literally into our fight, and were promptly killed by the spell. I normally set everyone to like, and apparently this person hadn't, but common sense helps. Pets, for example, sometimes still take attack of opp. on players that run by, even if they're set to like, and 10d6 sneak attack dmg from a panther usually kills them...
So when these people call us dicks or losers, and in one case(luckily not mine), they call the people griefers for killing them, i have no sympathy.

And pp is on, what, a 2 sec timer? How could you not have realized that your inventory was getting emptied out?
Lindon Erithar
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