Dragonshape and feats..

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Dragonshape and feats..

Post by ashsagoon »

I've searched but I can't really find anything on this and I can't remember what the deal was. So what feats (if any) work in dragonshape? For example do the weapon focus (unarmed) and improved crit feats work with it now? I know it's been changed (before it showed the 3 attacks, now it says unarmed when shifted) but I don't know if the feats work. I thought someone had said a long time ago that improved crit worked but not the weapon feats. Does anyone know? What about the other shifter shapes with weapons, do the feats work with those weapons?
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Lokey »

Epic prowess. I think that's it.
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by diddy33 »

i thought improved critical also? psiber had dome some testing a while back, but things may have changed since then.

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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Malik »

Improved crit works with all shapes that have weapons (Which currently is every shape except dragon) you can find a list of what shape carries what on one of the many shifter threads I don't have the time to pull it up right now. Currently dragon says "unarmed" as its weapon however its weapon is a creature claw or bite (Might be keen even) I can't remember. But with that said improved critical focus isn't going to do anything for Dragon form as far as I know.
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by burrahobbit »

Improved crit unarmed does work on dragon, epic wpn focus doesnt, epic prowess does. More importantly, as they have no true sight, why would you make one? Anything a dragon might excell at, a different class does better.

My hellball throwing, greater ruin, blinding speed, stunning fist dragon will stay at 30 selling boots and belts in back ally's outside of avendell as, for all intents and purposes, dragons are worthless.
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Lokey »

Keen doesn't work on creature weapons (used to). Imp crit, focus, etc creature weapon works, but you can't take those. Imp crit, etc unarmed does not by my testing with 1.69, I don't think they ever worked with creature weapons.
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by ashsagoon »

Ok so as Lokey is the one that did all the shifting stuff I'll take his word for it that none of the feats that a player can take will work (as far as weapon focus, improved critical, epic weapon focus).
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Rufio »

ah, had the same question for someone earlier today. Was trying to figure out if weapon focus worked for an air elemental, whatever weapon it is that they use, looks like a light hammer on the inventory sheet. So is the answer no? I want to get this clear because we have been talking a lot about dragons, but nothing concise has been said about other forms. Lokey seemed to answer this, but it was a little unclear.
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Bargeld »

bring back the one handed greatsword balor!
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by DM Mystic »

The feats work where the shape has a listed wpn, in your question above yes its light hammer. Fire elemental i believe is shortsword etc etc.

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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Cijah »

For Shifter changes see ---> HERE!

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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Ragnareith »

Odd question - if a player wanted to make a dragon, and have access to weapon foci and improved critical with the dragon's creature weapon, could the player take those feats for unarmed, and then somehow have the creature versions added to their feat list while they're in shifted form? Perhaps via some invisible, automatically equipped inventory item that grants those certain feats.
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by VagaStorm »

Is the shifter druid dragon the same as the RDD dragon? Or are those diffrent? If so, what are the stats on the RDD one and is he worth it?
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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Nyeleni »

I think the only dragon worth it at the moment is the shifter one, because of fear.

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Re: Dragonshape and feats..

Post by Korr »

If I recall the RDD dragon gets fear too
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