Talk about Neversummer 4 with your fellow players.
Pk Bait
Posts: 89
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:19 pm


Post by Monkey »

In the last couple months I've started a bunch of new toons with the (FUN) tag as part of my ongoing effort to help make the server more FUN. I'd like to invite anyone else to join me in this effort. Here are some of the basic principles I have in mind:

1. Make lots of toons and don't be in a rush to get them to 40. With toons available at all levels you can party with anyone, anytime. When you can't find a party, make a new toon instead of trying to grind a high level toon solo.
2. Explore all factions and classes to become a more complete player and avoid getting bored of the same old builds and tactics.
3. Seek out and welcome new players to the server. Party with them. Help them learn where and how to level. Help them with gear. Encourage them to explore all factions and decide for themselves which personalities and playing styles they enjoy best. You'll make more friends and have more FUN along the way.

The Circle is my main faction because the builds (especially shifters) can be so interesting, party friendly, and FUN to play, but I enjoy playing toons in all factions. (FUN) is the tag I now use for any toon I create outside of TC. Most of my (FUN) builds are designed to be good at leveling and high level PvM. Eventually some will get to 40 and allow me to join any side in a PvP battle to help the server stay balanced and be more FUN for all. I welcome others to use the (FUN) tag for toons they make outside of their usual factions and guilds if the toons are dedicated to helping make the server more FUN for all.

Factions United for Neversummer?
Friggin' Ugly Nerds?

I don't really care what the acronym stands for. It's just for FUN.

Pk Bait
Posts: 89
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:19 pm

Pure Cleric

Post by Monkey »

A few players have told me they like the (FUN) idea and would like to build some good party toons for fun leveling, so I'll post a few here.

Please don't clutter up this thread with comments or suggestions about the build. Send me a PM if there's something you want to say about a build.

Pure Healing, Buffing, Undead Turning cleric.
No books needed.
Designed to help parties level more easily.
Maxed out Solar makes leveling 21-30 easy and provides high spot.

Travel & Healing Domains
Chaotic Good
Built in The Circle for Wisdom and Dexterity job bonuses.

13 Str
11 Dex (+1 Liberator Job)
14 Con
16 Wis (+3 levels 8, 12, 16) = 19 (+1 Liberator Job)
10 Int
17 Cha (+7 levels 4, 20, 24, 28, 32, 36, 40) = 24 (Cha mod 13 fully buffed)

20 Tumble
40 Spellcraft
43 Concentratoin
1 Open Lock
2 Search

8 Pre-Epic Feats
1 Sp. Foc. Conj.
1 Gr. Sp. Foc. Conj.
3 Power Attack
6 Divine Shield
9 Extend Spell
12 Sp. Foc. Divination
15 Gr. Sp. Focus Divination
18 Quicken Spell

7 Epic Feats
21 Dragon Knight
24 Greater Ruin
27 Epic Fortitude
30 Epic Reflexes
33 Epic Will
36 Hellball
39 Great Fortitude

6 Epic Cleric Feats
23 Epic Spell Focus: Conjuration
26 Armor Skin
29 Auto-Quicken I
32 Auto-Quicken II
35 Auto-Quicken III
38 Epic Spell Focus: Divination

AC = 70 at level 40
10 Base
4 Tumble
1 Dex
2 Armor Skin Feat
5 Deflection (Crafted Gloves)
5 Natural (Crafted Amulet)
14 +6 Heavy Armor
9 +6 Tower Shield
20 Dodge Cap
=6 Beholder Skin Boots
=13 Divine Shield
=1 Haste

Pk Bait
Posts: 89
Joined: Fri Sep 16, 2011 11:19 pm

Tailoring Crafter

Post by Monkey »

Most builds can use crafted gloves with +8 Strength and +5 Deflection AC.
Most Bards can use the crafted cloaks with +8 Charisma, +10 Taunt and +10 Perform.
This is designed to get XP quickly solo or in a group in Forest Home, then go back to Melencia to craft and upgrade gear to level 30. Make it in The Circle for easy access to Master Artisan crafting in Melencia and Forest Home through The Circle Nexus.

9 Monk (Speed, Saves, AC, Improved Evasion, Tailoring)
11 Rogue (Sneaks and Defensive Roll, Tailoring, Spot, UMD)
10 Ranger (AB, Extra Attack, Extra Feats, Dual Wielding, Spot, Animal Empathy)

Wild Elf - Lawful Neutral
Abilities at creation and fully geared
10 +8 Crafted Gloves = 18
20 +7 levels +1 Great Dexterity +8 Boots +4 Jobs and Cat's Grace = 40
8 +2 Subrace +8 Crafted Belt = 18
14 +2 Subrace +8 Crafted Amulet = 24
12 -2 Subrace +5 Merlfolk or Spot Helm =15
8 -2 Subrace +8 Crafted Cloak = 14

Skill Points = 192
33 Discipline
30 Tumble
33 Spot +7 Helm +7 Wisdom +4 job +2 Elf +3 Favored Enemy = 56 vs. Silvastalkers (TS from helm if desired)
33 Heal
19 AE (Need 25 to charm bears or silvastalkers in Forest Home, Cha mod + One With The Land Spell and/or gloves to get there)
17 UMD
13(26) Spellcraft (+3 Saves vs. Spells)
1 Open Lock

1 Rogue (1) Strong Soul
2 Rogue (2)
3 Rogue (3) Weapon Finesse
4 Ranger (1) (Favored Enemy: Animals for Silvastalkers, Mambas and Bears in FH)
5 Ranger (2)
6 Ranger (3) Blind Fight
7 Ranger (4)
8 Monk (1)
9 Monk (2) Weapon Focus: Kama
10 Monk (3)
11 Ranger (5) (Favored Enemy: Fey for Spirts and Callers in FH)
12 Monk (4) Improved Critical: Kama
13 Ranger (6)
14 Ranger (7)
15 Ranger (8) Dodge
16 Rogue (4)
17 Monk (5)
18 Monk (6) Toughness
19 Monk (7)
20 Monk (8)
21 Rogue (5) Blinding Speed
22 Rogue (6)
23 Rogue (7)
24 Rogue (8) Armor Skin
25 Ranger (9) (Improved Two-Weapon Fighting)
26 Monk (9) (Improved Evasion)
27 Rogue (9) EWF: Kama
28 Rogue (10) (Defensive Roll)
29 Rogue (11)
30 Ranger (10) (Epic Dodge instead of Favored Enemy), Great Dexterity

AB = 50
22 BAB
6 Kama
15 Dex
1 Blinding Speed
3 Feats
3 Prayer

AC = 62
10 Base
2 Armor Skin
6 Tumble
1 Monk
5 Deflection - Crafted Gloves
5 Natural - Crafted Amulet
6 Armor - Alcolyte Robes
15 Dex
7 Wis
3 Dodge - Crafted Boots
2 Blinding Speed


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