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Post by kain124 »

First off I want to apologize for what my time off forum became. I simply wanted to announce that I would be leaving for awhile, I did not want or expect it to turn into what it did. I did feel that people should know why I was leaving so I gave an explanation. Linux my post about you being part of the problem simply meant you were guilty by association, not that you were showing favoritism or handing out epic items like candy.

To all dm's it is nothing personal against you for the most part you can't control who's on your server, but I will let you know that I am not the only person that feels the way I do, and probably won't be the last to leave. I wanted to keep this out of the clad forums this time.

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Re: Apologies

Post by Fezz »

I only want to say a few things on this.

1st - I am not never have been or had an MD tagged toon.

2nd - You said in your CLAD posts that the server is dominated by LA/XMD ppl and that no one else can play. How is this server unplayable for non LA people, you are confusing cant level AS fast because we never have the relics with playing. Remember tashasha the spunky chick with all them lvl 40 drow or dragon toons some were both drow dragons ECL 3 ? she has the most 40's on this server and guess what - she hardly had a relic bonus mate , was playable for her.

3rd - power at be favourites. Well what can be said on this, there are many many rumours floating around about this stuff. What i would like to say is dont forget that dm's , devs, etc are actual people too and suffer from personality clashes and what not. The flip side of which is DM's can and do find players that they just get on better with for any number of reasons.

Not to take a dig at chase but he rubs some players up the wrong way with his porting events, or his hill bandit etc and some players cant stand him. Other players love these events they love the hill bandit. (Chase used for illustration only, stay the hell away from me Auril)

to sum up, take a break Kain i have done so often, sometimes a week sometimes 6 months things can and do change. But try and take the MD thing out of it - this could of happened anywhere and kinda has, there is nothing stoping all non X MD from running off to the circle or somewhere and making a toon, then who would have the numbers ??
Good Day!, I Said GOOD DAY !

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Re: Apologies

Post by disastro »

take a break, you'll be back with some more perspective about the *GAME* and feeling better about it all. 99% of the time folks who do the "Bigtime Bubye!!!" post are the ones who are still attached to the game, and eventually return after taking some needed time off.

the ones who REALLY leave, do so because they've already lost all attachment to the game and just... vanish. when a day becomes a week becomes a month that you've simply forgotten to log on, or you don't exactly remember the last time you logged, or even the last time you thought about the last time you logged...

that's when you're gone. the game leaves YOU.

so... have a nice break ;)

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Re: Apologies

Post by cRaZy8or5e »

We'll be waiting for ya bro. Go rest, relax, take the wife out, read a book, forget we existed, then come back refreshed and ready to crusade against whoever stands against the righteousness of Justice and Balance :). Or come back ready to explore and enjoy Aetheria some more without crusading. Just make sure ya come back ;). Too many hours of gameplay for you to up and abandon us ;).
"Nobody Expects the Northern Inquisition!!!!"
-Blystos Re-


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