epic char rumor

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epic char rumor

Post by darkl4805 »

Lately I have been hearing a rumor that any character which is lvl 21+ is going to be set back to lvl 20. I would like to hear from a dev or dm if this is true.

I would rather spend my time testing a new build rather then working on my existing lvl 22 character if the work done on my lvl 22 is going to be level drained to 20.

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Post by AndrewCarr »

Heard it over chat from dmFire(i'm almost certain it was fire anyway), so i guess it'll happen. Unfortuantely :/
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Post by bobplaz »

You would start a brand new character because two levels are drained away from you because of Devs protecting exploiting? Pfft, that's funny.
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Post by Lothy »

exploiting isnt a big deal. so what, some people exploit stuff to get ahead. who cares, its just a game. i dont care a bit, because im not jealous. there is always going to be someone who exploits something.

i have a lvl 9 character that i play from time to time. not even interested in leveling, cuz all chars will get wiped anyway. now i hear that you cant get past lvl 20, why even bother playing then?

exploiting is not whats killing the servers. i have played on aventia for a long time. yes, there were times when people found exploits and used them. most of the players actually enjoyed finding new exploits and others were curious/respectful towards them. but then, the stupid developers started nerfing everything, items, skill points, character wipes, money laundering schemes. you want your character back - you have to donate, etc, etc. $25 for 50k exp. $25 for a custom item. thats the reason most people left aventia.

my point is that NERFS ruin the player base, not exploits. players expect to have persistent characters. they expect to keep items/xp that they earned forever. players expect the server to gradually improve over time, introduce better items. nerfing is VERY unpopular.

imo, servers should gradually expand. NS4 might start with lvl 20 items, but over period of time lvl 21 items could be introduced, lvl 22, 23 and so on.

one reason that kept aventia one of the top servers was post lvl40 bonues. when a character reaches lvl 40 they start earning bonus percentage to their damage. if lvl 40 was at 780,000 exp, lvl 41 would be at 821,000 exp. every additional level, spell duration and damage increase by small amount, melee damage does too. this is awesome tool to keep people interested and playing on a server.
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Post by dond »

it's a beta test.

you hit 20?

start a new build and see how it works. post your feedback here so the devs know what needs balancing and what needs fixing.

remember, BETA TEST!

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Post by darkl4805 »

You dont need to exploit anything to get above lvl 20. Town guards work fine for the XP. I am just saying if I am going to lose the lvls then I would like to know so I can start testing another character rather then wasting my time.

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Post by bobplaz »

Lothy wrote:exploiting isnt a big deal.

Guess we know how you hit level 22 so quick :P .
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Post by Lothy »


Guess we know how you hit level 22 so quick :P .[/quote]

my highest char is lvl 9
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Post by Jabu »

I think capping the levels at 20 is a great idea right now. The people who can make it there quick know how to play the game. What better way to beta test then to have them start a new character in a different faction and level it up?

I truly think that you guys that have the time to test more than one character are going to make a big difference to NS4. You have the ability to let the Dev's know what is working and what is not. I think that how you let them know is important. Using the bug report and not complaining on the forums is the first step.

When you have a 20th level character in all the factions you will know the beginnings of NS4 like the back of your hand. Think about how that will help you when it comes out of bets.

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Post by Mz_Shadow »

You can't nerf a mod that is in beta, it's still under development. Nerfing comes after the final release, if things are changed.

Right now it's all about balance. The areas that you are beta testing in right now is not suited for above level 20 play. That will come in the new areas soon enough.

As I have said on many occasions, expect wipes in beta, or even adjustments.

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Post by Lothy »

Mz Shadow is right. Beta is about testing/learning.

I was talking about what happens if there are constant nerfs. Aventia's downfall could be analyzed and NS4 could learn from Aventia's mistakes. I hope NS4 doesnt make such mistakes as Aventia did.
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Post by Lework »

Lothy wrote:one reason that kept aventia one of the top servers was post lvl40 bonues. when a character reaches lvl 40 they start earning bonus percentage to their damage. if lvl 40 was at 780,000 exp, lvl 41 would be at 821,000 exp. every additional level, spell duration and damage increase by small amount, melee damage does too. this is awesome tool to keep people interested and playing on a server.

One of the reasons i get tired of NWN is no matter how much you play eventually you hit lvl 40 and you can no longer improve your character, adding a feature like this would make a lot of people happy, imo.

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Post by AndrewCarr »

I'd opt for something more like alternate experience in EQ, not necessarily a whole level, but something to add to a character's abilities.

And on the lvl20+ issue, will we be able to level back up past 20th? I fear i don't get another feat at lvl20 on my ranger, and really need to take called shot, so i'll probably take my char past lvl 20 even if i have to redo it a time or two.
Lindon Erithar
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Post by Arjento »

Without starting the "Wipe" debate again...I would rather have my character who may be above lvl 20 by the time a wipe happens, reduced to lvl 20 and stripped naked of all items than starting from scratch.
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Post by DrakhanValane »

There's no point in debating about wipes since you should all be expecting them to happen at any time without warning. Even though they might be kind enough to warn us since there are so many on now.
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