General balancing problems

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Post by Throst54 »

it's not hard to get yoruself high saves at all.. even w/o monk and/or paladin lvls...

just build your stats evened out so u at the very least don thave negatives in dex/con/wis then @ first lvl take one or more of the following feats: luck of heros, snake blood, or strong soul. then, also, later take feats such as iron will, lightning reflexes, and great fortitude... etc etc

give up those that extra 2 points in str.. u can do well w/ 16 str and not 18 str... put those other point u wud have put in2 str somewhere else...
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Post by AndrewCarr »

May take the +4 will save feat later on, when I get the chance. Do have a bunch of other stuff to take first, but i can luckily fit it in.

Bard i plan on taking to lvl 3 soon, but lvl 4 won't be until my 40th lvl. Any more and i'd just have a semi strong bard song, with no spells, and less ranger feats and hp unfortunately. Going to look for ao helms soon though as apparently they're good. Just trying to get my will saves up to a survivable leve. It sucks getting deathed by effortless pcs and easy ghaeles :/
Lindon Erithar
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Post by Chimaira »

Its not possible to get saves up to the point where you can have a decent chance at saving an equal lvl mages spells. Even mages themselves (excluding sorc/pally). BUT mages have spell mantle, immunity spells etc, same for clerics. THIS is the reason no saves on items are unbalanced. Someone should be able to choose between save items and skill point items for instance. And immunity + resistance in a PvP mod is plain stupid and I wont bother trying to explain why again.

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Hieroneus Maxim
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Post by Hieroneus Maxim »

A pure fighter cannot get good saves without equipment that gives saves. Yes, I have built fighter/CoT/DD builds (official campaign, not NS4 due to 2 PrCs...try pally??) that have good saves. But then again, a very significant portion of this is from CoT, which is limited by faction in NS4. I took spellcraft as a cross-skill, remember that it is your skill check, not ranks. Then another +2 for dwarf, and a few saves feats. I had some saves that were very respectable with no equipment...with modest equipment I would only fail on a 1. But without CoT or saves equipment, there is little chance for a pure fighter.

Unfortunately, fighters are IMHO the most item dependent class. While this is ok if items are balanced in the world, it is very bad when casters can get physical immunities but fighters can't get save boosts, elemental resistances, or protections (free movement, true sight, etc.). It irks me that getting 30% slashing immunity w/ 5 slashing resistance is so easy, yet nothing equivalent exists for a fighter's low will save. Fighters and casters could be reasonably balanced if items were changed and monsters had more resistances against casters.

Also, it is interesting to see another player who is rated very difficult...and his summon is overpowering. What's with that?
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Post by Chimaira »

Basicly if you want to stand a chance in PvP your choice is limited at: paladins/bards/clerics/sorcerers/druids/wizards.
A CoT might save every spell a sorc throws at him, but a CoT cant even damage a sorc with the immunities there are now.

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Post by AndrewCarr »

I've been doing ok in pvp, i would be doing much better but i unfortunately used all my disjunct scrolls on dragons last night. And nr Chase I believe completely destroyed two okies of comparable lvl today, so fighters vs casters doesn't seem to be terribly imbalanced(as he rushed up on them)
Lindon Erithar
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Post by ATI »

Yup. I seem to have no problem in PvP either. Although there are some problems, just let them get ironed out in the Ideas and suggestions forum. not here.
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